見てくださいよ~!このバナナ。こんなに大きなバナナの房は初めてみましたョ!13本のバナナが付いています。実はこれ、会話のクラスの生徒さんが私たちのために持ってきてくださったのです^^ 先週は採れたてのイチゴ・・・。なんとラッキーな私たちなのでしょう。早速おやつ代わりに食べてます。ありがとうございました~!!
L@@k at this bananas! I've never seen a banana bunch with this many bananas! There are 13 bananas on it. Actually, one of our conversation class students brought this for us the other day ;-) He even brought us fresh strawberries last week. How lucky we are... We've been eating this every day for snacks. Thank you very very much~!!!
L@@k at this bananas! I've never seen a banana bunch with this many bananas! There are 13 bananas on it. Actually, one of our conversation class students brought this for us the other day ;-) He even brought us fresh strawberries last week. How lucky we are... We've been eating this every day for snacks. Thank you very very much~!!!
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