
An empty nest...

昨日、教室の駐車スペースのダクトの上のツバメの巣で育った4羽の雛ちゃん達が巣立って行きました。なんと早いコト。。。ほんの数週間前小さな頭が覗いていたのに。。あっという間に飛び方も覚え、お別れもなく気づいたら巣が空っぽに。ちょっと寂しい気持ちになりましたが、無事みな巣立ってくれて良かった。。。彼らの運んで来た幸運のおかげか今年はなんだか実りの多い年になっています。また会えますように。Good luck guys!
The baby swallows that grew up in the nest on top of the air duct at our place departed yesterday. How fast! They were just tiny cotton-heads a few weeks ago. They already learned how to fly and just left without saying goodbye. I felt a little sad but am happy that they all grew up to be fine adults. I wonder if it's thank to the good luck they brought that this year has been very fulfilling to us ;) Hope to see them again. Good luck guys!


Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday....

それにしても、火曜は雨がとても多いのです。。火曜の子供たちに雨っ子がいるのでしょうか^^; 台風が接近するのも今年は火曜日が多く、よって雨のため教室の来られなくなってしまう子も火曜日が非常に多いのです。 歩きの子はもちろん、送り迎えの保護者の皆様には大変申し訳ないですが、なんとか、なんとか、大嵐でない限りは頑張って自分の曜日に教室に足を運んでいただきたいな、と思います。ほかのクラスで振替が、生徒超過でできないこともあるからです・・・。よろしくお願いいたします m(_ _)m

Man,, rain rain rain... so much rain... we are in the raining season and a tyhoon is on its way!! Anyhow, has anybody noticed that Tueday has a lot of rain this year?? I wonder there is a rain person in our Tuesday students. Therefore this is the day many kids miss classes because of the weather. I know this is not an easy request,, but everyone, please try your best out of best to make it to the class on your assigned day unless it is super-duper stormy outside. There is a posibility that you cannot make up the missed class as other classes get too full.. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!!


Kids are funny


1.アヤコ先生は、すごくおしゃれだね。 その服似合ってる~!!



Today's comments from one of our classes;

1. Ayako sensei, you are very fashionable. You look really good in that dress!!

2. Wayne was in a very good mood today and the lesson was fun!!

Both are comments made by the same kids. Kids really are watching and sensing.. But I wonder what made them say something they'd never said before?? Kids are funny things ;-)

We made it to the sports festival!!

青島小学校の運動会、なんとかギリギリ最後の3つくらいのパフォーマンスを見ることができました!徒競走、一年生の踊り、そして6年生の組体操。。。みんな頑張っていました。お天気もピーカンではなかったのが幸いだったなあ。。。暑いとばててしまうものね。 自分があの場所で砂だらけになって組体操していた日のことを(何年前?!)思い出していました。。。 懐かしいなあ。。 今回は応援席側に行かなかったので、教室の子たちにもほとんど出くわさなかったけれど、、、でも行けないと思っていた運動会に行くことができて良かった◎

We barely made it to the sports festival at Aojima elementary school!! We got to see the last 3 performances; student relay, 1st graders' dance and 6th graders' gymnastics. Everybody was so serious! I think it was good that the weather wasn't too sunny,, they would have been super tired other wise. I thought of my old days when I was doing the gymnastic there long long time ago....
Since we didn't go to the students' seating area, we only came across a few students,, but we did go and we are glad that we did!!