EIKEN January
It has already been 2 weeks since I got discharged from the hospital.. How fast! It is very strange but my back pain is almost all gone although the second baby was about 1 kg heavier than the first one. When I had the first son, I could not turn on the bed for 3 months.. but this time, I am already walking around no problem! Probably this is something your body gets custome to just like marathon(I ran full marathon 3 times!!).. More you experience, faster your body recovers!! Owww well, I have zero energy to give birth to another baby to see if this theory is true or not.
By the way, kids did very well on Eiken in October. All kids who took grade 3 passed the test. Congrats! There were a few who didnt reach the passing score, but we hope that this will make them try harder next time. Right now, we are debating on whether or not we will host eiken in Janyary. There is a rule that you have to have at leaset 10 students to apply as sub-exam location. We are trying Eiken question with 5-5th grader to see if they seem to be ready for the test this week and make the final decision. There are some kids who constantly say "I dont wanna take eiken!!" and we are not a place to study just to pass eiken either.. But We believe that Eiken is a pretty good way to see what level you are at for your Englsh knowledge. If we decide not to host Eiken in Jan, we are for sure hosting it in June.
今朝とうとう退院してきました。早速の階段昇降で緩んだ骨盤やら尾てい骨が悲鳴をあげてます( TДT) エスカレーター 欲しい~(本気で)!! 若くないので、フル回復まで時間がかかりそうですが、頑張ります。こんなに元気なのに体が痛すぎる(>_<)
メールやコメント、本当に嬉しかったです!! 私は幸せ者です(涙)
See you guys soon!! Xoxoxo, Ayako
The first photo!
来週一週間はお休みですが、今日のレッスンは有りますよ☆ 金曜クラスのみなさんは教室でウェインがお待ちしてます~☆
The baby is here!!
おはようございます! 無事、産みました~☆ 3984グラムのビッグベビーで、なかなか出てきてくれず(。>д<) 2時間程度粘って最後は吸引(^^;)(;^^) やっと産まれて来てくれました。 今はそこら中痛いので休みます。とりあえず、皆さまへご報告です!!
ああ、痛い~(*_*) でもお腹がすいたー(´・ω・`)
Moon power!?
新月の力でしょうか。お、お腹がい、痛い(~O~;) 今産婦人科へ出向く準備中です。 今夜ラストのレッスンをお休みにしてしまいました。申し訳ありません。小学生のクラスまでは頑張りました。
皆さま、Wish me luck!
昨日はスクワットしましたし、、今日は朝から長めに犬の散歩しましたし。。。。レッスンは立ちっぱなしでやったり、、、色々頑張っていますけど・・・・。 今夜に期待!!! 月の引力で赤ちゃん出てこないでしょうか?? 皆さんも祈ってください(><) はああ。
11/13 Tue
さて、私のベビさんですが、、、、はい、まだです。寒いのでしょうか、、出てきたがりません(涙)。。昨日、今日は、出かけると必ず『わ~、赤ちゃんもうすぐですか?』とそこここで声をかけられ、、それが逆に苦痛に・・・。郵便局では、『もうすぐですか?学資保険いかがですか?』って、、、おいおい!と思いましたが^^; 今頃入院OR産休していると思っていたのですが、まさか予定日まで出てくるつもりがないのでしょうか、次男氏。。。 というわけで、本日もレッスンしてます。
No baby yet(*_*;
次男はまだお腹の中にいたいようです(@_@) 今日は開き直り街へ出てうろうろしてみましたが。。明日月曜日もまさかのレッスンかな。本当にかなり体がエラいので2階で静養しているかもしれないですが、まだ産まれてないです~( ノД`)…
Please share your Halloween party photos with us!
Eiken results came in!!
Halloween Party DVD for sale!
それでは~! ウィルソン
今日6年生の男の子に、『ちょっとのワインと、塩辛大量に食べると赤ちゃんが出てくるらしいよ!』と言われ、真剣に試そうかと思ってしまいました^^; 早くうまれてこ~ぃ!
