
2011 is ending....

明日は大晦日。昨日は息子の1才の誕生日でした~。去年の今頃は産まれたての息子と病院にいたな〜。。一年の早さに気後れするばかりです(´Д` ) また来年も同じようなことを言っていそうな私です。
皆様2011年も本当にお世話になりました。2012年もかわらずよろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

Tomorrow is the new year's eve. Yesterday was our son's very first birthday! I was in the hospital with my son this time last year... I'm just so overwhelmed by how fast time flies. I'm sure I'm saying the same thing again next year lol
Thank you so so much everyone for all the support and kindness this year and thank you in advance for your continuing support in the year of 2012 ;)


better hurry!!!

ま、まずい。。。年賀状を今やっとプリントしました(汗) これから皆へのメッセージを手がきで書き入れます!(◎_◎;) 100枚強ありますよー。頑張りまーす!!

Yikes!! I'm just done printing our new year's cards!! I'm gonna start putting some personal message for each one of our students and family by hand.....! There are a little over a hundred cards.. Grrrrrr I gotta get this done!!


Merry Christmas!!

メリークリスマス!! 寒いですね~😱 でもクリスマスはなぜか気持ちがワクワクします💓 皆サンタクロースにどんなプレゼントを貰ったのかな~?? 私たちも息子が産まれたのを機に今年からアメリカ式のクリスマスを始めました。朝ご飯を食べた後、クリスマスツリーの下にあるプレゼントを開封するというもの。皆それぞれプレゼントをもらってホクホクのクリスマスモーニングでした☆

Merry Christmas guys! and it's CHILLY!! Christmas always makes us feel warm.. I wonder what Santa brought to you all...
As we have our son now, we started a American style Christmas; we open up the presents underneath the Christmas tree after breakfast. All of us got something to open and we had such a nice Christmas morning!


Christmas Week!!


Christmas week is here! This week, everybody is taking the stockings they decorated themselves home with some gift from Santa!!
I hope they will enjoy the goodies from us.... I mean from Santa!!


Little ones ;)

10月に私たちの教室のハロウィンデコレーションの前で団体写真を撮りに来てくれた順心幼稚園の子供たちが今度はクリスマスデコレーションの前で写真撮影に来てくれました~(^-^) 教室の生徒の子も何人かおり、とっても嬉しかったです☆

Little ones from Junshin kindergarten who came to take group photos with our Halloween decoration in October were back again for Christmas photos! We came across some of our students, too! What a happy day!


Ugh,,, sick sick sickkkkk


Grrrr it's COLD, isn't it?!!! Mr. Winter has arrived, everyone! We didn't get to see those Fall's colored leaves this year,,, so it almost feels like we skipped the whole Fall.. So sad! As December is already here, my son is turning one year old. I still remember those days I was teaching with the huge tummy saying "I'm tired, I'm tired,,,," I also remember that our kids were teasing me being in such a misurable shape. Memories memories at these long winter night...


Turkey day!!

我が家でも去年からこのサンクスギビングを伝統的なやり方で祝い始めました!偶然ネットで七面鳥が買えることを知ったのがキッカケなのですが(笑) ただ、木曜は平日でレッスンがありますので、ウィルソン家のサンクスギビングはその週の日曜です。
というわけで写真は今年のサンクスギビングミール。七面鳥、キッシュ、マッシュポテト、野菜にクランベリーゼリーです。ビスケットはKFCにてゲット^^; 美味しかったです!!

The 3rd Thursday in November is a Thanks Giving day in the states. On that day, people get together with families and enjoy delicious meal with a whole turkey as its main entree.
We started that tradition last year as we happened to find out that we could get the whole turkey here in Japan. Since Thursday is a week day and we have lessons, we celebrate our Thanks giving on the Sunday that week.
The picture is our this year's thanks giving day meal. We had a turkey, quiche, mushed potato and some vegetables, cranberry jelly along with the biscuit from KFC;) They were all so YUMMY!!


We, the judges!!!

