
Turkey day!!

我が家でも去年からこのサンクスギビングを伝統的なやり方で祝い始めました!偶然ネットで七面鳥が買えることを知ったのがキッカケなのですが(笑) ただ、木曜は平日でレッスンがありますので、ウィルソン家のサンクスギビングはその週の日曜です。
というわけで写真は今年のサンクスギビングミール。七面鳥、キッシュ、マッシュポテト、野菜にクランベリーゼリーです。ビスケットはKFCにてゲット^^; 美味しかったです!!

The 3rd Thursday in November is a Thanks Giving day in the states. On that day, people get together with families and enjoy delicious meal with a whole turkey as its main entree.
We started that tradition last year as we happened to find out that we could get the whole turkey here in Japan. Since Thursday is a week day and we have lessons, we celebrate our Thanks giving on the Sunday that week.
The picture is our this year's thanks giving day meal. We had a turkey, quiche, mushed potato and some vegetables, cranberry jelly along with the biscuit from KFC;) They were all so YUMMY!!


We, the judges!!!

今日は午前中藤枝の東から焼津エリアで英語教室を展開されているReach Outさんの英語スピーチコンテストに審査員として参加してきました!!実は毎年審査員の依頼をされていながらも私たちの教室のハロウィンパーティーと重なってお断りせざるをえなかった私たち。。でも今年は日程がずれたこともあり、喜んでお受けさせていただくことに・・・・。
私たちが審査したのは、前半の幼稚園から小学2年生の部。子どもたちはそれぞれスピーチのトピックに関係のある衣装を身に着けてパフォーマンス。なんとかわいかったこと・・・。審査は正直めちゃくちゃ大変でしたが、、子供たちのかわいいスピーチに笑顔をもらって帰ってきました。ウェインも日本に来てから初めてアメリカ人のお友達を作ることができ、満足そうでした(笑) とっても興味深い経験でした☆

Today, we were invited as judges for an English speech contest hosted by Reach Out; an English school serving East side of Fujieda to Yaizu area. They had always asked Wayne to be their judge for a past few years but this was our first time to take that opportunity as the event didn't overlap with our Halloween party.
We judged performances done by kids of knder to 2nd grade. Evey body dressed in a costume related to their speech topic which was just so adorable. We really enjoyed our time there EXCEPT the judging part which was super hard!! Those kids put smiles on our faces the whole time. Oh and on top of that, Wayne made his first American friends!! It was such a rewarding experience for us!!


How cute!!

教室にくる2年生たちが私たちの絵を描いてくれました☆ なんと健気で可愛い絵たちでしょう~!嬉しいですね。大切にしまっておこうと思います(^-^)

2nd graders at our school gave me drawings of us. How adorable they are! I love them! I am going to save them for a looooong time!!


First fever!!

ロサンゼルスから戻ってからなんとなく本調子になりきらないままにここまで来たような?? そんな矢先の先週木曜に今度は息子が高熱です(汗)。朝鼻水が出てるな、とおもったら、その夜には39-40度の熱がでて本人もフゥフゥ・・・。アタフタしながら市立病院に連れて行くと、『風邪っぽいですね、様子を見ましょう。』とのことだったのでそのままおうちで様子をみました。そして昨夜、熱がすっかりなくなったと同時に体中に発疹が!!・・・ 『突発性発疹』というんですね、なんでも乳児~幼児にかけての登竜門だとか。。ウェインは聞いたことが無かったようですが。。深刻なものではなく安心しました。

As it feels like we haven't quite been in the best condition since we got back from the trip, our son got a high fever! We noticed a little runny nose on him last Thursday morning, then he got 39-40 degrees fever by that evening.
Being a bit freaked out, we took him to the hospital only to hear that it was a minor cold and we just had to watch how he would do. So we watched and watched and noticed this rash all over his body as the tempreture went down. It was not a cold. It was called "Toppatsusei hosshin" AKA "roseola infantum" which Wayne didn't know. We learned that this was something every baby experiences before year of two. Phew, I'm glad it was nothing serious.
Anyhow, I realized how hard it is to be a working parent.