Party is over
私もこれで安心して産気づくことができそうです。子供たちやママ達に安産祈願をしてもらえてとってもホッコリできました。。 ではでは、また来年のハロウィンまで、しばしの休憩です。
Our two-days-halloween party is now over. Thank you all for coming! We got rained on AGAIN!!! AGAIIIN!!!!! But thank to the blue sheet we put earlier today, we could handle some games.
I am going to upload pictures later this week,,, but let me just say thank you at this moment.
I guess now that the part is over, I can have a baby anytime..
Okay, guys, i think i need to rest for now.... Thank you again for everything!!!
Halloween party is coming up this weekend!! and Guess what?! We see rain mark on Sunday!!! Looks like we can dodge rains on Sat,, but it shows 65% chance on Sun...Guys, please pray!!! Party in the rain means way less fun. please,,,, please don't bring us rain on Sunday!!
A guest from America(^^)v
先週金曜からウェインのパパが我が家に滞在しています。今回は私たちも連日通常スケジュールなので、パパにもレッスンにしばしば参加してもらっています(^w^) 子供たちにとってもウェイン以外の外国人と接することはとても有益なことです。昨日は5年生たちがひとり3つず質問を英語で考えて対話を楽しみました! パパさんも子供たちの社交性にとても感心、嬉しかったようです。
次男誕生までいるつもりらしいので、ハロウィンパーティーでお見かけの際には是非声をかけてやってくださぃ~♪ ちなみに、日本語は一切ダメです(*_*)
Wayne's dad is here since last Friday. Since we got a regular working schedule this time, we have been having him participate in the lessons often. Interacting with foreigners other than Wayne is always beneficial for kids. Last night, in 5th grader class, each kid came up with 3questions to ask and enjoyed the conversation. Wayne's dad seemed to enjoy the time.
Please say hey to him when u see him at the Halloween party! He is planning to be here until our baby's birth. By the way, he speaks no Japanese!
Halloween Decoration 2012!!
Halloween decoration for this year is pretty much done! Since I am so close to due, Wayne did all the work on his own. Thank you!! This year's theme is "pirates." As we couldn't find any nice skelton figures in Japan, we had to ask Wayne's mom to ship all those skeltons from the states... We bought some used clothes for them and completed the pirates look with the bandanas on their heads! Wayne seems very happy with how the decoration turned out. Our students seem to like them, too! They will be all taken down after halloween, so please everyone enjoy the American style halloween decoration while you can!!!
Halloween is right around the corner!! Geeeez time flies tooooooo fast!!!! It's been a year already!!?? Oh my! Anyhow, Wayne is making a plan for this years halloween decoration. Last year's theme was pumpkins,, this year's theme will be...... I can't tell you just yet! All I can say for now is it is gonna be another extraordinary one. We are planning to start working on it in mid September.. Since we got a chance to go to the states last year right before Halloween, we could buy all kinds of props,, but this year, we are just buying stuff on ebay and Amazon.com... Yes,, it is costing us a lot.... but we do this for our students!!!
Our summer break is over!!
もう一か所訪れたのが『那須アニマル王国』。ペットのアニマル(犬ネコ鳥)から、家畜(馬、牛、豚、アルパカ)にいたるまで、色々な動物がいました。息子は大きなカメにタッチして大興奮でしたが、他にもワラビーや、カピバラにタッチできる場所もあり、幼稚園以上の子供ならきっと楽しめる場所だと思いましたよ☆ 息子(たち)がもう少し大きくなったら、また来たいですね!