今日は午前中藤枝の東から焼津エリアで英語教室を展開されているReach Outさんの英語スピーチコンテストに審査員として参加してきました!!実は毎年審査員の依頼をされていながらも私たちの教室のハロウィンパーティーと重なってお断りせざるをえなかった私たち。。でも今年は日程がずれたこともあり、喜んでお受けさせていただくことに・・・・。
私たちが審査したのは、前半の幼稚園から小学2年生の部。子どもたちはそれぞれスピーチのトピックに関係のある衣装を身に着けてパフォーマンス。なんとかわいかったこと・・・。審査は正直めちゃくちゃ大変でしたが、、子供たちのかわいいスピーチに笑顔をもらって帰ってきました。ウェインも日本に来てから初めてアメリカ人のお友達を作ることができ、満足そうでした(笑) とっても興味深い経験でした☆

Today, we were invited as judges for an English speech contest hosted by Reach Out; an English school serving East side of Fujieda to Yaizu area. They had always asked Wayne to be their judge for a past few years but this was our first time to take that opportunity as the event didn't overlap with our Halloween party.
We judged performances done by kids of knder to 2nd grade. Evey body dressed in a costume related to their speech topic which was just so adorable. We really enjoyed our time there EXCEPT the judging part which was super hard!! Those kids put smiles on our faces the whole time. Oh and on top of that, Wayne made his first American friends!! It was such a rewarding experience for us!!


How cute!!

教室にくる2年生たちが私たちの絵を描いてくれました☆ なんと健気で可愛い絵たちでしょう~!嬉しいですね。大切にしまっておこうと思います(^-^)

2nd graders at our school gave me drawings of us. How adorable they are! I love them! I am going to save them for a looooong time!!


First fever!!

ロサンゼルスから戻ってからなんとなく本調子になりきらないままにここまで来たような?? そんな矢先の先週木曜に今度は息子が高熱です(汗)。朝鼻水が出てるな、とおもったら、その夜には39-40度の熱がでて本人もフゥフゥ・・・。アタフタしながら市立病院に連れて行くと、『風邪っぽいですね、様子を見ましょう。』とのことだったのでそのままおうちで様子をみました。そして昨夜、熱がすっかりなくなったと同時に体中に発疹が!!・・・ 『突発性発疹』というんですね、なんでも乳児~幼児にかけての登竜門だとか。。ウェインは聞いたことが無かったようですが。。深刻なものではなく安心しました。

As it feels like we haven't quite been in the best condition since we got back from the trip, our son got a high fever! We noticed a little runny nose on him last Thursday morning, then he got 39-40 degrees fever by that evening.
Being a bit freaked out, we took him to the hospital only to hear that it was a minor cold and we just had to watch how he would do. So we watched and watched and noticed this rash all over his body as the tempreture went down. It was not a cold. It was called "Toppatsusei hosshin" AKA "roseola infantum" which Wayne didn't know. We learned that this was something every baby experiences before year of two. Phew, I'm glad it was nothing serious.
Anyhow, I realized how hard it is to be a working parent.


We are home!! and the Halloween party is over! Phew!!

ポットラックの皆様の持ち寄っていただいた食べ物もとっても豪華で・・・・みな楽しんで会食している姿をみて、、、『無理やりやってしまってよかった・・・』と思いました。 来年はまた今年よりもより良いものを目指して頑張ります。会場に来てくださった皆様、Thank you!!!

We got back home from Los Angeles at midnight on last Wednesday. We were so exhausted and passed out after bath. Then regular classes already started on the very next day...Not only that, we had our annual Halloween party on Sunday in the same week. Phew, we had absolutely no time to relax!
Unfortunately, we got rained on at the halloween party this year which was completely unexpected. It started after lunch time and just didn't seem to stop. Although we were debating on the cancellation until the very last minute, the party was carried out as planned. I'm sure some of our kids didn't make it because of the weather, we were very pleased to see many kids and families showed up. We had to give up on some of our usual games, but kids enjoyed ring toss game and bean bag games under the blue sheet.
Yes, it was a little chaotic... but we felt so appreciative that everybody brought delicious foods and enjoyed the time there. We promise it will get better and better each year.
Thank you all for coming to the party!!


