Scotch and our son are getting closer everyday. I couldn't help taking a snap of them today because they just looked so adorable. I hope they will grow up healthy together.
スコッチと我が家の長男との距離が徐々に近くなっています(*^^*) あまりに微笑ましかったのでパチリ♫ 一緒に元気に育ってね。
Scotch and our son are getting closer everyday. I couldn't help taking a snap of them today because they just looked so adorable. I hope they will grow up healthy together.

Scotch and our son are getting closer everyday. I couldn't help taking a snap of them today because they just looked so adorable. I hope they will grow up healthy together.
Back in class!
それにしても、赤ちゃんってすごい量のおむつが必要なんですね~(汗)!90枚セットの紙おむつが一週間で一気になくなっていきます。みんなそうなんでしょうか。。こんなに頻繁におむつをチェック、取り替えていてもおむつかぶれが・・・・(涙) 子育てってホント大変です。でも、なんとか楽しんでます☆
Our school re-opened last week. Although I still have hard time walking Scotch, my back pain finally saterted to go away.
Days definitely go by faster when we have classes. One week is gone before you know it. Even though multi-tasking with watching a baby and teaching isn't too easy, I feel better as we got all those kids back in the classroom.
By the way, how many diapers do babies go through everyday?! A bag of 90 diapers is gone in a week! Is that normal? Our baby just developped some diaper rash although we change his diapers all the time! Gwww raising kids is a hard job. Yet, we still manage to enjoy it☆
それにしても、赤ちゃんってすごい量のおむつが必要なんですね~(汗)!90枚セットの紙おむつが一週間で一気になくなっていきます。みんなそうなんでしょうか。。こんなに頻繁におむつをチェック、取り替えていてもおむつかぶれが・・・・(涙) 子育てってホント大変です。でも、なんとか楽しんでます☆
Our school re-opened last week. Although I still have hard time walking Scotch, my back pain finally saterted to go away.
Days definitely go by faster when we have classes. One week is gone before you know it. Even though multi-tasking with watching a baby and teaching isn't too easy, I feel better as we got all those kids back in the classroom.
By the way, how many diapers do babies go through everyday?! A bag of 90 diapers is gone in a week! Is that normal? Our baby just developped some diaper rash although we change his diapers all the time! Gwww raising kids is a hard job. Yet, we still manage to enjoy it☆
Okuni Shrine
今日は1月15日。ギリギリですがやっと初詣に小國神社へ行ってきました。夕方だったので人も少なくお店もほとんどしまっていましたが、なんとかお守りや開運熊手(笑)を買うことができましたo(^▽^)o 今年は家族も増え慌ただしい一年になりそうですが、実りの多い年になってくれればうれしいです(*^^*)
It was Jan 15th today and we went to Okuni shrine for new year's prayer in the very last minute. Since it was a little late in the afternoon, there were very few people and most stores were already closed. But luckily we could purchase some charms and good luck rake. Although it looks like this year will be a little busy with our new addition to the family, I hope that we are going to have a productive year of 2011 :-)

It was Jan 15th today and we went to Okuni shrine for new year's prayer in the very last minute. Since it was a little late in the afternoon, there were very few people and most stores were already closed. But luckily we could purchase some charms and good luck rake. Although it looks like this year will be a little busy with our new addition to the family, I hope that we are going to have a productive year of 2011 :-)
Life with a baby
出産後のお休みも残すところ一週間です。ベビーのいる生活に徐々に慣れてきました。仕事をしていないので一日長いかと思いきや、毎日あっという間に過ぎてしまいます(~_~;) ウェインは今日は一日教室の壁の修復と模様替えをしています。かなりの大仕事ですが今週中に終わるのかな~(^^;; 私は腰痛がひど過ぎてお手伝いが出来ないので申し訳ないです。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
My baby break is only one week to go. I think we started to get used to have him around. I thought the days would go by slow since I don't work, but I figured that days actually go by so fast!
Wayne has been working on repairing the wall in the classroom all day. it's kind of a big job and I hope he will finish it in time. I feel bad for him because I have a terrible back pain and can't help him with the project. sorry Wayne!
My baby break is only one week to go. I think we started to get used to have him around. I thought the days would go by slow since I don't work, but I figured that days actually go by so fast!
Wayne has been working on repairing the wall in the classroom all day. it's kind of a big job and I hope he will finish it in time. I feel bad for him because I have a terrible back pain and can't help him with the project. sorry Wayne!
Coming home
ウェインと二人の生活が長かったので、この子のいる生活リズムに切り替えるのに時間がかかりそうですが、ゆっくり楽しみながらやっていきたいと思います。みんなに愛される子に育ってもらいたいものです。あくまでココは教室のブログであり、私たちの子育てブログではないので、今回が最初で最後になるかな?我が家の新しい家族の写真をみてやってくださぃ♪ 病院では皆ウェインに似てる!!と言ってましたが、まだちっさすぎてどっちに似てるの正直かわからないです^^;
I got discharged today. It felt so strange to see my baby who was inside of me was now sleeping in the baby car seat. As soon as I got home, this great fatigue hit me all of sudden and I passed out on the bed for two hours!
Since we were by ourselves for a long time , I'm sure it'll take a while for us to get used to having him in our life.. But I want to take it easy and enjoy our parenthood. I hope he will grow up to be loved by many many people.
As this is a blog for our school and not our child rasing blog, this might be the first and last time for me to do this,, but here is the picture of our baby boy. Everybody at the clinic said he looked like Wayne, but he is still too small for me to tell which parent he looks like.
ウェインと二人の生活が長かったので、この子のいる生活リズムに切り替えるのに時間がかかりそうですが、ゆっくり楽しみながらやっていきたいと思います。みんなに愛される子に育ってもらいたいものです。あくまでココは教室のブログであり、私たちの子育てブログではないので、今回が最初で最後になるかな?我が家の新しい家族の写真をみてやってくださぃ♪ 病院では皆ウェインに似てる!!と言ってましたが、まだちっさすぎてどっちに似てるの正直かわからないです^^;
I got discharged today. It felt so strange to see my baby who was inside of me was now sleeping in the baby car seat. As soon as I got home, this great fatigue hit me all of sudden and I passed out on the bed for two hours!
Since we were by ourselves for a long time , I'm sure it'll take a while for us to get used to having him in our life.. But I want to take it easy and enjoy our parenthood. I hope he will grow up to be loved by many many people.
As this is a blog for our school and not our child rasing blog, this might be the first and last time for me to do this,, but here is the picture of our baby boy. Everybody at the clinic said he looked like Wayne, but he is still too small for me to tell which parent he looks like.
Happy New Year!!
明けましておめでとうございます!!病院のベッドで年を越しました~。皆様今年もよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m
今朝はなんとおせち料理が朝食でした!自宅ではおせちを食べないので、ちょっと得した気分です。 豪華でしょ?
Happy New Year guys!! I crossed a year on the hospital bed. I hope you all to have a great year of 2011 ;-)
Guess what? They served osechi for breakfast this morning!! I usually don't eat osechi at home, so I felt a bit lucky! doesn't it look good?

今朝はなんとおせち料理が朝食でした!自宅ではおせちを食べないので、ちょっと得した気分です。 豪華でしょ?
Happy New Year guys!! I crossed a year on the hospital bed. I hope you all to have a great year of 2011 ;-)
Guess what? They served osechi for breakfast this morning!! I usually don't eat osechi at home, so I felt a bit lucky! doesn't it look good?
投稿 (Atom)