皆様の夏休みはどんなでしたか?? また真っ黒に日焼けした子供たちに会うのを楽しみにしています。 私もずいぶん黒くなっちゃいました、、(汗)
Our 1 week summer break is over! During this break, we made our first family trip to Nasu kogen where my friend lives. It was far, but we got there quickly enough as we left here at 3am in the morning! Since we got there way earlier than planned, we decided to go n visit Nikko toshogu which we weren't planning to visit... supposedly there were no body visiting that place last year after the earth quake, but geeeeez it was so crowded this year! The only thing was that the place was not stroller-friendly so we had to carry our heavy son everywhere..... well,, we somewhat enjoyed the place though. Surprising fact was that the altitude of the shrine is as high as Tokyo sky tree!!!
Another place we visited was Nasu Animal kingdom where they had all kinds of animals from pet animals to farm animals. Our son was very excited touching a big turtle but they also had warabees and capibaras for kids to touch as well. I'm sure any kids older than kinder age would enjoy that place. I think we will go back again when our boys get a little older.
How has your summer break been? We are looking forward to seeing our kids all tanned up! I did get pretty badly tanned as well ;-((((
The Olympics is over....
My favorite event Olympics has ended.... Gosh,, I feel quite empty right now. I hope I will be able to be a part of the event someday working as a volunteer or anything! I'd had this excitement in me while the olympic games were going on,,, it is so sad that the excitement is a history now. Next olympicts will be in Rio. 4 years from now.... my oldest son is turning 5, the second one will be 3... so unimaginable! I wonder where we will be and what we will be doing,,,, I wonder if the life is pretty much the same as it is now.. or we will be back in the states?! Who knows... Wherever we will be, I hope that we will be as happy as we are now.... I was having many many thoughts watching the closing ceremony this morning.
Summer break!!
勉強勉強とはいいません、でもどうかちょっとだけでも子供たちには教材のおさらいをしてほしいですね☆ 私たちも10月の英検にそなえ、対策教材を作成中です!!!頑張るぞ!!
Our summer break is starting tomorrow!!! However,, looks like the weather is a concern AGAIN which reminds me of the nightmare of golden week..... We've got a plan for BBQ and our first family trip to Nasu kogen during this break.... but I can't stop worrying about the weather and also the traffic jam. Grrrr.
We don't expect kids to study everyday, but that would make us very happy if they can spend a little bit of time reviewing the materials in their binder... We are creating some study guide for up coming Eiken right now!! Let's do this people!
Yes, I am expecting!!
今日は幼稚園のクラスのお友達が『せんせー、お腹に赤ちゃんがいるんでしょ?おなか見せてー!』としきりにリクエストしてくるので、洋服の上から、おなかを見せると、『ちがーう、服めくってちゃんと見せてー、オッパイは見ないからー』とさらに大胆なリクエスト!!『先生恥ずかしいからそれは嫌だよー』とやんわりかわしました^^; 生おなかはとても見せられません(苦) レッスンの後は、子供たちが変わるがわり私のおなかをタッチ。。恥ずかしいんですが、子供たちのそういうけなげな姿ってとてもかわいく、うれしいものです。子供たちに囲まれて仕事ができるってこういう幸せな瞬間があるんですよね。
So, now that I made that announcement in our new letter, I can talk about it here as well. Yes, I am expecting a baby boy in November! Yes, it is a boy,,, another boy!! Most of my friends say "You are a boys' mom type!" I guess I should take it as an encouragement.... but I honestly wanted to have a girl. However, everytime I see his 3D images at a clinic, the attachment towards him does get stronger and stronger... We are totally over it now.
One of our kinder class kids said to me today "Ayako sensei, you have a baby in your tummy right? Can I see the tummy?" So I stuck my tummy in my dress for her, then she goes "No no, I wanna see the tummy without cover. I promise I won't see your boobs!" What a request! I dodged it by telling her "I am too shy to do that." There is no way I can reveal my tummy to anyone!!
After that class, all the kids wanted to touch my tummy which I let them. It's a bit embarassing, but is cute at the same time. I think I am very fortunate to get to work surrounded by kids.
Olympics is here!!!!
