心残りだったのは今日が今年最後のレッスンだった為すべてキャンセルしなければならなかったこと。なんとか今日まではもってほしかったのですが、ベビ男くんが我慢できなかったみたいです。 産まれて来る瞬間まで痛みと戦っていましたが、すべて終わってくれてホッとしてます。また後日写真をUPします。
Today at 2am, my water broke and we rushed to the hospital. and our baby arrived at 5:02pm!
One regret was that today was the very last day of class this year and we had to cancel them all. I wish the baby held off for another day but I guess he couldn't wait any longer. I was in great pain all the way til the baby was out, but I am so relieved that it's over!! I will upload some baby pics later!
Hot chocolate
掃除の後は、ウェインと2人でホットチョコレートを飲みました。マシュマロを浮かせて飲むのがアメリカ式(^_^) よく向こうのコンビニで仕事の合間に買ってたなー。懐かしい気持ちになりました~(*^^*)
We took down all the Christmas stuff yesterday. It's kind of a relief that all those events are over at least until next Halloween.
After the clean-up, we had hot chocolates with marshmallow which is an American style. I used to buy them at convenience store in the states between my works. It brought back memories(*^^*)

掃除の後は、ウェインと2人でホットチョコレートを飲みました。マシュマロを浮かせて飲むのがアメリカ式(^_^) よく向こうのコンビニで仕事の合間に買ってたなー。懐かしい気持ちになりました~(*^^*)
We took down all the Christmas stuff yesterday. It's kind of a relief that all those events are over at least until next Halloween.
After the clean-up, we had hot chocolates with marshmallow which is an American style. I used to buy them at convenience store in the states between my works. It brought back memories(*^^*)
When is the big day?!
妊娠38週目に入っています・・・・。私の予定では、そろそろ産まれてきてくれるはずだったのに、、、体中痛いですが、産まれてくる兆候は・・・無し(涙)!! はあ、このままじゃ、大きなおなかのままお正月を迎えてしまうのでは、、とかなり凹んでいるわたしです。どうかどうか、今年中に産まれてきてくれますように、Mr. Baby!!
I'm on the 38th week of my pregnancy. I was actually expecting to give birth by now,, but even with this pain throughout my body, I don't have any symptom that leads to delivery. I'm worried that I could stay this way until new year's day! Please please please Mr. Baby boy, come out before this year ends!!!!
I'm on the 38th week of my pregnancy. I was actually expecting to give birth by now,, but even with this pain throughout my body, I don't have any symptom that leads to delivery. I'm worried that I could stay this way until new year's day! Please please please Mr. Baby boy, come out before this year ends!!!!
Kinda sucks!!
ちょっとまえから気になっていたというか、、残念に思っていることがあります。映画館で、字幕の映画が少なくなってきていると思いませんか?上映されているとしても、その日の上映の一番最後だったり、平日の夜だったり、、、。私は昔から、外国の映画なら、オリジナルの音源(英語)に日本語字幕で観るのが当たり前だと思っていました。でも最近は上映されているほとんどの外国映画は日本語に吹き替えられたものばかり・・・。非常に残念です。 子供にはきっと受けがいいのかもしれませんが、それにしても、字幕映画の上映数が少なすぎるような気がします。10年前は持ち込み禁止のところも多かった日本の映画館も、最近はポップコーンやソーダが売られてアメリカンになってきている傍ら、上映する映画は日本語吹き替え版ばかり・・・。ほんとに残念でなりません><
There is one thing that's been kind of bothering me lately. Don't you think there are less and less movies with subtitles in the movie theaters? Even they do play movies with subtitles, they play them at the end of their business hours or late night slots on weekdays. I have always thought that we are supposed to see foreign movies with their original voices with Japanese subtitle. But in recent years, I notice that they play more Japanese dubbed ones... which is very disappointing. It's understandable that kids would like it better, but still they play way too much Japanese-dubbed movies. It is especially disappointing to me as there are more theaters allowing popcorns and sodas in the theaters like ones in the states, yet the movies they play are all in Japanese!! Gosh I'm annoyed!
There is one thing that's been kind of bothering me lately. Don't you think there are less and less movies with subtitles in the movie theaters? Even they do play movies with subtitles, they play them at the end of their business hours or late night slots on weekdays. I have always thought that we are supposed to see foreign movies with their original voices with Japanese subtitle. But in recent years, I notice that they play more Japanese dubbed ones... which is very disappointing. It's understandable that kids would like it better, but still they play way too much Japanese-dubbed movies. It is especially disappointing to me as there are more theaters allowing popcorns and sodas in the theaters like ones in the states, yet the movies they play are all in Japanese!! Gosh I'm annoyed!
Christmas Activity Week
Last week, we had our kids decorate Christmas stockings for the second half of their lessons. This is our 3rd Christmas and this activity is our 3rd time;-) We don't have a Christmas party, but we always put little gift in this stockings and give them to our students in Christmas week. Our classroom is now very Christmasy with the tree and stockings on the wall.
We finally did our Christmas illumination. Since we are always busy with our own stuff on Sundays, we tend to put our school stuff off til later time. But, we did it finally!
As our Halloween decoration was a little too much, it felt like putting Chrismas decoration was done in no time. We are debating on the Santa Clause that we had on the wall last year. He got blown by the wind way too much and needs some repairs on his clothes. Poor thing.
Our classroom got a Chrismastree out too and it finally feels like a Chrismas season!
