
The party is OVER!!

パーティーが終わりました~~!ふぅ~~っ!今年は、小学校2年生までと、3年生以上とにグループ分けしてのパーティーだったので、去年よりもレースやゲームがスムーズに管理できたような気がします。ママやパパたちが協力してくださったおかげで、パーティーは一応成功!といっていいかな?パーティーが終わるのを待っていたかのように雨が降って来て驚きました。キャンディーが思った以上に余ってしまったので、教室でまた子供たちに配ろうと思います(笑) みんなにとっていい思い出になってくれたことを願っています。 とりあえず、今夜はゆっくり休みたい私たちです。 明日スライドショーをアップしますね!!来てくれたみなさん、ありがとう!

The party is over!! Phew! I think we managed kids better this year since we devided them in two groups. Thank to helper moms and dads, the party was a big success! I think! It was surprising that it started raining almost as soon as the party was over. We got bunch of candy left overs, so I guess we will give them away in the classes LOL I hope our kids made a good memory today. Anyways, please let us rest tonight... I will upload a slide show tomorrow! Thank you guys for coming today!

Final preparation in progress!!

は~~っ。暦の上では日にちが変わって今日がハロウィン。今午前1時半を回るところです。。。。私たちはいまだにパーティーの準備におわれています>< 大量のTrick or Treating用のキャンディーの仕分け作業が先ほどやっとおわりました。明日は早起きして忘れていた小道具の買い足しです(汗) どうかパーティーが無事に終わりますように。

Ughhhhhh!! The date's changed and it is technically a Halloween day today.. The clock says it is past 1:30am... and we are still not finished with the party preparation. We just finished dealing with tons of candies for trick or treating. We still have to get up in the morning to get some stuff we forgot to get for the event. I hope the party will be a success!



このブログを更新している今この時に、東の空に大きな虹がでています。そして西の空には雨雲を割って青空が見えています。どうやら、台風が明日のパーティーの前に去ってくれそうです^^ 今週は、子供たちに「宿題は、パーティーで雨にならないように祈ること!!雨降ったら皆のせいっ!」と言ってきたのですが、どうやら皆宿題をやってくれたみたいです。それにしてもこの大きな虹、美しいですね。虹を見るとなんだかとっても幸せな気持ちになる私です。

This very moment as I'm updating this blog, there is a huge rainbow in the east sky. You can also see some blue sky between the rain clouds in the west. Looks like the storm will be gone before the tomorrow's party. I was telling kids this week "your homework will be to pray for no rain on the party day or I will blame it all on you guys!" I guess they really did their homework. Anyhow, what a huge and beautiful rainbow! Everytime I see rainbows, I feel extra happy.


Conversation class

昨夜は、大人の英会話クラス(高校生以上対象)で小さなハロウィンパーティーをしました。昨年は何もしなかったので、今回は何かしたいと思っていたのです。私はメキシカン料理を用意し、クラスのみなさんはお菓子や手作りケーキを持ちよってくれました。一時間ちょっとのパーティーでしたが、色々な話ができてとっても楽しかったです☆ 決して大きなクラスではないのですが、皆なかよくほのぼのとしていて私たちのお気に入りです。この友情がクラスを超えてずっと続くことを願っています。

Last night, we had a little Halloween party for our conversation class(highschool & up). Since we didn't do anything for them last year, we wanted to do something this time. I prepared some Mexican dish and the students brought snacks and some home made cakes. We enjoyed it very much although the party was just a little over an hour. It's not a big class at all, but it is one of our favorite classes with such a pleasant atomosphere. We hope the friendship will go beyond the student-teacher relationship and last for a long time.


Pray pray prayyyy!!!

ロサンゼルスに住んでいた時も、ほぼ毎年ハロウィンが雨だったのを覚えています。子供たちがショッピングモールでtrick or treatingをやっていたものです。なんだか今年はお天気に振り回されっぱなしです。

Yikes!! Seems like it's gonna rain on Halloween day!!! Please please PLEASE Mr. Storm, avoid crossing Shizuoka on Halloween day!!
I remember that it almost always rained on Halloween in Los Angeles. I used to see kids trick-or-treating inside the shopping malls. Gosh, weather this year absolutely drives me crazy!!


