New books New school year!
Darn it, I was so unaware of this....! The new edition of Jr high text books are coming out for this school year. Since I make all the study mateials, I guess I have to renew everything.. Owww well, change is not a bad thing! As far as I skimmed though the books, the expressions they use seemed a little more natural. Difficulty level however, is about the same and they now use very Anime-like characters. Hopefully those changes will influence kids in positive way. We, Japan is very behind in terms of the effective English education in Asia region which is pretty shameful as we are concidered a developed country. I strongly hope that there will be more kids being interested in getting out of this tiny island to learn English and see the world!!
Sorry for the be-lated announcement.
この度、私たちの教室が『英検準会場』として認められました。つまり、教室で英検が実施できるというわけです!!うれしいですね。今までは、レンタカーをして送迎したり、子供たちもパパ、ママにそれぞれ静岡の会場まで送迎をお願いしていたのですが、これからは、教室に来てくれれば英検が受けられます。なんと便利! 6月は新年度始まって間もないということもあり、10月より教室にて英検を開始しようと思っています。 みんな頑張って勉強しよう!
Sorry we are a little late to let you guys know about this,, but we are now approved of EIken sub-testing location which means that we can offer Eiken test at our school!! We no longer have to worry about renting a van or asking parents to send their kids to Shizuoka Eiken locations.. Phew what a convenience! As June is a bit too soon after the new school year begins, we are planning to start Eiken in Oct. Let's study hard and get ready guys!
A guest speaker!
初めは「きゃーどうしよー」「むりむりー!」なんて騒いでいた子供達でしたが、「What's your name?」や「What food do you like?」 などシンプルな質問に頑張って返答していました。教室からは笑い声がたえず、皆初めてのウェイン以外の外国人さんに大興奮だったようです。今コネを駆使して色々な外国人の方に声をかけています。来年度の私たちに乞うご期待d(^_^o)
We have been planning to welcome some international guest speakers for this coming school year in order to give our kids an opportunity to use their English to communicate people from all over the world. Yesterday, we experimented it by inviting Wayne's friend from Italy to our 2nd grade class. Kids were very nervous at first saying "Ughh I don't know what to do!" or "No no no! I can't do it!" ... but they managed to answer simple questions like "What is your name?" or "What food do you like?" The class was full of laughter the whole time and kids seemed to enjoy the experience to meet a foreign person other than Wayne ;)
We are trying to find as many international people as possible using our connection... Everyone, please get excited for this new school year!