うれしぃですね~~☆ 私たちの教室に来ている受験生3人が全員英検準2級に合格しました!2次試験前夜に何度も面接の練習をしたかいがありました~(^_^) 一人は、学習塾が終わってから教室に駆けつけてくれました。 今月どこかにごちそうに連れて行ってあげようと思います。本当に良く頑張ってくれました。思えば中学に入って初めて英語に触れました、といって2008年に入ってきた子もいたこの3人組。。私たちの教室が始まってから2年半の間ずっと同じクラスでやってきました。ウェインとのやり取りも楽しそうですし、彼らには誇りをもっている私たちです。
Great!!! All of our 3 jr high 3rd graders passed Eiken pre-2!! Yay!! I guess the intensive training we had the night before the intervew was well worth it!! One of the kids rushed to our class as soon as he was done with his cram school. I think we are going to treat them nice lunch or dinner this month. They really did a good job! When they started in 2008, one of them didn't even have any English background until entering Jr high. They have always been together since then.. They really enjoy conversation with Wayne every week and we are so proud of them.
Great!!! All of our 3 jr high 3rd graders passed Eiken pre-2!! Yay!! I guess the intensive training we had the night before the intervew was well worth it!! One of the kids rushed to our class as soon as he was done with his cram school. I think we are going to treat them nice lunch or dinner this month. They really did a good job! When they started in 2008, one of them didn't even have any English background until entering Jr high. They have always been together since then.. They really enjoy conversation with Wayne every week and we are so proud of them.
Tokino Sumika
We went to TokinoSumika in Gotenba this past Sunday. I've wanted to go there since I saw the illumination tunnel on TV. Since it takes just a little over an hour on Tomei expressway to Gotenba, we left home after the lunch to make it by the sunset. We stopped by FujikawaRakuza on the way for snapping some pictures and felt quite refreshed. Feels like we had been stuck in Fujieda lately... The place was very crowded as it was on the weekend, but we enjoyed the tunnel and the dome shaped illuminations as well. I am so glad that we got up and went!
I think this was our last date before we're becoming "parents." It feels so weird that we are having a new family member here in a month.
Turkey Day!!!
第4木曜日はThanks Giving Dayという祝日です。今年は11月25日がその日。この日は、ほとんどのビジネスが休業し、皆家族で七面鳥を食べるのが伝統になっています。私たちもアメリカにいた頃には毎年七面鳥の丸焼きを食べていたのですが、日本に来てからは七面鳥は手に入らないだろうとあきらめていたのです。。が、、今年の初めころ日本でも七面鳥が手に入ることを知り(アメリカからの輸入物)、今年はなんと念願の七面鳥をネットオーダーしましたっ!!というわけで、写真は我が家が今夜いただいた七面鳥のBefore/After写真^^; 七面鳥のほかにも、ゆで野菜、マッシュポテト、クランベリーゼリーなどを一緒に食べます。七面鳥を食べるのが初めてだった私の両親も大喜びでした。来年もまたアメリカ式のThanks Givingができると思うとうれしいです。スコッチもオーシャンも七面鳥のかけらを食べて喜んでいました。
It's already past though, the 4th Thursday of November is called "Thanks giving day" in the States. November 25th was the day this year and almost all businesses are to be closed so that everybody can get together with their family to have roasted turkey dishes as the tradition. We used to cook turkey on Thanks giving when we were in the States, but we'd given up on it since we moved to Japan. However,,, we found out in the beginning of this year that we could actually purchase turkeys here in Japan as well(impoprted one from the states) and we did order one on the internet this year!! Photos are the before/after shots of turkey and the thanks giving plate we had today. People usually have boiled vegetables and mushed potato and cranberry jelly etc... other than turkey.My parents really enjoyed their very first turkey meat. We are very excited that we can do this again next year. Scotch and Ocean also enjoyed bits and pieces of the turkey very much.
Ugh,,, under the weather
昨日から突然体調があまり良くない感じです↓ ひどい胸やけ+長時間立っていると吐き気が・・・・(涙) 昨夜はベッドに横になるともう気持ち悪くてほとんど眠れませんでした。。 もうすぐ臨月なので、おなかのべビ男も相当でかくなっており、内臓を圧迫しているのが原因だと考えられます。ネットで調べると、臨月の過ごし方として、やはり最低30分はウォーキングをしましょう、とか書いてあるのですが、「とても無理~~><」と怖気づいてしまっています。はああ。今日は実家の母にスコッチの散歩まで頼んでしまった始末。ああ、情けない。とりあえず授業は気力で乗り切っています。あと数週間でべビ男がすっきり私の体から出てきてくれると思うともう待ちきれません!!
My condition has been under the weather since yesterday. I have terrible heartburn and when I'm standing too long, I feel nauseated. I couldn't even sleep last night as I felt really sick laying down on the bed. I know it is because my baby is pressuring my organs as he gets big. When I research about how to spend the last months of pregnancy, they always recommend at least 30min walking... but to me, it almost feels impossible! I even had to ask my mother to walk Scotch today. I feel so miserable. Although my willpower keeps me going to handle all those classes, I can't can't CAN'T wait to push this big baby out of my body in a few weeks!!!
My condition has been under the weather since yesterday. I have terrible heartburn and when I'm standing too long, I feel nauseated. I couldn't even sleep last night as I felt really sick laying down on the bed. I know it is because my baby is pressuring my organs as he gets big. When I research about how to spend the last months of pregnancy, they always recommend at least 30min walking... but to me, it almost feels impossible! I even had to ask my mother to walk Scotch today. I feel so miserable. Although my willpower keeps me going to handle all those classes, I can't can't CAN'T wait to push this big baby out of my body in a few weeks!!!
After all...