Halloween decoration @ 喫茶 かんてら

ああ~~。。 午前1時をまわっています。。今日は、ハロウィンパーティー会場になるかんてらさんにハロウィンの飾りつけに行ってきました。カフェ内にクモの巣をはったり、フラッグを取り付けたり・・・・。ハロウィンの雰囲気がでてきました◎ あとは当日に仕上げるのみ。あとあと一週間でパーティーか~!早く無事に始まって無事に終わってもらいたいものです。今週はこのことで頭がいっぱいになりそうです。

Ughhhh, it's past 1am!! Earlier today, we went to decorate Kantera where we're holding our Halloween party. We put some spider webs and flags up and created some Halloween atmosphere there. We're gonna finish it up on the party day. We got only one week to go til the big day!! I hope everything will go smoothly. I think my head will be all about Halloween party this week.


Animals are therapy

最近なかなか夜寝付けません>< 毎晩寝付くのは午前2時頃でしょうか。。昨夜はふと私の枕の横で息子たちが仲良く眠っていました。あまりにかわいらしくて癒されました。

I've been having a hard time sleeping lately.. It is almost 2 am by the time I finally fall asleep. Last night, I saw our two boys sleeping together next to my pillow. That was so cute and made me feel so warm.


Time flies!!!


Am I the only one who feels that time flies? Weekends just come right back at me before I know it for this past months. The kids who started with us are now 5th and 6th graders. I wonder how many of them will actually continue with us when they start jr. highschool. Life style changes a lot as they start jr. high. More hours will be dedicated to the club activities as well and I hear that that is the time most kids start cram schools. If it's possible, we'd love to see them all the way to their high school age, but there is nothing we can do about it. Anyways, time does fly!!


Halloween props and candies and and ....

ハロウィンの準備に追われてます>< 今日も昼間にパーティーの景品の準備をしていました。アメリカからもザックザックとキャンディーたちが届いています。私たちの教室の子は幸せですね~。。。なんて自分で思ってしまいます。ウェインの作っていたビーンバッグトスゲームのボードも完成しました。パーティーで実際に試すのが楽しみです☆ 毎年少しずつ小道具も増え、内容も充実していければいいなと思っています。

We've been so wrapped up in this Halloween preparation!! I was working on prizes for the party earlier today. Bunch of candies are arriving from the US as well. Our kids are so lucky!! Wayne's project of pumpkin boards is finished. We can't wait to try them at the party with kids. Hopefully the quality of our party will improve as years go by.


Isn't this an abuse?


We went out for lunch today at a family restaurant in our neighborhood and witnessed something very shocking. There was a boy who looked about a year old with his mother and grandmother eating in the "smorking section." In fact, his mother was smoking cigarette right next to him. Someone could have called police if it was in the states. I wonder if this parent doesn't have any common sense that cigarette smoke could give people's,, especially the children's small bodies a seriously negative influence. To me, having smorking section in family restaurants is already incomprehensible and very shameful fact of this country. As California, where I lived was very strict on smorking in that all the restaurants and public facilities and the surrounding areas were prohibiting smorking, I find this situation in Japan very difficult and unforgivable.


Writing time, kids!!!


Our goal for kids, on top of the speaking skill with native person, is to "read/write" without hesitation. We tried mini white boards on our kids the other day which we just got from Wayne's Mom. Kids seemed to be more engaged in it as it was a bit different from writing in their notebooks. Look at their serious faces!! They all started here in this April. They are following the lines and all!!  How cute!


DYI ideas for Halloween


Wayne is so engaged in making halloween party props right now. Our house decoration's got some hand-made stuff by him, and he is now making pumpkin boards for a bean bag toss game for the party. He went to a home improvement center to get some wood boards and drew pumpkins on them today. I guess he is going to paint them over this weekend although I heard that the weather might be unfriendly again. I just watch him work and get excited about how they will turn out. Those pumpkin's eyes, noses and mouths will be cut out for kids to throw beanbags in. Sounds fun!!


Halloween decoration is pretty much done!

この週末で、一気に我が家をハロウィン仕様にチェンジしました。天気もあまりよくなかったりで大変でしたが、今日の午後にやっとひとまずひと段落です。長いハシゴを使ってなかなか大変な作業でしたが、ウェインが頑張ってくれました。あとは10月31日までスパイダーたちに頑張って壁にくっついていてもらいたいものです。 皆様のコメントおまちしてますっ!!

We worked on our Halloween decoration over this past weekend. Since the weather wasn't too friendly, it was not too easy to do all the jobs, but looks like we are pretty much finished with our project for now. Wayne did a great job using a tall ladder. We just hope that those spiders will stay on the wall okay until the end of October. Post us some comments if you can!