Winter break!!
Yay!! Our 8 days of Winter break started yesterday. As our school is open Tue to Sun, having time off for more than two days means a lot to us. We just went to Yokohama yesterday to buy some furnitures for the classroom. And today, we started working on the wall downstairs. Yes I know... our house is only one and a half years old and , the wall has cracks EVERYWHERE!! To begin with, we applied putty on those cracks. We're gonna let it dry over night and sand them tomorrow, then finally painting starts. We got cracks upstairs, too. But we have to do the down stairs first as we can't do it when the school is open. I hope we can get it done in time! How are you spending the end of year??
Ocean; Before/After !?

Christmas tree
Role playing
As we believe reading and writing skills are essential, we teach those in the classroom all the time. However, conversational skills are also as important as those skills. Therefore, we taught our kids some very usueful conversational phrases this week and had them create short role-plays. Some kids were so into this assignment and we enjoyed watching it very much!!
Sorry guys who actually check in this blog for not updating it as often as I used to!! I promise I will update the blog at leaset every 2-3days from now on!!!
Halloween Pary 2009 is over!!
Night at Wilson's American English
Halloween decoration is done!

Here is our Thursday 5th graders' class. They are learning "location" words right now. Their goal for now in speaking area is just to get use to say things in English and also respond smoothly. For the grammer area, they've already learned all the basics(verbs, ~ing...) and they handled it pretty well. There are a few kids who had never learned English until they came to us, but they are keeping up well too. They are so curios about things and easy to teach.
The Storm is Gone~!
ココ2-3日の間に、大量に例のパーティーのためのグッズがウィルソン家に届いています。最近はめっぽうインターネットショッピングのお世話になってしまっている私たち。何を買うにも、とりあえずネットでの価格をチェックしてから購入する、というほどの気の入れようなのです(笑) 雨も去ってくれたことですし、次のお休みにはやっと家をハロウィン仕様に飾りつけすることができそうです☆ また写真もUPしますね~!!
Looks like the storm is out of this area. I couldn't sleep last night because of all the noises from the outside.. It's still a little windy but the Autumn sky definately makes me feel very refreshed. I feel so relieved that I can walk Scotch like usual again.
For this past few days, we've been receiving many boxes of stuff for the party. We are totally into internet shopping lately. We even check for prices online before we actually purchase anything at stores. Now that the rain is gone, we can finally decorate our house in a Halloween theme!! Look forward to the pictures!!
3rd-4th grader class!
Here is our Friday's 3rd-4th grader kids. Half a class was a little anxious and less confident at first, but they are doing better and better. We are working on their speaking skills right now. I'm looking forward to seeing their improvement.
Shopping time!!
This is our 1st-2nd grader class. One of their favorite activities is shopping. They practice saying what they want, how many they want smoothly. They are getting better every time! We sometimes make kids do the store person. Everybody is doing a great job!

Students started asking us if we are having a Halloween Party this year. I recall we were nowhere near to be able to host a party in October last year since our school just opened up. But this year, it looks like we can make it possible!! Luckly, one of the moms of our kinder student owns a cafe not too far from here.. so we are thinking about renting the place and invite everyone to the party~! I was a bit worried about hosting a party since I have never done it before,, but as I started planning, things started looking very exciting! haha! We will keep you guys updated on this~!!
This is the flag!
Visiting my friend in Chiba
Wayne's Dad went back to America
★Wayne's Daddy and Kids★
Wayne's Dad is Here!!
Wayne's Dad's coming!
今週の私たちはちょっとソワソワしています。というのは、あさってウェインのお父様が日本初上陸!だからなのです。しかもたったの3泊!!短かすぎっ(苦)!!香港での仕事を終えてぱっと日本に立ち寄ってくれることになったので、来られるだけでも喜ぶべきなのですが、それにしても中2日で、私たちの授業も連日あるので、遠出はとりあえず無理(涙)。到着日の17日は成田に私たちが迎えに行き、彼の好きなHardRockCafeに行くことになっています。成田空港のそばにたまたまあってくれて良かった~!20日にアメリカに帰ってしまうので、また成田まで運転です。忙しいですが、成田空港はお店がいっぱいあって私は大好きです(笑) まさに世界の窓口にふさわしいあの国際的な空気がたまりません☆ お父様が到着しましたらまたここで画像などUPしますね~!!
It's rainy today! Seems like the summer is officially behind us! I feel a little sad on this kind of day.
We are a little anxious this week because Wayne's father is coming to Japan for the first time day after tomorrow for ONLY 3 nights!! How short!! Well, he is stopping by just to see us after finishing his work in HongKong, so we should be apprecitive. We will have only two days to do anything, and we probably won't be able to take him anywhere far since we have regular classes on Friday. We are planning to go to Wayne's dad's favorite place HardRock Cafe near the airport on 17th when he arrives. We are so glad to find one by Narita! He is going back to America on 20th, so we have to make a trip to Naria again on that day.. It's gonna be busy, but I love Narita airport and love the international atmosphere there. I will upload some pictures when daddy gets here!

Fall is here~!!
★A life with animals★
オーシャンが我が家にやってきて2週間が経過しました。スコッチともすっかり仲良くなり、毎日レスリングを繰り広げています。オーシャンは自分の何倍も大きなスコッチに勇敢に立ち向かう超ヤンチャ坊主です。私にはアメリカで7年間飼っていたオス猫のフィガロがおりました。彼は私たちが日本に引っ越してくるひと月前に私がアメリカ生活を無事終えるを見届け、まるで役目を果たした守護神のように亡くなってしまいました。動物には人間にはない不思議な力があると思っています。辛いとき、誰にかけられる慰めの言葉より、ただそばにいてくれる動物に一番元気付けられたりするんです。私もフィガロがそばにいてくれてどれだけ助けられたか。。日本に帰ってきて、この動物達を迎えて暮らしていけることをとても幸せに思っています。毎日この子たちには笑顔をもらっています。スコッチは教室の子供達にもいっぱい笑顔を与えてくれています。スコッチも毎日2階からみんなの姿を覗くのを楽しみにしています(^^) オーシャンもこれからだね♪ ビデオは我が家のレスラーたちです(苦)
ところで、私たちと一緒に始動した当時3年生、現在4年生のみんなが、この1年間で一般動詞/進行形の入った文の読み書きまでをこなすようになりました!ABCから始まって、みんな本当によく頑張ってくれたと思っています。ここまで早く達成したかったのです。ここからは、What, Where, Whyといった疑問符を加えたりしながらどんどん英語に幅を利かせていくことができます。これで、アメリカの子供用のショートストーリーも理解できるようになっていくわけです。これからが本当に楽しみで、私たちもワクワクしている今日この頃です♪ 他のみんなも頑張ろう!!
drift day