梅雨が明け実家の裏庭では今年もクマゼミの羽化が始まっています。何年も土の中でこの時を待っていたセミの幼虫君たちが人生のクライマックスにに向けて一生懸命な姿は涙ものです(´Д` ) 息子が2-3歳くらいになったらきっと一緒にこれを観るんだろうな~。
As the rain season is behind us, cicadas started coming out in my parents' backyard. Watching the climax of their lives as they are turning into adult cicadas after being in the dirt for years makes me a little emotional. I suppose I will be watching this with my son when he gets his toddler age..
Summer is here!
hot hot hot!!
なんという達成感!?今日一日エアコン無しで過ごしました(笑) 私達の生活スペースである2階は熱がこもり温室状態でしたが、窓全開+扇風機で乗り切りました。教室もエアコン無しでレッスンしましたが、子供達は学校がNoエアコンなので慣れた様子でした^^; さすが! というわけで寝る時だけは28度設定で快眠させて頂きます。。。。Good night!!
What a sense of achievement?! We got through today with no AC! Our upstairs was super hot like a greenhouse, but we survived with open windows and fans. We even had classes without AC but kids didn't to seem to care as they don't have AC at their school anyways. Amazing! Anyhow, could you please at least let us sleep with AC at 28℃.. ? night night!
Crocs crocs crocs!!
This is a snap I took during 4th grader class on Thu 5pm. Look! All 8 kids came in Crocs shoes! Aren't they kinda cute all in different colors? Crocs are even popular in adults as well although I don't own a pair. Should I give 'em a try?!