I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some
今日は久しぶりに富士に住んでいる祖母の家に行ってきました。アウトドアが大好きなスコッチも連れて・・・。ウェインは留守番。天気も良く、富士山がとてもきれいで、写真を撮らずにはいられませんでした。スコッチは久々の山、川に興奮気味でした^^ 私が留守にしている間、オーシャンは本日去勢手術を受けてきました。夕方迎えに行くと先生が「この仔はとてもいい仔だね」と褒めてくれました。術後性格が変わってしまう
I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some
pictures. Scotch seemed very excided to enjoy the mountains and creeks ;-) While I was away from home, our Ocean was getting surgery to get neutered today. When I went to pick him up, the vet complimented about Ocean saying "he is such a good boy." I was a bit worried about his personality to be different after the procedure, but was relieved to see him coming to sit on my lap when I was on the computer and meowing to beg for some food as he's always been. As I update this blog, Ocean is sitting on my lap ;-)
I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some
On January 11th, we finally got to do our "hatsumoude(the first prayer of the year). " The sharine is called "Okuni jinja" in Fukuroi. We returned all the charms from the last year and purchased some new ones with the wish for another bright year. And we did pray with all our heart. It was surprinsing but the place was crowded with people who were trying to make it in time like ourselves ;-)
Tug of war
Last night when I was working on the computer, a tug of war started under the table. It was so funny that I couldn't help videotaping it. Take a look at the surprising ending ;-)
Last night when I was working on the computer, a tug of war started under the table. It was so funny that I couldn't help videotaping it. Take a look at the surprising ending ;-)
kicked out
Wayne's project: Painting an American flag
Project started with putting putty on the wall and painting it in white. He painted red&white stripes on one side and blue on the other with white stars. It might sound simple, but it's actually pretty nerve-racking when you consider the balance and width between the stars and lines. But, Wayne did a excellent job and turned out like a professional job!!
Ayako's project: Tree in M&M room



I just finished(after 1:30am!) my project. My original plan was to paint a tree only, then I started wanting to paint the ceiling in blue. So I ended up spending more time on this. Painting clouds was a lot harder than it looked. Well, I think I did a pretty good job for the first time!!
Our projects
As you know, we've been painting walls during this break.. and actually, each one of us got a project to work on at the same time. My project is to paint a tree in Mommy&Me room. Many American famlies like to paint a tree in their kid's room, and I've always wanted to do it. Wayne's project is to paint an Amrerican flag on the wall where we used to have glass shelves. The shelves were nice, but those glass boards were very easy to slip off and dengerous. We've lost two glass boards in the first year; both of them slipped off and broke when children accidentally touched them. So we decided to take the shelves down completely and give some kick to the corner walls. I will show you the progress to the completion in the next thleads ;-)
As you know, we've been painting walls during this break.. and actually, each one of us got a project to work on at the same time. My project is to paint a tree in Mommy&Me room. Many American famlies like to paint a tree in their kid's room, and I've always wanted to do it. Wayne's project is to paint an Amrerican flag on the wall where we used to have glass shelves. The shelves were nice, but those glass boards were very easy to slip off and dengerous. We've lost two glass boards in the first year; both of them slipped off and broke when children accidentally touched them. So we decided to take the shelves down completely and give some kick to the corner walls. I will show you the progress to the completion in the next thleads ;-)
A Happy New Year!!!
A Happy New Year!! We got up at 6am this morning to see the first sun rise of 2010 at a beach in Yoshida. Going to see the first sun rise of the year always gives us positive energy. Although it was windy and super cold as our car's windshield was frozen this morning, there were a lot of people at the beach. We are determined to give 110% this year as always! May this year bring all of you a great deal of happiness!!!
Repairing in progress!!
壁の修復は、大変ですが、楽しかったりしています^^ パテ塗りをしたあとのサンドがけで廊下がホコリだらけになる以外は、わりとサクサクすすみます。しかもローラーを使えば、かなりきれいにプロの仕上がりになるということを学びました☆ ついでに汚れていた壁も真っ白に塗って、一階の壁が新築のように生まれ変わりました。写真は作業中の画像。
Reparing the wall is not an easy task, but it's actually pretty enjoyable. Except for all the dust we have to deal with after sanding, every thing goes pretty smoothly. I learned that rollers work the best for the professional finish. We also painted all the dirty walls and our downstairs looks like a brand-new home again! Pictures are of me painting and covered floor.
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