日曜にイルミネーションのお目見えとなりませんでした↓↓ そのかわり、午前中に紅葉を見に行こうということになり、長時間の車移動が最近かなり苦痛になってきている私のせいで超近場の不動峡というところに行ってきました。ここから1時間もかからないスポットです。たくさんの人たちがすでに来ていて、駐車場がいっぱいでした。山はまだ緑が多かったですが、駐車場周辺はもみじが赤くそまってとてもきれいでした。みなさんのお気に入りの紅葉スポットはどこですか?
After all, we didn't do the illumination on Sunday... Instead, we went to see the Fall leaves at Fudokyo, the nearest spot to see those pretty leaves. We chose that place as my tummy is getting too big to stay in the car comfortably and it doesn't even take an hour to get there. There were may people there already and the parking lot was full. Although the mountains were still pretty green, those Japanese maples around the parking lot were so beautiful in bright red. Where is your favorite place for Fall leaves??
Christmas is approaching
クリスマスが近づいていますね。年末に向けて、イベントが多く、飾りつけが大変です(苦)。現在ウィルソン家ではハロウィンのデコレーションがまだ完全にしまいきれていない状態でクリスマスデコレーションを引っ張りだし始めています(><) 2階はもう大変な状態です!休みが日曜しか無いので作業がどんどん先送り・・・。今週末にイルミネーションくらいは出せるかなあ。。。。と思っています。昼間は紅葉を見に行きたいと考えている私たちですが、どうなることやら。
Christmas is approaching. All those events towards the end of year are absolutely killing us and we can bearly keep up with the decorations. At this moment, we are pulling some Christmas stuff out although we still got some Halloween stuff laying around! Our upstairs is a complete MESS! We tend to put things off as we only have one day off(Sundays). Hopefully you will get to see some illuminations out this weekend.. Well,,, I cannnot garuantee anything right at this moment as we are planning to go to the mountains during the day to enjoy some colored leaves tomorrow.
Christmas is approaching. All those events towards the end of year are absolutely killing us and we can bearly keep up with the decorations. At this moment, we are pulling some Christmas stuff out although we still got some Halloween stuff laying around! Our upstairs is a complete MESS! We tend to put things off as we only have one day off(Sundays). Hopefully you will get to see some illuminations out this weekend.. Well,,, I cannnot garuantee anything right at this moment as we are planning to go to the mountains during the day to enjoy some colored leaves tomorrow.
Website is up to date
ウェインが、やっと教室のサイトを更新してくれました。不調だったPictureコーナーも写真が古くなってきていたAbout usのページも新しくなりました☆ Pictureコーナーでは、過去の写真から、先日のハロウィンパーティーまでの写真が閲覧できるようになっています。私たちも久々に過去の写真を眺めていたのですが、みんな成長しましたね~~^^ 教室に入ってきたとき、3年生だった子供たちももうすぐ6年生。あどけなさが残っている2008年の写真をみているとみんなの成長ぶりに驚かされます。
Wayne finally has updated our website. The "pictures" section which had some viewing problems are now fixed and "About us" section with old photo is now with new pictures and new info. On the "pictures" section, you get to see all our past pictures from 2008 to the Halloween party 2010. We were just looking at those old pictures and realized that our kids have grown up so much. The students who joined us in 2008 as 3rd graders are almost 6th graders now. They all looked like babies in 2008 and it is surprising to see how much they've grown in a few years!
Wayne finally has updated our website. The "pictures" section which had some viewing problems are now fixed and "About us" section with old photo is now with new pictures and new info. On the "pictures" section, you get to see all our past pictures from 2008 to the Halloween party 2010. We were just looking at those old pictures and realized that our kids have grown up so much. The students who joined us in 2008 as 3rd graders are almost 6th graders now. They all looked like babies in 2008 and it is surprising to see how much they've grown in a few years!
数日ブログを休憩してたった今覗いてみたら、、なにっ?!このブログへのアクセスが1000hitを超えているではないか=っ(笑) いったいいつの間に・・・。といってもこのアクセスカウンター、過去の投稿をクリックしたり、更新ボタンを押したりするたびに数が増えていくので、あまりあてにならなかったりする(- -;) それにしてもこんなにも早く4ケタに達するのはうれしいですね^^ このままカウンターは放置して様子を見ていこうと思います(笑)。
What a surprise after a few days of break from my blog! I've got over 1000hits!? When did that happen?! Well,, this access counter adds number everytime you read multiple posts on a single visit or hit refresh,, so I don't take it too seriously. But it IS nice to see 4 digits up there. I guess I'm gonna leave this counter there and see how the number grows LOL
By the way, we had Eiken pre-2 interview training on Saturday night. Our Eiken classes(free for students) including all other levels have a fun and relaxed atmosphere with some snacks and drinks provided for the students. However, we had to put some extra energy into it this time as Eiken pre-2 interview requires more technical and advanced speaking skills. We hope all three kids will pass!! Fingers crossed!

What a surprise after a few days of break from my blog! I've got over 1000hits!? When did that happen?! Well,, this access counter adds number everytime you read multiple posts on a single visit or hit refresh,, so I don't take it too seriously. But it IS nice to see 4 digits up there. I guess I'm gonna leave this counter there and see how the number grows LOL
By the way, we had Eiken pre-2 interview training on Saturday night. Our Eiken classes(free for students) including all other levels have a fun and relaxed atmosphere with some snacks and drinks provided for the students. However, we had to put some extra energy into it this time as Eiken pre-2 interview requires more technical and advanced speaking skills. We hope all three kids will pass!! Fingers crossed!