しかしながら、8時間というなんとも微妙なこの時差!!みたい試合がほとんど夜中過ぎ、という過酷な状況は、朝6時半に目を覚ますおチビがいる我が家では厳しいものがあります(涙) みられるものは頑張ってみて、応援したいと思います!!
Although Beigin Olympics is still pretty fresh in our head, London Olympics has started!! We, Wilsons are not too into watching sports, but when it comes to international events and games, it's a different story. Especially, the Olympics is one of the most special and dream stage for athletes...when you imagine all the hardships and behind-the-scene stories, we just can't help showing the great respects towards them. Tears of those who didn't make it to the finals and ones who couldn't reach the medals or ones who won the medals are so beautiful and makes us respect them even more either way. There is no way I could represent my own country!
However, this 8 hours time difference is killing us so much as most games we want to watch start after midnights... it just doesn's work out for us who are parents of a little one who wakes up 6:30 every morning. We will try our best to watch the games we can manage to watch and cheer those athletes!
An empty nest...
昨日、教室の駐車スペースのダクトの上のツバメの巣で育った4羽の雛ちゃん達が巣立って行きました。なんと早いコト。。。ほんの数週間前小さな頭が覗いていたのに。。あっという間に飛び方も覚え、お別れもなく気づいたら巣が空っぽに。ちょっと寂しい気持ちになりましたが、無事みな巣立ってくれて良かった。。。彼らの運んで来た幸運のおかげか今年はなんだか実りの多い年になっています。また会えますように。Good luck guys!
The baby swallows that grew up in the nest on top of the air duct at our place departed yesterday. How fast! They were just tiny cotton-heads a few weeks ago. They already learned how to fly and just left without saying goodbye. I felt a little sad but am happy that they all grew up to be fine adults. I wonder if it's thank to the good luck they brought that this year has been very fulfilling to us ;) Hope to see them again. Good luck guys!
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday....
それにしても、火曜は雨がとても多いのです。。火曜の子供たちに雨っ子がいるのでしょうか^^; 台風が接近するのも今年は火曜日が多く、よって雨のため教室の来られなくなってしまう子も火曜日が非常に多いのです。 歩きの子はもちろん、送り迎えの保護者の皆様には大変申し訳ないですが、なんとか、なんとか、大嵐でない限りは頑張って自分の曜日に教室に足を運んでいただきたいな、と思います。ほかのクラスで振替が、生徒超過でできないこともあるからです・・・。よろしくお願いいたします m(_ _)m
Man,, rain rain rain... so much rain... we are in the raining season and a tyhoon is on its way!! Anyhow, has anybody noticed that Tueday has a lot of rain this year?? I wonder there is a rain person in our Tuesday students. Therefore this is the day many kids miss classes because of the weather. I know this is not an easy request,, but everyone, please try your best out of best to make it to the class on your assigned day unless it is super-duper stormy outside. There is a posibility that you cannot make up the missed class as other classes get too full.. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!!
Kids are funny
1.アヤコ先生は、すごくおしゃれだね。 その服似合ってる~!!
Today's comments from one of our classes;
1. Ayako sensei, you are very fashionable. You look really good in that dress!!
2. Wayne was in a very good mood today and the lesson was fun!!
Both are comments made by the same kids. Kids really are watching and sensing.. But I wonder what made them say something they'd never said before?? Kids are funny things ;-)
We made it to the sports festival!!
We barely made it to the sports festival at Aojima elementary school!! We got to see the last 3 performances; student relay, 1st graders' dance and 6th graders' gymnastics. Everybody was so serious! I think it was good that the weather wasn't too sunny,, they would have been super tired other wise. I thought of my old days when I was doing the gymnastic there long long time ago....
Since we didn't go to the students' seating area, we only came across a few students,, but we did go and we are glad that we did!!
For Aojima elementary kids!!
