というわけで、2012年初のブログ更新です。もう一月も終わりですので、お正月気分も吹っ飛んでおりますが、皆様は良い年末年始を過ごされましたか? 私たちは、教室の家具を入れ替えたりと、2週間お休みがありましたが、遠出という遠出もせずこの辺で過ごしておりました。2週間お休みがあると、だんだん不安になってしまいます。『みな、お休みが終わったら教室に戻ってきてくれるのだろうか?!』と。。でも心配は無用でした。みんな元気に教室にカムバックしてくれました。良かった(^=^)。
今年はどんな一年になるのでしょうか。息子が産まれて一年が今まで以上に早く感じられました。2012年は分校を開くことを目標に今計画をねっています。どこかに素敵な人材がいないかな?今探しております。『英語が好きで、子供が好き』プラスアルファ―な先生候補、募集中です!! 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。
Oops,,, I did it again; abandonning my blog..! Well, I never meant to abondon my blog. It was just that we had been going thrugh a lot since classes started again. For all the fans of Ayako's blog(if there are any lol), SORRY for the wait!!
Anyways,, this is the first blog update for the year of 2012. It's already the end of January and I know the excitement of new year is already gone by now .... Did you all have a good holiday season? During our 2 weeks break, we rearranged the classroom with new tables and chairs and cleaned out the messy waiting room instead of going somewhere far.
Having such a long break made me a bit worried,,, I started to think if kids would come back to our school.... but that was totally unnecessary. They did come back like always!!
I wonder what 2012 has in the store. Time flies by even faster after we had our son.. One of our ambition for this year is to open up the second school... or at least to get close for that to happen.. hopefully we will find some good teacher candidates who are not just liking English and kids but also got something more. Wish us luck!
Thank you in advance everyone for the continuing support for the new year.