クリスマスが近づいていますね。年末に向けて、イベントが多く、飾りつけが大変です(苦)。現在ウィルソン家ではハロウィンのデコレーションがまだ完全にしまいきれていない状態でクリスマスデコレーションを引っ張りだし始めています(><) 2階はもう大変な状態です!休みが日曜しか無いので作業がどんどん先送り・・・。今週末にイルミネーションくらいは出せるかなあ。。。。と思っています。昼間は紅葉を見に行きたいと考えている私たちですが、どうなることやら。
Christmas is approaching. All those events towards the end of year are absolutely killing us and we can bearly keep up with the decorations. At this moment, we are pulling some Christmas stuff out although we still got some Halloween stuff laying around! Our upstairs is a complete MESS! We tend to put things off as we only have one day off(Sundays). Hopefully you will get to see some illuminations out this weekend.. Well,,, I cannnot garuantee anything right at this moment as we are planning to go to the mountains during the day to enjoy some colored leaves tomorrow.
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