We have about 100 students from Aojima elementary school. and going to see their sports festival has been our tradition... however, we might not be able to make it this year.....IF they will have the event on Saturday as scheduled. Wayne's class will end at 3 pm which is about the time the festival ends.. I was assuming that the festival was on Sunday... then I just realized looking at the calender, June 2nd was Saturday!! Oh no!! Kids,, please forgive us if we don't make it.... Gosh we feel terrible now!
So, starting this academic year, we are having "a guest speaker day" for kids of 1st grade & up.. Since it is not eassy to find a guest who can accomodate the scuedule, we have this event randomly time to time.
This time, we welcomed Mike(American from SanDiego). For those kids of small town, it was their first time meeting a dark-skinned foreigner and some showed some shock in their faces at first.. However, they were all excited and enjoyed the experience by the end of the session saying "it was so much fun!!" Good good. We want them to encounter many more people from different parts of the world! We also had a Jr.high school student from a local school for work experience project. So the classroom was extra busy!
Eclipse..... Grrrrr!!
Once in a life time event, "annular solar eclipse " was TODAY! The event I had been waiting for for a loooooong time was finally here!! Did you guys see the sky this morning around 7? Well, we did all excited and nervous... however, we didn't get to see the special moment.... The sky was covered with thick clounds all morning,,, and they didn't seem to move out of the way AT ALL!! We didn't wanna lose hope until the last min,, but the prayers didn't reach the sky.... It's still very cloudy right now. Gosh I'm so disappointed that I am speechless really! How,, how HOW could such a thing happen to us?!!
Looks like people in Kanto area luckly got to see it between fast moving clouds. Sigh,,, this area was completely hopeless. But you know what, they say "when you are losing something, you never know what you are gaining..." so I keep my head up and stay positive... although I really am super disappointed!!
My favorite house flag!
母の日のフラッグは私のお気に入りのひとつです。色あい、そして、『I ♥ Mom』のメッセージがなんともかわいらしい。。大好きです。また一年お目にかかれないなんてちょっと残念な私です。来月は父の日フラッグを出しますよ!!近所でもちょっと有名な我が家のハウスフラッグ、お立ち寄りの際にはぜひ眺めてやってください♪
Here is the flag that got off duty yesterday..."Mother's day flag." When I was in the states, I'd always thought "I will put house flags out when I ever build a house in Japan!!" Therefore, I stocked up with a lot of house flags...probably I own about 20 of them. In the states, they sell all different kinds of house flags from ones that represent the season to ones that are just for everyday use.
This Mother's day flas is one of my favorites. I just love this color and the message "I ♥ MOM." I love it! It's a little sad that I don't get to see this one until next year.... We are getting ready for the Father's day flag right now. I hear that our house flags are pretty famouse in our neighborhood. Please give a little attention when you come to our school next time ;-)
Kids are back in class!
So, the holidays are over and classes started again. We were kind of busy the whole time and forgot to get enough rest I guess... Our son was probably the same and he's got sick today! He woke up crying last night and threw up,,, now he is down with high fever. Yikes!! Owwwe well,, we still gotta do what we gotta do!
Rain rain rainnnnnnn WHY?!!
天気予報をみると、どうやら金曜まで雨マーク。ゴールデンウィークってこんなに毎年お天気が悪かったでしょうか? ショックを隠し切れません(涙) 皆様、気温の下がっておりますし、どうか体調管理はしっかりと残りの休暇をお過ごしくださいね☆ こんな悲しいお天気なら、教室で子供たちと過ごした方がマシだわ。。。
Technically today is not a holiday,,, so I suppose many of you are at school right now.. It is also a mid point of this golden week... How's everyone spending your holiday week? Wayne is also working until noon today, but we were expecting a BBQ with our friends in the afternoon which was CANCELLED because of this unfortunate weather... Now we are left with tons of hotdog and yakisoba stuff in the fridge!! Ouch!
Looks like the weather stays this way until Friday!! Has golden week weather been always like this?? I'm just so so disappointed!
Anyhow, please everyone take care of yourself and don't get sick in this cold weather! We rather spend time with our students in this kind of depressing weather...
