近所の皆様はお気づきかも知れませんが、教室の看板の下に『英語教室』と書いた新しい看板を設置しました。アメリカで作って持ってきたWilson'sAmericanEnglishのロゴ入り看板は私たちのお気に入りですが、パッとみて、ココが英語教室だとわかる人は少ないのでないかと近頃思うようになり、先日の定休日に突如材料を購入、お正月のプロジェクトで使ったあまりのペンキを再利用して完成☆ 専門店に頼めばきっと高くついたでしょうが、今回の材料費は5000円を切りました。小さな教室ですので、経費は出来る限り節約したいのです。素人にしては上手にできていると思いませんか?
Some of our neighbors might have noticed by now, we just put up a new sign that says "English School." The one that says Wilson's American English with school logo is our favorite and we brought it from the states, but we started thinking lately that not many people can tell we are an English school just by seeing the sign. So, we went to store on our day off and got some materials, made this new sign with left-over paints from new year's. It could've been expensive if you ordered it at a store but our material fee was less than 5000yen! We're a small business and saving money is esseitilal. Doesn't it look pretty good for an amateur's job?
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