昨夜、中学2年生のKanaちゃんが、「先生、塾の英語のテストで、Shall we ~~?の文章の返答としてYesと書いたら バツでした。間違っているんですか?」と聞いてきた。。私の返答は、「え~、Yesでも全く問題ないよ。みんな普通に使ってるよ。」すると、「塾では、Sureでないとダメらしぃ。」とのこと。。はあ、、、これだから日本人は柔軟な英語頭が育たないのだ。違和感をもちながら私は「Kanaちゃん、現場ではYesもSureも両方使うのだけど、学校でSureが正答だと教えられたら、とりあえずSureのみ書いといたらいいよ。点数もらうために。」と伝えた。Kanaちゃんも腑に落ちないという顔をしていたが、私も同じ気持ち。。。こんな英語教育をいつまで続ける気だろう、この国は。英語なんて、結局塾にとっては生徒を集めるための材料、学校側にすれば、大学に入るための科目のひとつに過ぎず、世界と会話する便利な道具、という見方なんて到底ないのだろう。。私たちの教室に来る子供たちには、数学のような英語ではなく、ツールとしての英語を学んでもらいたいと思う。
Last night, our junior high 2nd grader Kana asked me "Can I say 'YES' to 'Shall we ~?' sentences? I got it wrong for my cram school test." My answer was "What?? You can say 'Yes.' Everybody uses that." Then she goes "Well, the cram school said it had to be 'Sure' to get points." Ugh,,,, this is exactlly why Japanese people cannot develop flexible Engish head. So my conclusion to her was "Just remember that Yes and Sure are both OK in the actual situation, but for the points sake, you write what school tells you to write." Kana didn't look convinced at all, neither did I. I wonder how long this country is going to teach English like this. English is just a money making material for cram schools and is just a subject to get in colleges for those public schools. Nobody sees it as a tool to communicate with the world. For our kids, I want them to learn English as a tool to communicate, not something mathematic.
Last night, our junior high 2nd grader Kana asked me "Can I say 'YES' to 'Shall we ~?' sentences? I got it wrong for my cram school test." My answer was "What?? You can say 'Yes.' Everybody uses that." Then she goes "Well, the cram school said it had to be 'Sure' to get points." Ugh,,,, this is exactlly why Japanese people cannot develop flexible Engish head. So my conclusion to her was "Just remember that Yes and Sure are both OK in the actual situation, but for the points sake, you write what school tells you to write." Kana didn't look convinced at all, neither did I. I wonder how long this country is going to teach English like this. English is just a money making material for cram schools and is just a subject to get in colleges for those public schools. Nobody sees it as a tool to communicate with the world. For our kids, I want them to learn English as a tool to communicate, not something mathematic.
Our Jr. high kids
以前にちらっと話したかもしれませんが、私たちの教室は、小学生の数が圧倒的で、中学生になるとその数がグンとさがります。現在受験生の中学3年生は、私たちがこの教室をスタートした2008年10月に中学一年生として教室に入り、今までずっと一緒。しかもたったの3名!! その3人が今回英検準2級の書きテストに合格しました。高校入試の内申書に影響するぎりぎりの英検なのでとっても喜んでいます。あとは今週末の面接試験。ウェインとの対話が多い中学生ですので、きっとうまくやってくれるだろうと期待しています。今週末に特訓クラスを設け、面接の練習を徹底的にやってのぞんでもらう予定です。みんな頑張れ!
I might have mentioned it before, the majority of our students are elementary kids and the number drops by far for junior high students. Our junior high 3rd graders who are expecting high school entrance exam have been with us since we started here in Oct 2008, and they are only three of them! They just all passed Eiken pre-2 writing test. It's extra exciting because this was the last Eiken test that could affect their highschool application. Now they have to be ready for the interview coming up this weekend. I'm sure they will all do fine as they are so used to interacting with Wayne. We are going to give them a special training lesson on Sat. Good luck guys!
I might have mentioned it before, the majority of our students are elementary kids and the number drops by far for junior high students. Our junior high 3rd graders who are expecting high school entrance exam have been with us since we started here in Oct 2008, and they are only three of them! They just all passed Eiken pre-2 writing test. It's extra exciting because this was the last Eiken test that could affect their highschool application. Now they have to be ready for the interview coming up this weekend. I'm sure they will all do fine as they are so used to interacting with Wayne. We are going to give them a special training lesson on Sat. Good luck guys!
Oh my...
今日は、異常に眠気に襲われる一日でした(--;) 職場の2階に住んでいるからこそなせる事なのですが、レッスンの合間に横になっていると、あっという間に夢の世界へ・・・。はっと目を覚ますと下に降りていく時間だったり、、、(汗) 妊婦って頭で解釈している以上に体が疲れているのかもしれません。ウォーキングもなるべくしているし、動き回れる限り動き回っていますが、しんどい・・・。今日レッスン中に「しんどいよ~」と生徒にもらすと、「先生、子供の初めて覚える言葉がシンドイになっちゃうよ!」と言われてしまいました。気をつけよぅ。
I don't know what it is,,, but it was such a sleepy day today. I can do this only because I live above my work place, I fell asleep everytime I was laying down between classes. For a few times, I even got up right at the time for me to go downstairs. I guess pregnant women are more tired than the brains can process. I've been trying to walk and move my body as much as I can,, but I just get tired so easily. I was saying that to my kids today and they said "your baby's first word is gona be SHINDOI(tired)!" Oops, I have to be careful.
I don't know what it is,,, but it was such a sleepy day today. I can do this only because I live above my work place, I fell asleep everytime I was laying down between classes. For a few times, I even got up right at the time for me to go downstairs. I guess pregnant women are more tired than the brains can process. I've been trying to walk and move my body as much as I can,, but I just get tired so easily. I was saying that to my kids today and they said "your baby's first word is gona be SHINDOI(tired)!" Oops, I have to be careful.
