来週はゴールデンウィーク。5月1,2日は学校がある子供たちもいる様ですが、私たちの教室は月曜から土曜までをお休みとさせていただきました。理由のひとつとして、基本的に週ごとでレッスンプランを立てているので、そのほうが都合がよかったのです^^; 旅行の予定が入っている子、おうちでのんびりしようと思っている子、いろいろいる様ですが、ぜひ英語の復習もしてもらいたいなあ。。。今週は小学3年生以上はおさらいテストをやっていますが、まだまだ復習の余地あり、な子が目立っていますよ!! 5月からまた内容も進みますので、みんなにはぜひこのお休みを有効に利用していただきたいものです。 私たちは、今のところバーベキューの計画が持ち上がっているくらいですが、、何か一日くらい楽しいことができたらいいなと思っています☆ ではでは皆様、来週のお休みエンジョイされますように。。再来週にあいましょぅ!!
Golden week is coming up. Some of our students have school on May 1st and 2nd, but our school will be closing the whole week because our lesson plan is made to advance week by week. Some got plans to go somewhere, some are planning to just relax,,,, hopefully many of you will take a little bit of time to review your English materials! All the kids of 3rd graders and up are taking review tests this week,, and honestly, there are many kids who need extra study at home! Our lessons will be advancing in May, so we beg you guys to sit down and look through your materials during this break.
So far, we have BBQ planned for next week.. I hope we will get to do something fun at least once during the break. Okay, guys, enjoy your break and see you in 2 weeks!!
I'm reading..,
久々に、読書何ぞを始めてみました(笑)。読書なんて何年振りでしょう・・・。本のタイトルは『八日目の蝉』。昨年映画化され話題になっていた小説です。子供がいる親なら泣ける、大泣き!とお友達に映画を薦められましたが、2時間ちょっとあるその映画をまったり座って全部鑑賞する、という余裕がない私は、とりあえず息子を寝かす傍らで小説を読んでみることに。。 『あれ、この漢字なんて読むんだっけ?』と時々つまづきながら(苦)、それでもなかなか面白く毎晩ちょっとずつ読み進めています。 読書、いいものですね☆
I picked up a book to read. It's been a while since I read a book last time..The title is "Yokame no semi(A cicada on the 8th day)." It's a novel that was talked about a lot last year when they made it into a movie. My friend recommended the movie saying "if you are a mother, you are gonna cry so bad!!" As I don't have that luxury to sit down and enjoy the 2hr+ movie right at this moment, I decided to start with the novel as I put my son to sleep. I've been enjoying the reading time although I say to myself "oops, how do I read this kanji?" here and there. Reading, it's a good habit.
I picked up a book to read. It's been a while since I read a book last time..The title is "Yokame no semi(A cicada on the 8th day)." It's a novel that was talked about a lot last year when they made it into a movie. My friend recommended the movie saying "if you are a mother, you are gonna cry so bad!!" As I don't have that luxury to sit down and enjoy the 2hr+ movie right at this moment, I decided to start with the novel as I put my son to sleep. I've been enjoying the reading time although I say to myself "oops, how do I read this kanji?" here and there. Reading, it's a good habit.
The second week is almost done!
So, the second week is ending soon. Although we got a lot more classes to handle this year, each week goes by super fast! I guess we are pretty much adapted to have classes one after another. Yes, it is busy busy busy, but is worth it. Kids seem to start to get used to the classes as well. Looks like summer break will sneak up on us before you know it!
So, the second week is ending soon. Although we got a lot more classes to handle this year, each week goes by super fast! I guess we are pretty much adapted to have classes one after another. Yes, it is busy busy busy, but is worth it. Kids seem to start to get used to the classes as well. Looks like summer break will sneak up on us before you know it!
Uhhhhh anybody??
