

I planted Clematis last year in our tiny tiny backyard. And right now, they are beautifully in full bloom. It looked completely dead during the Winter as it dropped all its leaves,, but came back with the new green leaves as Spring approached. They make me feel so happy. It's just so nice to feel the season by plants around you.

Golden week in Shimoda

2日に鈍行列車にのって夫婦で下田まで行ってきました。思ったより遠かった~(汗) 熱海から伊東線でさらに南に100分。トータルで3時間半かかってやっと到着しました。海のある景色がとても美しく、当日は快晴でとても気持ちの良い下田観光ができました。黒船をモチーフにした改札口がとても印象的でした。
On May 2nd, we took a train to visit Shimoda. Shimoda was further than we thought! We had to take an another 100 min train ride from Atami station to Shimoda. Total travel time was 3 and an half hours. The ocean view was so beautiful and it was such a fine day to enjoy the little town. I liked the exit booth that was made to look like Kurohune(black ship).