
World Cup ends for Japan


Did you guys watch the soccer game last night? We usually don't care for watching sports, but this world cup soccer is definately doing something to get us very excited! We've watched games the U.S. or Japan were in, but also been watching all other games as well almost every night.
Last night's game was amazing. It was just an impeccable 120 min game with Paraguay. It was pretty disappointing that they had to make the winner out of PK in the end. As many media've been saying, Japanese team had this great harmony among them. They left us such a positive energy although they didn't win the match.
Next world cup socccer is 4 years away...!!! How overwhelming!
We just felt that if we create more events like this where people from all over the world can get together and share the excitement, the world would be a better place.. what do you think?



アメリカのお友達から荷物が届きました。私がほしかったチーズ味の濃いアメリカのチートス、、グラノラ、ウェインがほしかったグレープジャム(日本になかなか無いんですよね~)。ほかにもチップスや、鉛筆など、、箱に沢山はいっていて興奮してしまいました。友達ってすばらしぃですね~(涙) 私たちも早速なにか日本のモノを送ってあげようと思います! ありがと~ぅ!!

We just received a box from our friend in the U.S. Cheetos with strong cheese flavor, granola and grape jelly that Wayne wanted(very hard to find in JPN). More chips and pencils,,, so many stuff was in the box and it made us so excited!! It's just great to have a great friend! We are planning to send some Japanese goodies for them! Thank you soooooo much!!!




Ocean is just so realxed and makes me feel melted... He has several relaxing spots throughout the house.


Sports festival at Aojima elem.

今日は、青島小学校の運動会でした。昨年は私の急な渡米で見に行くことが出来ず、とても残念な思いをしていたので、今年の運動会は私にとって待ちに待ったチャンスでした^^ すべての子供たちにはもちろん会えませんでしたが、教室に来ている何人かの子供たちが声をかけてくれ、とても嬉しかったです。炎天下で頑張って演技している子供たちがとても印象的でした。みんな頑張ったね!

We went to see a sports festival at Aojima elementary school today. Since I couldn't go see it last year because of my urgent trip to the U.S, I was so looking forward to going to this event this year! Although we didn't get to see all of our students, some of our children came up to us to say hello. It was very impressive to see those kids performing under the hot sun! Good job guys!



教室に通っているShota君のママは、スウィーツのプロです!!時々私たちにホームメイドのお菓子をもってきてくださいます。もうおいしくておいしくて・・・(*^0^*) 今日は、こんな素敵なパウンドケーキ!!しかもこんなに沢山ッ!本当にありがとうございます。スウィーツ大好きな私にはたまらないサプライズでした。Shotaママは、去年のクリスマスにはクリスマスケーキを持ってきてくださったんですよ。こんな素敵なママ、うらやましぃですね~~☆

Our student Shota's mom is a sweets pro!! She brings us her home made sweets sometimes and they are so yummy! Today, she brought us this great pound cakes! and there are whole bunch of them! Thank you very very much! This is just an irresistible surprise for sweets lover like me. She even brought us a Christmas cake for the last Christmas. It must be so nice to have a mother like this!