The slide show is up
ちょっとあわててスライドショーを作ってみました。まだまだ写真があるのですが、それはまとめてホームページのPhotoコーナーに今週末にでもUPします。 まだまだ疲れが取れていない私なのですが、改めてパーティーの写真を眺めていると、子供たちが楽しそうにしていて今年もやってよかったな~という気持ちになります。また来年も頑張ります。
I was a bit in a rush but just created the slide show from yesterday's party. We still got more pictures, so Ithink I will put all that up on the photo section on our website this weekend. I am still a bit tired and not completely recovered yet, but seeing those kids in the pictures having fun makes me feel very rewarded. We're gonna do this again next year!
I was a bit in a rush but just created the slide show from yesterday's party. We still got more pictures, so Ithink I will put all that up on the photo section on our website this weekend. I am still a bit tired and not completely recovered yet, but seeing those kids in the pictures having fun makes me feel very rewarded. We're gonna do this again next year!
The party is OVER!!
パーティーが終わりました~~!ふぅ~~っ!今年は、小学校2年生までと、3年生以上とにグループ分けしてのパーティーだったので、去年よりもレースやゲームがスムーズに管理できたような気がします。ママやパパたちが協力してくださったおかげで、パーティーは一応成功!といっていいかな?パーティーが終わるのを待っていたかのように雨が降って来て驚きました。キャンディーが思った以上に余ってしまったので、教室でまた子供たちに配ろうと思います(笑) みんなにとっていい思い出になってくれたことを願っています。 とりあえず、今夜はゆっくり休みたい私たちです。 明日スライドショーをアップしますね!!来てくれたみなさん、ありがとう!
The party is over!! Phew! I think we managed kids better this year since we devided them in two groups. Thank to helper moms and dads, the party was a big success! I think! It was surprising that it started raining almost as soon as the party was over. We got bunch of candy left overs, so I guess we will give them away in the classes LOL I hope our kids made a good memory today. Anyways, please let us rest tonight... I will upload a slide show tomorrow! Thank you guys for coming today!
Final preparation in progress!!
は~~っ。暦の上では日にちが変わって今日がハロウィン。今午前1時半を回るところです。。。。私たちはいまだにパーティーの準備におわれています>< 大量のTrick or Treating用のキャンディーの仕分け作業が先ほどやっとおわりました。明日は早起きして忘れていた小道具の買い足しです(汗) どうかパーティーが無事に終わりますように。
Ughhhhhh!! The date's changed and it is technically a Halloween day today.. The clock says it is past 1:30am... and we are still not finished with the party preparation. We just finished dealing with tons of candies for trick or treating. We still have to get up in the morning to get some stuff we forgot to get for the event. I hope the party will be a success!
このブログを更新している今この時に、東の空に大きな虹がでています。そして西の空には雨雲を割って青空が見えています。どうやら、台風が明日のパーティーの前に去ってくれそうです^^ 今週は、子供たちに「宿題は、パーティーで雨にならないように祈ること!!雨降ったら皆のせいっ!」と言ってきたのですが、どうやら皆宿題をやってくれたみたいです。それにしてもこの大きな虹、美しいですね。虹を見るとなんだかとっても幸せな気持ちになる私です。
This very moment as I'm updating this blog, there is a huge rainbow in the east sky. You can also see some blue sky between the rain clouds in the west. Looks like the storm will be gone before the tomorrow's party. I was telling kids this week "your homework will be to pray for no rain on the party day or I will blame it all on you guys!" I guess they really did their homework. Anyhow, what a huge and beautiful rainbow! Everytime I see rainbows, I feel extra happy.
Conversation class
昨夜は、大人の英会話クラス(高校生以上対象)で小さなハロウィンパーティーをしました。昨年は何もしなかったので、今回は何かしたいと思っていたのです。私はメキシカン料理を用意し、クラスのみなさんはお菓子や手作りケーキを持ちよってくれました。一時間ちょっとのパーティーでしたが、色々な話ができてとっても楽しかったです☆ 決して大きなクラスではないのですが、皆なかよくほのぼのとしていて私たちのお気に入りです。この友情がクラスを超えてずっと続くことを願っています。
Last night, we had a little Halloween party for our conversation class(highschool & up). Since we didn't do anything for them last year, we wanted to do something this time. I prepared some Mexican dish and the students brought snacks and some home made cakes. We enjoyed it very much although the party was just a little over an hour. It's not a big class at all, but it is one of our favorite classes with such a pleasant atomosphere. We hope the friendship will go beyond the student-teacher relationship and last for a long time.
Pray pray prayyyy!!!
ロサンゼルスに住んでいた時も、ほぼ毎年ハロウィンが雨だったのを覚えています。子供たちがショッピングモールでtrick or treatingをやっていたものです。なんだか今年はお天気に振り回されっぱなしです。
Yikes!! Seems like it's gonna rain on Halloween day!!! Please please PLEASE Mr. Storm, avoid crossing Shizuoka on Halloween day!!
I remember that it almost always rained on Halloween in Los Angeles. I used to see kids trick-or-treating inside the shopping malls. Gosh, weather this year absolutely drives me crazy!!
ロサンゼルスに住んでいた時も、ほぼ毎年ハロウィンが雨だったのを覚えています。子供たちがショッピングモールでtrick or treatingをやっていたものです。なんだか今年はお天気に振り回されっぱなしです。
Yikes!! Seems like it's gonna rain on Halloween day!!! Please please PLEASE Mr. Storm, avoid crossing Shizuoka on Halloween day!!
I remember that it almost always rained on Halloween in Los Angeles. I used to see kids trick-or-treating inside the shopping malls. Gosh, weather this year absolutely drives me crazy!!
