教室の2週間のお休みが半分過ぎました。皆様、いかがお過ごしですか? ウィルソン家は、お休みが始まると同時に、子供たちが2人とも熱で倒れました(涙)。次男に関しては、高熱が4日ほど続き、、これは、突発性発疹に違いない、と確信していた私。 冷静に様子をみていくと、やはり熱が下がると同時にお腹と背中に発疹が~! というわけで無事終了したのでした。 長男も何とか元気になり、今度は私が風邪・・・・。 仕事をしていないと免疫力が下がるのでしょうか。 気持ちを張っていない状態というのは油断禁物ですね。
それでは、引き続き楽しいSummer breakを!!
Scotch is home!!!
Scotch is out the hospital! In spite of the painful looking scar, he is doing completely fine. We actually had him nutured at the same time while he was under anesthesia.. Yeah, we did feel bad for him but the dr said that it shouldn't bother him as his leg is supposed to be hurting more.... Anyhow, he doesn't seem depressed and looks just happy to be home. We feel we were right to have two procedures done all together.
He is going to be on a rehab and a diet for a while. He needs to go down to 12kg,, about 4 lb to go. Its all for him to have a long n happy life with us!! Speaking of which,,, I need to work hard at dieting as well. Ughhhhhhhhhh.
投稿 (Atom)