出産後のお休みも残すところ一週間です。ベビーのいる生活に徐々に慣れてきました。仕事をしていないので一日長いかと思いきや、毎日あっという間に過ぎてしまいます(~_~;) ウェインは今日は一日教室の壁の修復と模様替えをしています。かなりの大仕事ですが今週中に終わるのかな~(^^;; 私は腰痛がひど過ぎてお手伝いが出来ないので申し訳ないです。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。
My baby break is only one week to go. I think we started to get used to have him around. I thought the days would go by slow since I don't work, but I figured that days actually go by so fast!
Wayne has been working on repairing the wall in the classroom all day. it's kind of a big job and I hope he will finish it in time. I feel bad for him because I have a terrible back pain and can't help him with the project. sorry Wayne!
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