Halloween decoration @ 喫茶 かんてら
ああ~~。。 午前1時をまわっています。。今日は、ハロウィンパーティー会場になるかんてらさんにハロウィンの飾りつけに行ってきました。カフェ内にクモの巣をはったり、フラッグを取り付けたり・・・・。ハロウィンの雰囲気がでてきました◎ あとは当日に仕上げるのみ。あとあと一週間でパーティーか~!早く無事に始まって無事に終わってもらいたいものです。今週はこのことで頭がいっぱいになりそうです。
Ughhhh, it's past 1am!! Earlier today, we went to decorate Kantera where we're holding our Halloween party. We put some spider webs and flags up and created some Halloween atmosphere there. We're gonna finish it up on the party day. We got only one week to go til the big day!! I hope everything will go smoothly. I think my head will be all about Halloween party this week.
Ughhhh, it's past 1am!! Earlier today, we went to decorate Kantera where we're holding our Halloween party. We put some spider webs and flags up and created some Halloween atmosphere there. We're gonna finish it up on the party day. We got only one week to go til the big day!! I hope everything will go smoothly. I think my head will be all about Halloween party this week.
Animals are therapy
Time flies!!!
Am I the only one who feels that time flies? Weekends just come right back at me before I know it for this past months. The kids who started with us are now 5th and 6th graders. I wonder how many of them will actually continue with us when they start jr. highschool. Life style changes a lot as they start jr. high. More hours will be dedicated to the club activities as well and I hear that that is the time most kids start cram schools. If it's possible, we'd love to see them all the way to their high school age, but there is nothing we can do about it. Anyways, time does fly!!
Am I the only one who feels that time flies? Weekends just come right back at me before I know it for this past months. The kids who started with us are now 5th and 6th graders. I wonder how many of them will actually continue with us when they start jr. highschool. Life style changes a lot as they start jr. high. More hours will be dedicated to the club activities as well and I hear that that is the time most kids start cram schools. If it's possible, we'd love to see them all the way to their high school age, but there is nothing we can do about it. Anyways, time does fly!!
Halloween props and candies and and ....
ハロウィンの準備に追われてます>< 今日も昼間にパーティーの景品の準備をしていました。アメリカからもザックザックとキャンディーたちが届いています。私たちの教室の子は幸せですね~。。。なんて自分で思ってしまいます。ウェインの作っていたビーンバッグトスゲームのボードも完成しました。パーティーで実際に試すのが楽しみです☆ 毎年少しずつ小道具も増え、内容も充実していければいいなと思っています。
We've been so wrapped up in this Halloween preparation!! I was working on prizes for the party earlier today. Bunch of candies are arriving from the US as well. Our kids are so lucky!! Wayne's project of pumpkin boards is finished. We can't wait to try them at the party with kids. Hopefully the quality of our party will improve as years go by.
Isn't this an abuse?
We went out for lunch today at a family restaurant in our neighborhood and witnessed something very shocking. There was a boy who looked about a year old with his mother and grandmother eating in the "smorking section." In fact, his mother was smoking cigarette right next to him. Someone could have called police if it was in the states. I wonder if this parent doesn't have any common sense that cigarette smoke could give people's,, especially the children's small bodies a seriously negative influence. To me, having smorking section in family restaurants is already incomprehensible and very shameful fact of this country. As California, where I lived was very strict on smorking in that all the restaurants and public facilities and the surrounding areas were prohibiting smorking, I find this situation in Japan very difficult and unforgivable.
We went out for lunch today at a family restaurant in our neighborhood and witnessed something very shocking. There was a boy who looked about a year old with his mother and grandmother eating in the "smorking section." In fact, his mother was smoking cigarette right next to him. Someone could have called police if it was in the states. I wonder if this parent doesn't have any common sense that cigarette smoke could give people's,, especially the children's small bodies a seriously negative influence. To me, having smorking section in family restaurants is already incomprehensible and very shameful fact of this country. As California, where I lived was very strict on smorking in that all the restaurants and public facilities and the surrounding areas were prohibiting smorking, I find this situation in Japan very difficult and unforgivable.
Writing time, kids!!!
Our goal for kids, on top of the speaking skill with native person, is to "read/write" without hesitation. We tried mini white boards on our kids the other day which we just got from Wayne's Mom. Kids seemed to be more engaged in it as it was a bit different from writing in their notebooks. Look at their serious faces!! They all started here in this April. They are following the lines and all!! How cute!
DYI ideas for Halloween
Wayne is so engaged in making halloween party props right now. Our house decoration's got some hand-made stuff by him, and he is now making pumpkin boards for a bean bag toss game for the party. He went to a home improvement center to get some wood boards and drew pumpkins on them today. I guess he is going to paint them over this weekend although I heard that the weather might be unfriendly again. I just watch him work and get excited about how they will turn out. Those pumpkin's eyes, noses and mouths will be cut out for kids to throw beanbags in. Sounds fun!!
Halloween decoration is pretty much done!
この週末で、一気に我が家をハロウィン仕様にチェンジしました。天気もあまりよくなかったりで大変でしたが、今日の午後にやっとひとまずひと段落です。長いハシゴを使ってなかなか大変な作業でしたが、ウェインが頑張ってくれました。あとは10月31日までスパイダーたちに頑張って壁にくっついていてもらいたいものです。 皆様のコメントおまちしてますっ!!
We worked on our Halloween decoration over this past weekend. Since the weather wasn't too friendly, it was not too easy to do all the jobs, but looks like we are pretty much finished with our project for now. Wayne did a great job using a tall ladder. We just hope that those spiders will stay on the wall okay until the end of October. Post us some comments if you can!
Access counter
I don't think many people are actually checking in this blog though, I just added an access counter for my curiosity. Let's see how many people are looking at this blog. haha.