お気づきでしょうか。このブログは皆様からのコメントを残すことができるようになっております。。。が、コメントが入るのは年に数回だけです。。。とても悲しいですね。もちろん教室に全く関係のない方もこのブログを読まれている(のかしら?)かもしれないですが、なにか感じたこと、教室へのメッセージ等あればコメントを残していただけると私のやりがいにもつながりますので・・・どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 と、今回はこれを言いたかっただけなのでした^^;
Have you guys noticed? You can actually leave comments for this blog! Yet, we probably only receive a few comments a year. How sad is that?! I'm sure some of you are nothing to do with our school(really?) but any comments will be very much appreciated and that really does motivate me. So, please everyone, leave some comments! Okay, I'm done.
Have you guys noticed? You can actually leave comments for this blog! Yet, we probably only receive a few comments a year. How sad is that?! I'm sure some of you are nothing to do with our school(really?) but any comments will be very much appreciated and that really does motivate me. So, please everyone, leave some comments! Okay, I'm done.
Phew! The first day is down!
というわけで、新年度初めの一日が終わりました(ウェインはまだプライベートで教えていますが・・・^^;)。思っていたよりスムーズに進み、子供たちも楽しそう。新一年生も幼稚園から来ている子がほとんどなのでウェインにも気兼ねなく楽しげに時間が過ぎていきました。良かった~。ホッとしました。今年度は、前年度よりも私たちの教えるクラスが増えたので大丈夫かなと心配していたのですが、子供たちの楽しげな様子に私たちも助けられ、午後3時~8時まで授業が立て続けでしたが余裕でした!! この調子で明日も頑張ります☆
So, the first day is over(although Wayne is still teaching his private students....). Everything went way more smoothly than I was expecting. Kids seemed to have fun! Most kids were from our kinder classes, so they had no problem with Wayne and time just went by very fast. Phew, that was good! I was worried about the increased number of classes we are going to teach this year... but since the kids didn't give us any trouble, we handled all 5 hours of continuous classes just fine. Let's get the tomorrow done just like we did today!!
So, the first day is over(although Wayne is still teaching his private students....). Everything went way more smoothly than I was expecting. Kids seemed to have fun! Most kids were from our kinder classes, so they had no problem with Wayne and time just went by very fast. Phew, that was good! I was worried about the increased number of classes we are going to teach this year... but since the kids didn't give us any trouble, we handled all 5 hours of continuous classes just fine. Let's get the tomorrow done just like we did today!!
New School Year is starting!!!!!!
4月1日(日)の夜でございます。つまり、明日、月曜から平成24年度のアカデミックイヤーが始まりまるということ・・・・!!今回は幼稚園から来ている子供たちが大量に新一年生になっていくのでとても楽しみです。教室外からも今回小学校入学を機に英語を学ぼうと入ってくる子供たちがたくさんいます。4月はみんながそれぞれのクラスに慣れること、そして私たちは子供たち一人ひとりの顔を名前を頭にインプットして、5月からの本格レッスンに備えることがメインなりそうです。前年からの継続クラスの子たちにとっては、今までの総おさらいのこれまた大切な一か月。さあ、みんな頑張ろう!!! 私たちも気合を入れてスタートを切れる様今から準備してます!!
It's April 1st Sunday night guys! It means... new school year is starting TOMORROW! We are expecting a lot of new elementary kids moving up from our kinder class. We are also welcoimg brand new kids who are starting English as they become elementary students this Spring. Our main goals for April are for kids to get used to the new classes and for us to get to know the students and remember everyone's name!! For kids who are just continuing from the last school year, this month will be very important as well.Wwe will do all the reviews of what they've learned so far. Get ready everybody!! We are charging up the energy right now!
It's April 1st Sunday night guys! It means... new school year is starting TOMORROW! We are expecting a lot of new elementary kids moving up from our kinder class. We are also welcoimg brand new kids who are starting English as they become elementary students this Spring. Our main goals for April are for kids to get used to the new classes and for us to get to know the students and remember everyone's name!! For kids who are just continuing from the last school year, this month will be very important as well.Wwe will do all the reviews of what they've learned so far. Get ready everybody!! We are charging up the energy right now!
投稿 (Atom)