勉強勉強とはいいません、でもどうかちょっとだけでも子供たちには教材のおさらいをしてほしいですね☆ 私たちも10月の英検にそなえ、対策教材を作成中です!!!頑張るぞ!!
Our summer break is starting tomorrow!!! However,, looks like the weather is a concern AGAIN which reminds me of the nightmare of golden week..... We've got a plan for BBQ and our first family trip to Nasu kogen during this break.... but I can't stop worrying about the weather and also the traffic jam. Grrrr.
We don't expect kids to study everyday, but that would make us very happy if they can spend a little bit of time reviewing the materials in their binder... We are creating some study guide for up coming Eiken right now!! Let's do this people!
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