I don't think many people are actually checking in this blog though, I just added an access counter for my curiosity. Let's see how many people are looking at this blog. haha.
Rainy blue~~
ウェインがハロウィンの準備を着々と進めています。近所の人たちには「またあの外国人が何か作っている・・・」なんて思われているかも(笑)。 来週以降にはついにそのプロジェクトが完成するかな?! お楽しみに!!
It's rainning!! Summer left us all of sudden with this big tempreture drop. This summer was just toturing to me... Even me, the summer baby, almost became to dislike summer. Higanbana started blooming too.. phew!!
Wayne has been working on the halloween preparation. I'm sure our neighbors are sayng "what is that foreigner up to this time?!" I think his project will be done by next week... Look forward to it guys!!
ウェインがハロウィンの準備を着々と進めています。近所の人たちには「またあの外国人が何か作っている・・・」なんて思われているかも(笑)。 来週以降にはついにそのプロジェクトが完成するかな?! お楽しみに!!
It's rainning!! Summer left us all of sudden with this big tempreture drop. This summer was just toturing to me... Even me, the summer baby, almost became to dislike summer. Higanbana started blooming too.. phew!!
Wayne has been working on the halloween preparation. I'm sure our neighbors are sayng "what is that foreigner up to this time?!" I think his project will be done by next week... Look forward to it guys!!
Halloween is right around the corner!!
昨年のハロウィンパーティー。私たちが初めてホストしたパーティーに100人を優に超える子供たちが集まり、もう会場は大パニックでした>< パーティーが終わった夜のあの脱力感は今も忘れません。。と思っていたらもう1年?! はやい~!というわけで、ウィルソン家では我が家のハロウィンデコレーションの準備と並行してパーティーの準備をはじめています。。家のロフトにしまってあったハロウィングッズがリビングにあふれてきました。 今年のハロウィンデコレーションもまた度派手にいきますよ!
Last halloween party was our very first party to host. There were easily more than 100 kids showed up and it was somewhat panicking! I still remember that big big relief after the craziness.. and what?? It's already time for another halloween party?! Oh my goodness!
Anyhow, we, the Wilsons just started getting ready for our halloween decoration and this year's party all together. Our living room is getting filled with those halloween stuff we pulled out. We are planning heck of a decoration this year!!
Our website needs serious update!!!
教室のホームページが6月の英検以降全く更新されていません(涙)。。。本当にすみません。。今週中に一気に更新させていただきます。英検は受験者である5-6年生の10名全員が5級に合格しました。来年一月の英検で今度は4級に挑戦しようと気合がはいっています!!! みんなのやる気が見えると私たちもうれしいです。
Our website hasn't been updated since Eiken exam in June... I apologize!! We are trying to get it updated this week. Af far as the Eiken, all 10 students who took the exam passed grade 5. They are all motivated to take Eiken 4 in Jan next year. It is very encouraging when we can see our students motivated!!
Our website hasn't been updated since Eiken exam in June... I apologize!! We are trying to get it updated this week. Af far as the Eiken, all 10 students who took the exam passed grade 5. They are all motivated to take Eiken 4 in Jan next year. It is very encouraging when we can see our students motivated!!
Yes Yes Yes!! Storm!
Tyhoon #9 is approaching. Our upstairs usually start to get very hot even with the A/C around 9am. However,,, how comfortable it is this morning! It's amazing how much of temperature difference the sun makes. I love sunny days,,, but I can't help welcoming some storms after being totured by the crazy hot weather.
Tyhoon #9 is approaching. Our upstairs usually start to get very hot even with the A/C around 9am. However,,, how comfortable it is this morning! It's amazing how much of temperature difference the sun makes. I love sunny days,,, but I can't help welcoming some storms after being totured by the crazy hot weather.
☆Thank you guys!!☆
A Trip to Nagano
教室が夏休みになった8月11日、思い切って私の両親と4人で長野県にある葛飾北斎の美術館、北斎館に行ってきました。とりあえず長野はめちゃくちゃ暑かった!!盆地とあって、日中の気温はものすごく高かったです(><) ウェインは高速道路から見える盆地の中に町が広がっている風景がとても印象的だったようです。途中諏訪湖で休憩をとり、そのあと美術館のそばで信州そばを食べ、、楽しい1日でした。
On August 11th during our summer break, we went to Hokusai-kan(a museum of Hokusai Katsushika) in Nagano with my parents. It was very very HOT in Nagano!! Since Nagano is surrounded by mountains, the daytime temperature was a bit crazy. Wayne enjoyed the view of cities in valleys from the car window. We took a short break at Suwa lake, then had some Shinshu soba noodles near the museum. It was a fun day.
Walking with Dinosaurs comes to Japan!!
8月1日、世界中でドキュメンタリーされていたBBCプロデュースの恐竜ショー、Walking with Dinosaursの日本初ツアーをとうとう磐田のエコパスタジアムに見に行ってきました!!数か月前からチケットを買っていたわたしたち。。広い会場でしたが満員でした。2時間のショーはあっという間に終わってしまった感じがしましたが、ずっと楽しみにしていたイベントとあり、とっても楽しめました。
We finally got to see the first Japan tour of Walking with Dinosaurs; an internationally broadcasted dinosaur show produced by BBC on Augst 1st at Iwata Ecopa studium. We were so excited about them coming to Japan and even purchased the tickets a few months in advance. The big studium was packed with people and the two hour show was over before you knew it... It was very exciting and we really enjoyed the show.
