心残りだったのは今日が今年最後のレッスンだった為すべてキャンセルしなければならなかったこと。なんとか今日まではもってほしかったのですが、ベビ男くんが我慢できなかったみたいです。 産まれて来る瞬間まで痛みと戦っていましたが、すべて終わってくれてホッとしてます。また後日写真をUPします。
Today at 2am, my water broke and we rushed to the hospital. and our baby arrived at 5:02pm!
One regret was that today was the very last day of class this year and we had to cancel them all. I wish the baby held off for another day but I guess he couldn't wait any longer. I was in great pain all the way til the baby was out, but I am so relieved that it's over!! I will upload some baby pics later!
Hot chocolate
掃除の後は、ウェインと2人でホットチョコレートを飲みました。マシュマロを浮かせて飲むのがアメリカ式(^_^) よく向こうのコンビニで仕事の合間に買ってたなー。懐かしい気持ちになりました~(*^^*)
We took down all the Christmas stuff yesterday. It's kind of a relief that all those events are over at least until next Halloween.
After the clean-up, we had hot chocolates with marshmallow which is an American style. I used to buy them at convenience store in the states between my works. It brought back memories(*^^*)

掃除の後は、ウェインと2人でホットチョコレートを飲みました。マシュマロを浮かせて飲むのがアメリカ式(^_^) よく向こうのコンビニで仕事の合間に買ってたなー。懐かしい気持ちになりました~(*^^*)
We took down all the Christmas stuff yesterday. It's kind of a relief that all those events are over at least until next Halloween.
After the clean-up, we had hot chocolates with marshmallow which is an American style. I used to buy them at convenience store in the states between my works. It brought back memories(*^^*)
When is the big day?!
妊娠38週目に入っています・・・・。私の予定では、そろそろ産まれてきてくれるはずだったのに、、、体中痛いですが、産まれてくる兆候は・・・無し(涙)!! はあ、このままじゃ、大きなおなかのままお正月を迎えてしまうのでは、、とかなり凹んでいるわたしです。どうかどうか、今年中に産まれてきてくれますように、Mr. Baby!!
I'm on the 38th week of my pregnancy. I was actually expecting to give birth by now,, but even with this pain throughout my body, I don't have any symptom that leads to delivery. I'm worried that I could stay this way until new year's day! Please please please Mr. Baby boy, come out before this year ends!!!!
I'm on the 38th week of my pregnancy. I was actually expecting to give birth by now,, but even with this pain throughout my body, I don't have any symptom that leads to delivery. I'm worried that I could stay this way until new year's day! Please please please Mr. Baby boy, come out before this year ends!!!!
Kinda sucks!!
ちょっとまえから気になっていたというか、、残念に思っていることがあります。映画館で、字幕の映画が少なくなってきていると思いませんか?上映されているとしても、その日の上映の一番最後だったり、平日の夜だったり、、、。私は昔から、外国の映画なら、オリジナルの音源(英語)に日本語字幕で観るのが当たり前だと思っていました。でも最近は上映されているほとんどの外国映画は日本語に吹き替えられたものばかり・・・。非常に残念です。 子供にはきっと受けがいいのかもしれませんが、それにしても、字幕映画の上映数が少なすぎるような気がします。10年前は持ち込み禁止のところも多かった日本の映画館も、最近はポップコーンやソーダが売られてアメリカンになってきている傍ら、上映する映画は日本語吹き替え版ばかり・・・。ほんとに残念でなりません><
There is one thing that's been kind of bothering me lately. Don't you think there are less and less movies with subtitles in the movie theaters? Even they do play movies with subtitles, they play them at the end of their business hours or late night slots on weekdays. I have always thought that we are supposed to see foreign movies with their original voices with Japanese subtitle. But in recent years, I notice that they play more Japanese dubbed ones... which is very disappointing. It's understandable that kids would like it better, but still they play way too much Japanese-dubbed movies. It is especially disappointing to me as there are more theaters allowing popcorns and sodas in the theaters like ones in the states, yet the movies they play are all in Japanese!! Gosh I'm annoyed!
There is one thing that's been kind of bothering me lately. Don't you think there are less and less movies with subtitles in the movie theaters? Even they do play movies with subtitles, they play them at the end of their business hours or late night slots on weekdays. I have always thought that we are supposed to see foreign movies with their original voices with Japanese subtitle. But in recent years, I notice that they play more Japanese dubbed ones... which is very disappointing. It's understandable that kids would like it better, but still they play way too much Japanese-dubbed movies. It is especially disappointing to me as there are more theaters allowing popcorns and sodas in the theaters like ones in the states, yet the movies they play are all in Japanese!! Gosh I'm annoyed!
Christmas Activity Week
Last week, we had our kids decorate Christmas stockings for the second half of their lessons. This is our 3rd Christmas and this activity is our 3rd time;-) We don't have a Christmas party, but we always put little gift in this stockings and give them to our students in Christmas week. Our classroom is now very Christmasy with the tree and stockings on the wall.
We finally did our Christmas illumination. Since we are always busy with our own stuff on Sundays, we tend to put our school stuff off til later time. But, we did it finally!
As our Halloween decoration was a little too much, it felt like putting Chrismas decoration was done in no time. We are debating on the Santa Clause that we had on the wall last year. He got blown by the wind way too much and needs some repairs on his clothes. Poor thing.
Our classroom got a Chrismastree out too and it finally feels like a Chrismas season!
うれしぃですね~~☆ 私たちの教室に来ている受験生3人が全員英検準2級に合格しました!2次試験前夜に何度も面接の練習をしたかいがありました~(^_^) 一人は、学習塾が終わってから教室に駆けつけてくれました。 今月どこかにごちそうに連れて行ってあげようと思います。本当に良く頑張ってくれました。思えば中学に入って初めて英語に触れました、といって2008年に入ってきた子もいたこの3人組。。私たちの教室が始まってから2年半の間ずっと同じクラスでやってきました。ウェインとのやり取りも楽しそうですし、彼らには誇りをもっている私たちです。
Great!!! All of our 3 jr high 3rd graders passed Eiken pre-2!! Yay!! I guess the intensive training we had the night before the intervew was well worth it!! One of the kids rushed to our class as soon as he was done with his cram school. I think we are going to treat them nice lunch or dinner this month. They really did a good job! When they started in 2008, one of them didn't even have any English background until entering Jr high. They have always been together since then.. They really enjoy conversation with Wayne every week and we are so proud of them.
Great!!! All of our 3 jr high 3rd graders passed Eiken pre-2!! Yay!! I guess the intensive training we had the night before the intervew was well worth it!! One of the kids rushed to our class as soon as he was done with his cram school. I think we are going to treat them nice lunch or dinner this month. They really did a good job! When they started in 2008, one of them didn't even have any English background until entering Jr high. They have always been together since then.. They really enjoy conversation with Wayne every week and we are so proud of them.
投稿 (Atom)