昨日の東京マラソンの模様をみて、その思い出がよみがえりました。沿道の人たちが名前を呼んでくれたり、フルーツなどを配ってくれたりしていたのはロサンゼルスマラソンでも同じで、本当に励まされたものです。マラソンなんてー、と思う人は多いと思いますが、なんとかなるものですよ。終わったときの達成感は言葉になりません。来年の東京マラソンにはぜひ参加してみたぃ!! だれか一緒に走りませんか?
I never liked long distance runs in my teen... but I became to participate and even finished 3 full marathons during the ten years in the states.
Those memories came back to me when I saw Tokyo marathon yesterday. People on the side of the road were cheering the runners or giving them foods just like ones in Los Angeles marathon which was so encouraging. I know some would say running a marathon is crazy,, but it's actually pretty doable if you give it a try. And the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line is so great . I definitely want to try Tokyo marathon next year! Anybody wanna join me?
What A Relief!!!!!
先日話したレーザープリンターの紙詰まりがいよいよ悪化してきたので、やむおえずメーカーの訪問修理を依頼しました。オペレーターの方に、『訪問費用が20000円で、部品費用は別途』、と言われ青ざめていました。それが昨日の昼間の出来事です。そして同日の夜中、ウェインがプリンターの後部をいじっていると、、なにやら茶色いものが挟まっているではないですかっ!ひっぱり出すと、数か月前にプリントしていた私たちの教室のお月謝袋。。。もしやこれが紙詰まりを引き起こしていたのでは、、とさっそくいつもなら確実に紙詰まりが起こる枚数の印刷を開始。。。 つまらない!!! No more paper jam!!! もううれしくてうれしくて。。表現しようのないくらいほーーーーーーっっっつっとしています。 はあ、、よかった。 挟まった間抜けな茶封筒一枚を見つけてもらうのに20000円払うところでした。
The paper jam that I mentioned before has gotten worse, so we finally had to call the maker for the repair. They said that it would cost 20000 yen just for them to be here and parts fee would be additional which made us so depressed. That took place earlier yesterday. Then later that night when Wayne was checking the back side of our printer, he found something brown,,, which turned out to be our tuition envelope! We immediately got this feeling that this was actually causing the paper jam... so we tested the printer by making enough copies that would usually have caused the paper jam. ...... No jamming!! What a excitement! This relief is just undescribably huge! Thanks God! We almost spent 20000yen for having repair guy find the stupid envelope stuck in the printer!
The paper jam that I mentioned before has gotten worse, so we finally had to call the maker for the repair. They said that it would cost 20000 yen just for them to be here and parts fee would be additional which made us so depressed. That took place earlier yesterday. Then later that night when Wayne was checking the back side of our printer, he found something brown,,, which turned out to be our tuition envelope! We immediately got this feeling that this was actually causing the paper jam... so we tested the printer by making enough copies that would usually have caused the paper jam. ...... No jamming!! What a excitement! This relief is just undescribably huge! Thanks God! We almost spent 20000yen for having repair guy find the stupid envelope stuck in the printer!
We can never thank you enough!
We've gotten so many gifts from our students' parents. There are all kinds of gifts that we can never ever appreciate enough. When our son gets old enough, we will tell him how blessed he is to be here as our son. We are such a lucky family!
We've gotten so many gifts from our students' parents. There are all kinds of gifts that we can never ever appreciate enough. When our son gets old enough, we will tell him how blessed he is to be here as our son. We are such a lucky family!
The Coolest Diaper?!
わかりますか?これ、息子に装着した紙オムツのフロントショットです(笑) このオムツはなんとジーンズ柄になっていて、オムツ一丁でも恥ずかしくない "スペシャルオムツ" なのです!アメリカで数年前に発売されて、この子が産まれるまえから購入しておいた物ですが、とうとう使用する時が来ました。ただまだまだ寒いのでなかなかオムツ一丁とはいかず誰の目に触れる機会がないのでブログでドン!
L@@k! This is a front shot of my son's diaper. This diaper is a special one with jeans pattern so that the baby can look cool even in a diaper only. This came out in the states a few years back and I bought them before he was born. I can finally get to use them!! Since it is still cold for him to be in a diaper by itself, let me just show it off on the blog for now!
L@@k! This is a front shot of my son's diaper. This diaper is a special one with jeans pattern so that the baby can look cool even in a diaper only. This came out in the states a few years back and I bought them before he was born. I can finally get to use them!! Since it is still cold for him to be in a diaper by itself, let me just show it off on the blog for now!
英検4級にチャレンジした小学6年生の兄弟が無事合格しました!とってもうれしいです。ダメもとでやってみる、とのことでしたが、英検特訓クラスにも参加してくれ、おうちでも自主的にお勉強して臨んだようです。二人そろって(双子ちゃんなので)の合格とのことで私たちもいつもの2倍うれしぃです☆ 頑張ったね!
Two 6th grader brothers passed Eiken 4! We are so happy. Although they said they would give it a try regardless of the result, they attended our Eiken training class in addition to some study at home. Since they are twins and both passed, we are doubly excited! Good job guys!
Two 6th grader brothers passed Eiken 4! We are so happy. Although they said they would give it a try regardless of the result, they attended our Eiken training class in addition to some study at home. Since they are twins and both passed, we are doubly excited! Good job guys!
教室の教材を印刷するレーザープリンターの具合が悪く、参っています・・・・。紙詰まりが頻発するのです。。ひとクラスの教材を6枚プリントするのに、最低5枚は紙詰まりで無駄にしている状況です。しかもプリントの色が薄い!いったぃどうなっているのでしょう。。今使っているプリンターは教室が始まってから3台目、、、つまりほぼ一年ごとにみなどこかが壊れて新調する羽目になっているということです。。。今使っているその3台目は一度メーカーに修理に来ていただいたこともあるのですが、、、ちょうど保証が切れたころにこの事態です↓↓ よくしたものですね。 決して安い買い物ではないので、こればっかりは頭が痛いです(>_<) はあああああ~~!!
Our lazer printer for the lesson materials is giving us a hard time... Papers get jammed way too often. I think we are wasting about 5 sheets to make 6 handouts. Plus, the color comes out so light! What the heck is going on?! This printer is our third one since school started which means that we are replacing our printer almost every year. This current printer even has a history of having a technician to come over for repair in the past.
Now it started acting up again AFTER the warranty expired. What a timing huh?! Printers are not cheap and this definitely is a big big big headache for us!! Gwwwwwwwww!
Our lazer printer for the lesson materials is giving us a hard time... Papers get jammed way too often. I think we are wasting about 5 sheets to make 6 handouts. Plus, the color comes out so light! What the heck is going on?! This printer is our third one since school started which means that we are replacing our printer almost every year. This current printer even has a history of having a technician to come over for repair in the past.
Now it started acting up again AFTER the warranty expired. What a timing huh?! Printers are not cheap and this definitely is a big big big headache for us!! Gwwwwwwwww!
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