私たちの教室には、100人近くの青小っ子が来ています。そして、青島小学校の運動会を見に行くのは、私たちの毎年の楽しみです。。が、もし今週土曜日に運動会が予定通り開かれる場合、、、私たちは授業があるので見に行けそうにありません。。。ウェインのレッスンが終わるのが午後3時・・・おそらく運動会が終わるころですね(涙)。 てっきり日曜日だと思っていた私たちは、子供たちに『運動会見に行くからね~』なんて張り切っていってしまっていたのですが、カレンダーをみてびっくり、、土曜日ではないですか~?! 子供たち、運動会、行けないかもしれません、、本当にごめんなさい。。なんだか罪悪感でいっぱいの私たちです↓↓
We have about 100 students from Aojima elementary school. and going to see their sports festival has been our tradition... however, we might not be able to make it this year.....IF they will have the event on Saturday as scheduled. Wayne's class will end at 3 pm which is about the time the festival ends.. I was assuming that the festival was on Sunday... then I just realized looking at the calender, June 2nd was Saturday!! Oh no!! Kids,, please forgive us if we don't make it.... Gosh we feel terrible now!
というわけで、今年度から、小学生クラス以上を対象にゲストスピーカーデイというのをランダムに開催しています。ウェイン以外の外国人と英語で触れ合う機会を教室の子供たちに持ってもらうのが目的です。なかなか都合がつくゲストさんがおらず、頻繁には行えないのですが、それでも、ちょっとずつ、やらせてもらっています。 今回は、アメリカサンディエゴからやってきたマイクさん。田舎の子供たちにとっては初めてのダークスキンな外国人との遭遇は、しょっぱな絶句してしまう子供も何人かおりましたが、レッスンが終わるころにはすっかり打ち解け、『すっごく面白かった―!』とみんな大興奮。よかったよかった。子供たちにはいろんな国の人たちに出会ってもらいたいです。
So, starting this academic year, we are having "a guest speaker day" for kids of 1st grade & up.. Since it is not eassy to find a guest who can accomodate the scuedule, we have this event randomly time to time.
This time, we welcomed Mike(American from SanDiego). For those kids of small town, it was their first time meeting a dark-skinned foreigner and some showed some shock in their faces at first.. However, they were all excited and enjoyed the experience by the end of the session saying "it was so much fun!!" Good good. We want them to encounter many more people from different parts of the world! We also had a Jr.high school student from a local school for work experience project. So the classroom was extra busy!
So, starting this academic year, we are having "a guest speaker day" for kids of 1st grade & up.. Since it is not eassy to find a guest who can accomodate the scuedule, we have this event randomly time to time.
This time, we welcomed Mike(American from SanDiego). For those kids of small town, it was their first time meeting a dark-skinned foreigner and some showed some shock in their faces at first.. However, they were all excited and enjoyed the experience by the end of the session saying "it was so much fun!!" Good good. We want them to encounter many more people from different parts of the world! We also had a Jr.high school student from a local school for work experience project. So the classroom was extra busy!
Eclipse..... Grrrrr!!
今日は、人生に一度見られるはず!!だった待ちに待った天体ショー、『金環日食』の日、でしたが。。。みなさん、今朝7時過ぎに空を見上げましたか? 私たちも当然、スタンバイしておりました。。ワクワク、ソワソワしながら、、、でも、結局太陽のリングを見ることはできませんでした(涙)。。藤枝上空は分厚い雲に覆われ、しかも全く動く気配がなく、、、。奇跡を信じてましたが、部分日食すらもおがむことができず今にいたります。残念で残念で言葉になりません(>_<)!こんなことってあっていいのでしょうか~~?!関東の方ではテレビで見る限り雲の動きが早かったのを幸いに、日食を見ることができたエリアが多かった模様。。はあ、、、このエリアは撃沈でした↓↓ でも、『なにかを失っている時は何かかけがえのないものを得ている瞬間でもある』なんて言葉を聞いたことがあります。がっかりばかりしていないで、前向きに行きますよ!!!・・・・でもざんね~ん(苦)!
Once in a life time event, "annular solar eclipse " was TODAY! The event I had been waiting for for a loooooong time was finally here!! Did you guys see the sky this morning around 7? Well, we did all excited and nervous... however, we didn't get to see the special moment.... The sky was covered with thick clounds all morning,,, and they didn't seem to move out of the way AT ALL!! We didn't wanna lose hope until the last min,, but the prayers didn't reach the sky.... It's still very cloudy right now. Gosh I'm so disappointed that I am speechless really! How,, how HOW could such a thing happen to us?!!
Looks like people in Kanto area luckly got to see it between fast moving clouds. Sigh,,, this area was completely hopeless. But you know what, they say "when you are losing something, you never know what you are gaining..." so I keep my head up and stay positive... although I really am super disappointed!!
Once in a life time event, "annular solar eclipse " was TODAY! The event I had been waiting for for a loooooong time was finally here!! Did you guys see the sky this morning around 7? Well, we did all excited and nervous... however, we didn't get to see the special moment.... The sky was covered with thick clounds all morning,,, and they didn't seem to move out of the way AT ALL!! We didn't wanna lose hope until the last min,, but the prayers didn't reach the sky.... It's still very cloudy right now. Gosh I'm so disappointed that I am speechless really! How,, how HOW could such a thing happen to us?!!
Looks like people in Kanto area luckly got to see it between fast moving clouds. Sigh,,, this area was completely hopeless. But you know what, they say "when you are losing something, you never know what you are gaining..." so I keep my head up and stay positive... although I really am super disappointed!!
My favorite house flag!