Report from Cali

というわけで、早くもアメリカに来て4日目!!! 毎日があっという間にすぎて行きます。
ハロウィンが近いアメリカでは、街角やスーパーでパンプキンがたくさん売られています♬ しかも安い! 日本にもって帰りたいです(´Д` )

So, we are already on Day4 in the states!! Gee, time flies!
As Halloween is near, you see pumpkins being sold everywhere here. and they are soooooo cheap!!! I wish we could take some home!


We are going to Los Angeles

ayako@wilsons.jp までよろしくおねがいいたします。 それでは、行ってきます!!


Halloween..... here we come!!


あっという間にまたハロウィンが迫ってきました!!! というわけで、今年は早々8月末よりハロウィン準備に取り掛かっているウィルソン家。教室に通っている子供たち、そして教室のご近所の皆様ならご存じでしょうが、私たちの教室ではハロウィンに絶大な力を注いでいるのです(笑) 今年は9月中旬ころから飾りつけを開始しようと思っております。今年も何人か怖がって泣いちゃう子供たちがいるかもしれないな・・・・心配><

I apologize for the long silence!

Halloween is already right around the corner AGAIN!! This year, we've already started working on our halloween preparation before August ends. As our kids and those neighbors of ours should know, we put so much energy into this halloween season. We are planning to start decorating our house as soon as in mid September this year. Hopefully we won't make any kid cry...!! Fingers crossed!


Summer is here!

梅雨が明け実家の裏庭では今年もクマゼミの羽化が始まっています。何年も土の中でこの時を待っていたセミの幼虫君たちが人生のクライマックスにに向けて一生懸命な姿は涙ものです(´Д` ) 息子が2-3歳くらいになったらきっと一緒にこれを観るんだろうな~。

As the rain season is behind us, cicadas started coming out in my parents' backyard. Watching the climax of their lives as they are turning into adult cicadas after being in the dirt for years makes me a little emotional. I suppose I will be watching this with my son when he gets his toddler age..


hot hot hot!!

なんという達成感!?今日一日エアコン無しで過ごしました(笑) 私達の生活スペースである2階は熱がこもり温室状態でしたが、窓全開+扇風機で乗り切りました。教室もエアコン無しでレッスンしましたが、子供達は学校がNoエアコンなので慣れた様子でした^^; さすが! というわけで寝る時だけは28度設定で快眠させて頂きます。。。。Good night!!

What a sense of achievement?! We got through today with no AC! Our upstairs was super hot like a greenhouse, but we survived with open windows and fans. We even had classes without AC but kids didn't to seem to care as they don't have AC at their school anyways. Amazing! Anyhow, could you please at least let us sleep with AC at 28℃.. ? night night!


Crocs crocs crocs!!


This is a snap I took during 4th grader class on Thu 5pm. Look! All 8 kids came in Crocs shoes! Aren't they kinda cute all in different colors? Crocs are even popular in adults as well although I don't own a pair. Should I give 'em a try?!


暑いですねー!スコッチもすっかり散歩が嫌いになってしまいました^^; 息子ちゃんはだっこがすきなのですが、寝かせようとだっこしていると暑くて数分で腕がベトベトに(´Д` ) まだ初夏だというのに、、、恐ろしいです!!

Hot hot hot isn't it?! Our dog Scotch finally became to dislike his walking time. My son loves to be held, but I start sweating in a few minutes when I try to put him sleep by carrying him(´Д` ) The scary thing is, this is just the beginning of summer!! Ughhhhh!!!!


Sports Festival

今年も、青島小学校の運動会を見に行きましたo(^▽^)o ただ、土曜は午前から夕方まで私かウェインがレッスンをしているので、ギリギリ一時間くらいしか見ることができず、教室のほとんどの子供達に会うことができず残念でした。声をかけて来てくれたママ、パパ 、ありがとうございました~(^_^). 教室とは違う雰囲気の中の子供達を見るのはいつも新鮮です。

We went to see a sports festival at Aojima elementary school. Since one of us is having lessons throughout on Saturday, we could only make an hour to be there and didn't get to see much of our kids at all.... Thanks some Moms and Dads for coming up to say hey to us;-) It is always interesting to see our kids outside the classroom!



