ロサンゼルスから戻ってからなんとなく本調子になりきらないままにここまで来たような?? そんな矢先の先週木曜に今度は息子が高熱です(汗)。朝鼻水が出てるな、とおもったら、その夜には39-40度の熱がでて本人もフゥフゥ・・・。アタフタしながら市立病院に連れて行くと、『風邪っぽいですね、様子を見ましょう。』とのことだったのでそのままおうちで様子をみました。そして昨夜、熱がすっかりなくなったと同時に体中に発疹が!!・・・ 『突発性発疹』というんですね、なんでも乳児~幼児にかけての登竜門だとか。。ウェインは聞いたことが無かったようですが。。深刻なものではなく安心しました。
As it feels like we haven't quite been in the best condition since we got back from the trip, our son got a high fever! We noticed a little runny nose on him last Thursday morning, then he got 39-40 degrees fever by that evening.
Being a bit freaked out, we took him to the hospital only to hear that it was a minor cold and we just had to watch how he would do. So we watched and watched and noticed this rash all over his body as the tempreture went down. It was not a cold. It was called "Toppatsusei hosshin" AKA "roseola infantum" which Wayne didn't know. We learned that this was something every baby experiences before year of two. Phew, I'm glad it was nothing serious.
Anyhow, I realized how hard it is to be a working parent.
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