こちらは、昨日でお蔵入りとなった、母の日のフラッグです。アメリカにいた当初、『帰国して家を建てたら、絶対にハウスフラッグを掲げたい!』と思っていた私は、あれやこれやフラッグたちを買い集めたのでした。。20枚くらいはあるかな? アメリカでは、いろいろな種類のハウスフラッグが売られていて、その季節を象徴するデザインがいろいろあります。もちろん、いつでも使える感じのものも。。
母の日のフラッグは私のお気に入りのひとつです。色あい、そして、『I ♥ Mom』のメッセージがなんともかわいらしい。。大好きです。また一年お目にかかれないなんてちょっと残念な私です。来月は父の日フラッグを出しますよ!!近所でもちょっと有名な我が家のハウスフラッグ、お立ち寄りの際にはぜひ眺めてやってください♪
Here is the flag that got off duty yesterday..."Mother's day flag." When I was in the states, I'd always thought "I will put house flags out when I ever build a house in Japan!!" Therefore, I stocked up with a lot of house flags...probably I own about 20 of them. In the states, they sell all different kinds of house flags from ones that represent the season to ones that are just for everyday use.
This Mother's day flas is one of my favorites. I just love this color and the message "I ♥ MOM." I love it! It's a little sad that I don't get to see this one until next year.... We are getting ready for the Father's day flag right now. I hear that our house flags are pretty famouse in our neighborhood. Please give a little attention when you come to our school next time ;-)
母の日のフラッグは私のお気に入りのひとつです。色あい、そして、『I ♥ Mom』のメッセージがなんともかわいらしい。。大好きです。また一年お目にかかれないなんてちょっと残念な私です。来月は父の日フラッグを出しますよ!!近所でもちょっと有名な我が家のハウスフラッグ、お立ち寄りの際にはぜひ眺めてやってください♪
Here is the flag that got off duty yesterday..."Mother's day flag." When I was in the states, I'd always thought "I will put house flags out when I ever build a house in Japan!!" Therefore, I stocked up with a lot of house flags...probably I own about 20 of them. In the states, they sell all different kinds of house flags from ones that represent the season to ones that are just for everyday use.
This Mother's day flas is one of my favorites. I just love this color and the message "I ♥ MOM." I love it! It's a little sad that I don't get to see this one until next year.... We are getting ready for the Father's day flag right now. I hear that our house flags are pretty famouse in our neighborhood. Please give a little attention when you come to our school next time ;-)
Kids are back in class!
というわけで、お休みも終わり、今日からまた教室が再開です!!なんだかバタバタ過ごしてしまい、あまり体を休めることができなかった気が・・・(苦)。 息子も同じだったのか、休み明けの本日突然発熱してしまいました。夜中に泣きながら目覚めて嘔吐!そして今朝は39度の熱でぐったりです。。困ったものです。そんなわけで、頑張ります!!
So, the holidays are over and classes started again. We were kind of busy the whole time and forgot to get enough rest I guess... Our son was probably the same and he's got sick today! He woke up crying last night and threw up,,, now he is down with high fever. Yikes!! Owwwe well,, we still gotta do what we gotta do!
So, the holidays are over and classes started again. We were kind of busy the whole time and forgot to get enough rest I guess... Our son was probably the same and he's got sick today! He woke up crying last night and threw up,,, now he is down with high fever. Yikes!! Owwwe well,, we still gotta do what we gotta do!
Rain rain rainnnnnnn WHY?!!
今日は暦の上では赤字ではないので、学校に行っている子供たちも多いのかな? ゴールデンウィークの前半が一応終わる形にはなるのかもしれないですが、みなさん、どんなお休みを過ごしていますか? 今日はウェインも午前中は明誠のALTに出かけておりますが、午後はお友達を集めてバーベキューの予定でした。。が、この雨!!当然午後のBBQも中止になってしまいました。ホットドッグやら焼きそばやらの材料が大量に冷蔵庫に残ってしまい、ショックです!!
天気予報をみると、どうやら金曜まで雨マーク。ゴールデンウィークってこんなに毎年お天気が悪かったでしょうか? ショックを隠し切れません(涙) 皆様、気温の下がっておりますし、どうか体調管理はしっかりと残りの休暇をお過ごしくださいね☆ こんな悲しいお天気なら、教室で子供たちと過ごした方がマシだわ。。。
Technically today is not a holiday,,, so I suppose many of you are at school right now.. It is also a mid point of this golden week... How's everyone spending your holiday week? Wayne is also working until noon today, but we were expecting a BBQ with our friends in the afternoon which was CANCELLED because of this unfortunate weather... Now we are left with tons of hotdog and yakisoba stuff in the fridge!! Ouch!
Looks like the weather stays this way until Friday!! Has golden week weather been always like this?? I'm just so so disappointed!
Anyhow, please everyone take care of yourself and don't get sick in this cold weather! We rather spend time with our students in this kind of depressing weather...
天気予報をみると、どうやら金曜まで雨マーク。ゴールデンウィークってこんなに毎年お天気が悪かったでしょうか? ショックを隠し切れません(涙) 皆様、気温の下がっておりますし、どうか体調管理はしっかりと残りの休暇をお過ごしくださいね☆ こんな悲しいお天気なら、教室で子供たちと過ごした方がマシだわ。。。
Technically today is not a holiday,,, so I suppose many of you are at school right now.. It is also a mid point of this golden week... How's everyone spending your holiday week? Wayne is also working until noon today, but we were expecting a BBQ with our friends in the afternoon which was CANCELLED because of this unfortunate weather... Now we are left with tons of hotdog and yakisoba stuff in the fridge!! Ouch!
Looks like the weather stays this way until Friday!! Has golden week weather been always like this?? I'm just so so disappointed!
Anyhow, please everyone take care of yourself and don't get sick in this cold weather! We rather spend time with our students in this kind of depressing weather...
投稿 (Atom)