
Scotch is home!!!

スコッチが退院しました。痛々しい後ろ足腿の縫いキズ・・・でも本人はすこぶる元気です。今回、かわいそうな気もしましたが、麻酔ついでに去勢もしてしまいました!!先生曰く、『足の方が痛いと思うので、去勢の方は大して気にならないかもしれないですよ!』とのこと(ほんとかしら汗)!!  虚勢をすると、落ち込んでしまうワンちゃんもいると聞きましたが、うちのスコさんはそんな様子もなく、一週間の隔離から解放されたことがただただ嬉しい様子。去勢してしまって、よかったです。 しばらくはリハビリと、体重管理、、、14キロちょいのスコッチ、頑張って12キロまで落とすのがゴールです。 これも長生きしてもらうために・・・。 私の方も、ダイエット頑張らねば(汗)!

Scotch is out the hospital! In spite of the painful looking scar, he is doing completely fine. We actually had him nutured at the same time while he was under anesthesia.. Yeah, we did feel bad for him but the dr said that it shouldn't bother him as his leg is supposed to be hurting more.... Anyhow, he doesn't seem depressed and looks just happy to be home. We feel we were right to have two procedures done all together.
He is going to be on a rehab and a  diet for a while. He needs to go down to 12kg,, about 4 lb to go. Its all for him to have a long n happy life with us!! Speaking of which,,, I need to work hard at dieting as well. Ughhhhhhhhhh.

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