毎日の忙しさにとらわれ、、ブログを更新しないこと数か月?!本当にすみません。。。というわけで、残暑といえどもまだまだ夏真っ盛りな日本列島ですが、皆様いかがお過ごしですか? 私たち(というか私)は教室の子供たちと同じくらいすっかり日焼けし、、秋が待ち遠しいです。
As I was so wrapped up with my busy life, it's been how many months since the last update?? I'm terribly sorry... Anyhow, how have you guys been doing lately although Summer just doesn't wanna let Fall come in. We(well more like "I") got tanned as much as our students and can't wait to welcome Fall...
Here is the deal. I'm going to talk about all events that happened during the past few months. Whoever interested, please read LOL
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