忙しさを言い訳にしたくないのですが、、忙しくてブログをなかなかアップデート出来ないでいます(´Д` ) クラスの写真もアップしたいのですが、、出来ずじまい(涙) 今週こそUPするぞ!!

I hate to blame this on busyness.... but I have been too busy to update my blog lately... we got several class photos to upload but that hasn't happened just yet! hopefully hopefully this week!!



今年も、我が家のち~~~~~さな裏庭のクレマチスが咲きました。なんとかわいらしぃのでしょう。。ただ、ラティスにからまってくれなかったので(私がしばりつけなかったのが悪いのでしょうか・・・)、地面の方にワサワサと咲いてしまいました。。とほほ。 でもかわいいです☆

Clematis is blooming again this year in our tiny tiny backyard. Aren't they pretty? However, they didn't grow on the lattice(was I supposed to help them?) and stayed on the ground... Oh well,, I love them!

Golden Week is over!


We had a week off for Goldenweek last week. Did you guys go anywhere? We didn't have much plan at all, but we kinda played it by ear everyday... We drove to Shizuoka, Omaezaki, Iwata and Yokohama during this break. As our son has gotten 4months+ and calmed down a lot, long drives are a lot easier now. The picture is from "Akarenga souko" in Yokohama. The picture of our son was taken when we were in Omaezaki ;-)




皆様、メールをくださる際には、ayako@wilsons.jp からのメールの受信がちゃんとできるように設定お願いいたします。メールを出して数時間たっても返事が来ない場合、上記が原因でメールが届いていない可能性が高いです。よろしくお願いいたします。    Ayako


game day


We do games in the very last class of the month. The most popular game right now is this simple game called "Twister" in which we place a mat with colored circles on the floor and have kids place their hands or feet on the certain colored circles chosen by the host. It looks easy but once you try it, you will see how hard it is to keep the balance. Watching kids all excited makes us smile ;-)


New School Year is Here!!

というわけで、新年度が始まりました。きっと子供のいるおうちはバタバタとしていることでしょう。。私たちの教室も毎年度スケジュールが変わるので、今週はまさにバッタバタでクッタクタです(笑)。昨年度は、水曜が一番忙しい日だったのですが、今年度は火曜日になりました。午後4時から9時まで休みなしでレッスンが続きます>< 新しい子供たちも入り、これからどんな成長をしていくのか眺めるのを楽しみにしています。初めはとってもおとなしくしている新しい子供たちも、数か月たつと別人です^^ そして違う学校に通う子同士が仲良くなってお互い下の名前で呼び合ったりする姿はなんだか微笑ましいです。さ~今年度も頑張るぞ!!!

So, new school year has started!! I'm sure all those families with children are having busy day right now.. As the schedule for our school changes every year, we always have crazy/busy/exhausting days until we settle down. The busiest day was on Wed last year, but it is Tue this year. We will have classes non-stop from 4pm to 9pm. We are looking forward to seeing those new students growing up with us. Usually, those very quiet new students at the beginning would become totally different kids in a few months. It is also fun to see those kids who go to different schools are becoming friends and call each other by their first names. OOOkay,, let's do this people!!!


End of School Year



End of school year is here... We have a few students who are leaving our school as of the end of this month, but we are very excited to hear that most students are continuing onto the coming school year. Almost all existing new-jr-high-students-to-be are staying with us as well which we found it very surprising. They've already learned Jr high 2nd grade stuff by now, so cram school English is too boring, they say.

N-chan who was with us for more than two years is leaving this month. She is going to a private Jr highschool from next month. We got this beautiful bouquet from her mother.. Thank you very much. She has grown so much since she started here. Please come and visit us now and then!!