Golden Week is coming up!!
Golden week is coming up. Some of our students have school on May 1st and 2nd, but our school will be closing the whole week because our lesson plan is made to advance week by week. Some got plans to go somewhere, some are planning to just relax,,,, hopefully many of you will take a little bit of time to review your English materials! All the kids of 3rd graders and up are taking review tests this week,, and honestly, there are many kids who need extra study at home! Our lessons will be advancing in May, so we beg you guys to sit down and look through your materials during this break.
So far, we have BBQ planned for next week.. I hope we will get to do something fun at least once during the break. Okay, guys, enjoy your break and see you in 2 weeks!!
I'm reading..,
I picked up a book to read. It's been a while since I read a book last time..The title is "Yokame no semi(A cicada on the 8th day)." It's a novel that was talked about a lot last year when they made it into a movie. My friend recommended the movie saying "if you are a mother, you are gonna cry so bad!!" As I don't have that luxury to sit down and enjoy the 2hr+ movie right at this moment, I decided to start with the novel as I put my son to sleep. I've been enjoying the reading time although I say to myself "oops, how do I read this kanji?" here and there. Reading, it's a good habit.
The second week is almost done!
So, the second week is ending soon. Although we got a lot more classes to handle this year, each week goes by super fast! I guess we are pretty much adapted to have classes one after another. Yes, it is busy busy busy, but is worth it. Kids seem to start to get used to the classes as well. Looks like summer break will sneak up on us before you know it!
Uhhhhh anybody??
Have you guys noticed? You can actually leave comments for this blog! Yet, we probably only receive a few comments a year. How sad is that?! I'm sure some of you are nothing to do with our school(really?) but any comments will be very much appreciated and that really does motivate me. So, please everyone, leave some comments! Okay, I'm done.
Phew! The first day is down!
So, the first day is over(although Wayne is still teaching his private students....). Everything went way more smoothly than I was expecting. Kids seemed to have fun! Most kids were from our kinder classes, so they had no problem with Wayne and time just went by very fast. Phew, that was good! I was worried about the increased number of classes we are going to teach this year... but since the kids didn't give us any trouble, we handled all 5 hours of continuous classes just fine. Let's get the tomorrow done just like we did today!!
New School Year is starting!!!!!!
It's April 1st Sunday night guys! It means... new school year is starting TOMORROW! We are expecting a lot of new elementary kids moving up from our kinder class. We are also welcoimg brand new kids who are starting English as they become elementary students this Spring. Our main goals for April are for kids to get used to the new classes and for us to get to know the students and remember everyone's name!! For kids who are just continuing from the last school year, this month will be very important as well.Wwe will do all the reviews of what they've learned so far. Get ready everybody!! We are charging up the energy right now!
New books New school year!
Darn it, I was so unaware of this....! The new edition of Jr high text books are coming out for this school year. Since I make all the study mateials, I guess I have to renew everything.. Owww well, change is not a bad thing! As far as I skimmed though the books, the expressions they use seemed a little more natural. Difficulty level however, is about the same and they now use very Anime-like characters. Hopefully those changes will influence kids in positive way. We, Japan is very behind in terms of the effective English education in Asia region which is pretty shameful as we are concidered a developed country. I strongly hope that there will be more kids being interested in getting out of this tiny island to learn English and see the world!!
Sorry for the be-lated announcement.
この度、私たちの教室が『英検準会場』として認められました。つまり、教室で英検が実施できるというわけです!!うれしいですね。今までは、レンタカーをして送迎したり、子供たちもパパ、ママにそれぞれ静岡の会場まで送迎をお願いしていたのですが、これからは、教室に来てくれれば英検が受けられます。なんと便利! 6月は新年度始まって間もないということもあり、10月より教室にて英検を開始しようと思っています。 みんな頑張って勉強しよう!