◎I did it again!!◎
毎日の忙しさにとらわれ、、ブログを更新しないこと数か月?!本当にすみません。。。というわけで、残暑といえどもまだまだ夏真っ盛りな日本列島ですが、皆様いかがお過ごしですか? 私たち(というか私)は教室の子供たちと同じくらいすっかり日焼けし、、秋が待ち遠しいです。
As I was so wrapped up with my busy life, it's been how many months since the last update?? I'm terribly sorry... Anyhow, how have you guys been doing lately although Summer just doesn't wanna let Fall come in. We(well more like "I") got tanned as much as our students and can't wait to welcome Fall...
Here is the deal. I'm going to talk about all events that happened during the past few months. Whoever interested, please read LOL
As I was so wrapped up with my busy life, it's been how many months since the last update?? I'm terribly sorry... Anyhow, how have you guys been doing lately although Summer just doesn't wanna let Fall come in. We(well more like "I") got tanned as much as our students and can't wait to welcome Fall...
Here is the deal. I'm going to talk about all events that happened during the past few months. Whoever interested, please read LOL
World Cup ends for Japan

Did you guys watch the soccer game last night? We usually don't care for watching sports, but this world cup soccer is definately doing something to get us very excited! We've watched games the U.S. or Japan were in, but also been watching all other games as well almost every night.
Last night's game was amazing. It was just an impeccable 120 min game with Paraguay. It was pretty disappointing that they had to make the winner out of PK in the end. As many media've been saying, Japanese team had this great harmony among them. They left us such a positive energy although they didn't win the match.
Next world cup socccer is 4 years away...!!! How overwhelming!
We just felt that if we create more events like this where people from all over the world can get together and share the excitement, the world would be a better place.. what do you think?
Did you guys watch the soccer game last night? We usually don't care for watching sports, but this world cup soccer is definately doing something to get us very excited! We've watched games the U.S. or Japan were in, but also been watching all other games as well almost every night.
Last night's game was amazing. It was just an impeccable 120 min game with Paraguay. It was pretty disappointing that they had to make the winner out of PK in the end. As many media've been saying, Japanese team had this great harmony among them. They left us such a positive energy although they didn't win the match.
Next world cup socccer is 4 years away...!!! How overwhelming!
We just felt that if we create more events like this where people from all over the world can get together and share the excitement, the world would be a better place.. what do you think?
アメリカのお友達から荷物が届きました。私がほしかったチーズ味の濃いアメリカのチートス、、グラノラ、ウェインがほしかったグレープジャム(日本になかなか無いんですよね~)。ほかにもチップスや、鉛筆など、、箱に沢山はいっていて興奮してしまいました。友達ってすばらしぃですね~(涙) 私たちも早速なにか日本のモノを送ってあげようと思います! ありがと~ぅ!!
We just received a box from our friend in the U.S. Cheetos with strong cheese flavor, granola and grape jelly that Wayne wanted(very hard to find in JPN). More chips and pencils,,, so many stuff was in the box and it made us so excited!! It's just great to have a great friend! We are planning to send some Japanese goodies for them! Thank you soooooo much!!!
Sports festival at Aojima elem.
今日は、青島小学校の運動会でした。昨年は私の急な渡米で見に行くことが出来ず、とても残念な思いをしていたので、今年の運動会は私にとって待ちに待ったチャンスでした^^ すべての子供たちにはもちろん会えませんでしたが、教室に来ている何人かの子供たちが声をかけてくれ、とても嬉しかったです。炎天下で頑張って演技している子供たちがとても印象的でした。みんな頑張ったね!
We went to see a sports festival at Aojima elementary school today. Since I couldn't go see it last year because of my urgent trip to the U.S, I was so looking forward to going to this event this year! Although we didn't get to see all of our students, some of our children came up to us to say hello. It was very impressive to see those kids performing under the hot sun! Good job guys!
We went to see a sports festival at Aojima elementary school today. Since I couldn't go see it last year because of my urgent trip to the U.S, I was so looking forward to going to this event this year! Although we didn't get to see all of our students, some of our children came up to us to say hello. It was very impressive to see those kids performing under the hot sun! Good job guys!
教室に通っているShota君のママは、スウィーツのプロです!!時々私たちにホームメイドのお菓子をもってきてくださいます。もうおいしくておいしくて・・・(*^0^*) 今日は、こんな素敵なパウンドケーキ!!しかもこんなに沢山ッ!本当にありがとうございます。スウィーツ大好きな私にはたまらないサプライズでした。Shotaママは、去年のクリスマスにはクリスマスケーキを持ってきてくださったんですよ。こんな素敵なママ、うらやましぃですね~~☆
Our student Shota's mom is a sweets pro!! She brings us her home made sweets sometimes and they are so yummy! Today, she brought us this great pound cakes! and there are whole bunch of them! Thank you very very much! This is just an irresistible surprise for sweets lover like me. She even brought us a Christmas cake for the last Christmas. It must be so nice to have a mother like this!
I planted Clematis last year in our tiny tiny backyard. And right now, they are beautifully in full bloom. It looked completely dead during the Winter as it dropped all its leaves,, but came back with the new green leaves as Spring approached. They make me feel so happy. It's just so nice to feel the season by plants around you.
Golden week in Shimoda
2日に鈍行列車にのって夫婦で下田まで行ってきました。思ったより遠かった~(汗) 熱海から伊東線でさらに南に100分。トータルで3時間半かかってやっと到着しました。海のある景色がとても美しく、当日は快晴でとても気持ちの良い下田観光ができました。黒船をモチーフにした改札口がとても印象的でした。
On May 2nd, we took a train to visit Shimoda. Shimoda was further than we thought! We had to take an another 100 min train ride from Atami station to Shimoda. Total travel time was 3 and an half hours. The ocean view
was so beautiful and it was such a fine day to enjoy the little town. I liked the exit booth that was made to look like Kurohune(black ship).
投稿 (Atom)