何人かの生徒たちにはお話したのですが、26日から31日まで、ウェインのお父様が2度目の来日をされています。前回は私たちも連日授業があり、あまり観光も出来なかったのですが、今回は29,30,31日と幸い私たちの授業がお休みのため、近所の観光地をまわっています。私たちもなかなか観光ができていないので一石二鳥です^^ 昨日は掛川城に行って来ました。藤枝は雨模様だったようですが、掛川はお日様もでており、咲き始めた桜とお城がとても絵になっていました。
As we told some of our students, Wayne's dad is with us from 26th to 31st. This is his 2nd visit to Japan. When he came last time, we had classes and couldn't show him around much, but we had three days off this time and we are visiting some local tourist spots. It works for us because we hadn't visited many of those places. We just visited Kakegawa catsle yesterday. I heard that it was rainy in Fujieda, but it was pretty nice in Kakegawa yesterday and the cherry blossoms and the castle looked very beautiful.