I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some
今日は久しぶりに富士に住んでいる祖母の家に行ってきました。アウトドアが大好きなスコッチも連れて・・・。ウェインは留守番。天気も良く、富士山がとてもきれいで、写真を撮らずにはいられませんでした。スコッチは久々の山、川に興奮気味でした^^ 私が留守にしている間、オーシャンは本日去勢手術を受けてきました。夕方迎えに行くと先生が「この仔はとてもいい仔だね」と褒めてくれました。術後性格が変わってしまう
I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some
pictures. Scotch seemed very excided to enjoy the mountains and creeks ;-) While I was away from home, our Ocean was getting surgery to get neutered today. When I went to pick him up, the vet complimented about Ocean saying "he is such a good boy." I was a bit worried about his personality to be different after the procedure, but was relieved to see him coming to sit on my lap when I was on the computer and meowing to beg for some food as he's always been. As I update this blog, Ocean is sitting on my lap ;-)
I went to visit my grandmother in Fuji today after quite a while. I brought Scotch, the outdoor lover with me. Wayne stayed home though.. It was very nice today and Mt. Fuji was so beautiful that I couldn't help taking some