徐々に徐々に完成に近づいている高岡教室です☆ 今週はウェインの午前中のALTのお仕事がお休みのため、ウェインは連日朝からもくもくと作業しています。手作りの愛情こもったこの教室に子供たちの声が響く日も近いです!頑張れウェイン~!!!
Takaoka school is getting ready for its grand opening!! Since Wayne is off from his morning ALT job this week, he goes over there and works on the project everyday. Only a few more weeks to go for this new classroom to be filled with kids' laughter!! Hang in there Wayne!!

Takaoka school is getting ready for its grand opening!! Since Wayne is off from his morning ALT job this week, he goes over there and works on the project everyday. Only a few more weeks to go for this new classroom to be filled with kids' laughter!! Hang in there Wayne!!
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