ポットラックの皆様の持ち寄っていただいた食べ物もとっても豪華で・・・・みな楽しんで会食している姿をみて、、、『無理やりやってしまってよかった・・・』と思いました。 来年はまた今年よりもより良いものを目指して頑張ります。会場に来てくださった皆様、Thank you!!!
We got back home from Los Angeles at midnight on last Wednesday. We were so exhausted and passed out after bath. Then regular classes already started on the very next day...Not only that, we had our annual Halloween party on Sunday in the same week. Phew, we had absolutely no time to relax!
Unfortunately, we got rained on at the halloween party this year which was completely unexpected. It started after lunch time and just didn't seem to stop. Although we were debating on the cancellation until the very last minute, the party was carried out as planned. I'm sure some of our kids didn't make it because of the weather, we were very pleased to see many kids and families showed up. We had to give up on some of our usual games, but kids enjoyed ring toss game and bean bag games under the blue sheet.
Yes, it was a little chaotic... but we felt so appreciative that everybody brought delicious foods and enjoyed the time there. We promise it will get better and better each year.
Thank you all for coming to the party!!
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