昨日の東京マラソンの模様をみて、その思い出がよみがえりました。沿道の人たちが名前を呼んでくれたり、フルーツなどを配ってくれたりしていたのはロサンゼルスマラソンでも同じで、本当に励まされたものです。マラソンなんてー、と思う人は多いと思いますが、なんとかなるものですよ。終わったときの達成感は言葉になりません。来年の東京マラソンにはぜひ参加してみたぃ!! だれか一緒に走りませんか?
I never liked long distance runs in my teen... but I became to participate and even finished 3 full marathons during the ten years in the states.
Those memories came back to me when I saw Tokyo marathon yesterday. People on the side of the road were cheering the runners or giving them foods just like ones in Los Angeles marathon which was so encouraging. I know some would say running a marathon is crazy,, but it's actually pretty doable if you give it a try. And the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line is so great . I definitely want to try Tokyo marathon next year! Anybody wanna join me?
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