Sorry we are a little late to let you guys know about this,, but we are now approved of EIken sub-testing location which means that we can offer Eiken test at our school!! We no longer have to worry about renting a van or asking parents to send their kids to Shizuoka Eiken locations.. Phew what a convenience! As June is a bit too soon after the new school year begins, we are planning to start Eiken in Oct. Let's study hard and get ready guys!
A guest speaker!
初めは「きゃーどうしよー」「むりむりー!」なんて騒いでいた子供達でしたが、「What's your name?」や「What food do you like?」 などシンプルな質問に頑張って返答していました。教室からは笑い声がたえず、皆初めてのウェイン以外の外国人さんに大興奮だったようです。今コネを駆使して色々な外国人の方に声をかけています。来年度の私たちに乞うご期待d(^_^o)
We have been planning to welcome some international guest speakers for this coming school year in order to give our kids an opportunity to use their English to communicate people from all over the world. Yesterday, we experimented it by inviting Wayne's friend from Italy to our 2nd grade class. Kids were very nervous at first saying "Ughh I don't know what to do!" or "No no no! I can't do it!" ... but they managed to answer simple questions like "What is your name?" or "What food do you like?" The class was full of laughter the whole time and kids seemed to enjoy the experience to meet a foreign person other than Wayne ;)
We are trying to find as many international people as possible using our connection... Everyone, please get excited for this new school year!
Moving on...
It's still been pretty chilly this week.. We hope everybody is doing okay. As the end of school year approaches, we started getting many phone calls for trial lessons.. however, all the new first grade classes prepared are full by now and we barely have a few seats left for new 3-4th grade classes. For 5-6th gladers, we can only accept children with some English backgrounds.
For the latest seat availability, please contact us at 054-902-3637 or ayako@wilsons.jp .
今日はバレンタインデー☆ 教室の女の子たちからこんなに沢山のチョコをもらってしまいました~o(^▽^)o みんなあまーぃサプライズをありがとう~!今夜はワインと一緒にみんなからの贈り物を頂いちゃいます(*^^*)
It's a Valentine's day everyone! We got tons of chocolates from our girls!! Thank you all for the sweet surprise ;) We are gonna enjoy them with some wine tonight ;)))
A happy new year?!
というわけで、2012年初のブログ更新です。もう一月も終わりですので、お正月気分も吹っ飛んでおりますが、皆様は良い年末年始を過ごされましたか? 私たちは、教室の家具を入れ替えたりと、2週間お休みがありましたが、遠出という遠出もせずこの辺で過ごしておりました。2週間お休みがあると、だんだん不安になってしまいます。『みな、お休みが終わったら教室に戻ってきてくれるのだろうか?!』と。。でも心配は無用でした。みんな元気に教室にカムバックしてくれました。良かった(^=^)。
今年はどんな一年になるのでしょうか。息子が産まれて一年が今まで以上に早く感じられました。2012年は分校を開くことを目標に今計画をねっています。どこかに素敵な人材がいないかな?今探しております。『英語が好きで、子供が好き』プラスアルファ―な先生候補、募集中です!! 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。
Oops,,, I did it again; abandonning my blog..! Well, I never meant to abondon my blog. It was just that we had been going thrugh a lot since classes started again. For all the fans of Ayako's blog(if there are any lol), SORRY for the wait!!
Anyways,, this is the first blog update for the year of 2012. It's already the end of January and I know the excitement of new year is already gone by now .... Did you all have a good holiday season? During our 2 weeks break, we rearranged the classroom with new tables and chairs and cleaned out the messy waiting room instead of going somewhere far.
Having such a long break made me a bit worried,,, I started to think if kids would come back to our school.... but that was totally unnecessary. They did come back like always!!
I wonder what 2012 has in the store. Time flies by even faster after we had our son.. One of our ambition for this year is to open up the second school... or at least to get close for that to happen.. hopefully we will find some good teacher candidates who are not just liking English and kids but also got something more. Wish us luck!
Thank you in advance everyone for the continuing support for the new year.