今日は公立高校の合格発表でした。私たちの教室の受験生3名、皆第一志望の高校に合格です!おめでとう!!私たちは英語だけでしか貢献できていませんが、やっぱりうれしぃですね~(^0^) 暗いニュースで沈んでいた私の心に明かりがさしたようでした。3人は高校に入っても教室に通いたいと言ってくれています。なんとうれしぃことでしょう。大人になってもずっとずっと彼らの成長を見続けたいですね。

Today was the announcement day for public highschool exam result. And all our students who took the exam got accept by their desired highschools. Congratulations! Although we only contributed with English, this is such a great news! It brightened up my depressed heart from the disaster happened last week. It is even more exciting because they said they would continue coming to our lesson. We hope we will get to see them grow all the way to their adulthood.


Never take your life for granted


We can't stop watching the update of this East Japan earthquake. It's just so unbelievable that I can hardly wrap my head around what had happened. Those video footages of tsunami knocking down the houses and washing bunch of cars away make me realize how powerless we are in front of the power of this planet. We in Tokai area didn't get much damage by this quake, but we should live with some anticipation of unexpected and should never take our lives for granted.
The photos are from my friend in Los Angeles which show top pages of local newspaper. This earthquake is making a major news all over the world.


reproductive shoot of the field horsetail?!

スコッチの散歩中にツクシが生えているのを見つけました。梅の花も咲き始め、着実に春が近づいています(*^^*) アメリカにはツクシがないので、今回ツクシって英語でなんというんだろぅと思い調べてみると、"reproductive shoot of the field horsetail" だそうです(^^;; な、ながい。とにかく、春が待ち遠しい私たちです。

We found some tsukushi on the side of the road today when we walked Scotch. As plums started to bloom, I feel that Spring is approaching every day. Since tsukushi doesn't grow in the states, I looked up how to call them in English. And here is what I got ; reproductive shoot of the field horsetail. What a long name!! Anyhow, we can't wait for the arrival of Spring o(^▽^)o



昨日の東京マラソンの模様をみて、その思い出がよみがえりました。沿道の人たちが名前を呼んでくれたり、フルーツなどを配ってくれたりしていたのはロサンゼルスマラソンでも同じで、本当に励まされたものです。マラソンなんてー、と思う人は多いと思いますが、なんとかなるものですよ。終わったときの達成感は言葉になりません。来年の東京マラソンにはぜひ参加してみたぃ!! だれか一緒に走りませんか?

I never liked long distance runs in my teen... but I became to participate and even finished 3 full marathons during the ten years in the states.
Those memories came back to me when I saw Tokyo marathon yesterday. People on the side of the road were cheering the runners or giving them foods just like ones in Los Angeles marathon which was so encouraging. I know some would say running a marathon is crazy,, but it's actually pretty doable if you give it a try. And the feeling of accomplishment at the finish line is so great . I definitely want to try Tokyo marathon next year! Anybody wanna join me?


What A Relief!!!!!

先日話したレーザープリンターの紙詰まりがいよいよ悪化してきたので、やむおえずメーカーの訪問修理を依頼しました。オペレーターの方に、『訪問費用が20000円で、部品費用は別途』、と言われ青ざめていました。それが昨日の昼間の出来事です。そして同日の夜中、ウェインがプリンターの後部をいじっていると、、なにやら茶色いものが挟まっているではないですかっ!ひっぱり出すと、数か月前にプリントしていた私たちの教室のお月謝袋。。。もしやこれが紙詰まりを引き起こしていたのでは、、とさっそくいつもなら確実に紙詰まりが起こる枚数の印刷を開始。。。   つまらない!!! No more paper jam!!! もううれしくてうれしくて。。表現しようのないくらいほーーーーーーっっっつっとしています。 はあ、、よかった。 挟まった間抜けな茶封筒一枚を見つけてもらうのに20000円払うところでした。 

The paper jam that I mentioned before has gotten worse, so we finally had to call the maker for the repair. They said that it would cost 20000 yen just for them to be here and parts fee would be additional which made us so depressed. That took place earlier yesterday. Then later that night when Wayne was checking the back side of our printer, he found something brown,,, which turned out to be our tuition envelope! We immediately got this feeling that this was actually causing the paper jam... so we tested the printer by making enough copies that would usually have caused the paper jam. ...... No jamming!! What a excitement! This relief is just undescribably huge! Thanks God! We almost spent 20000yen for having repair guy find the stupid envelope stuck in the printer!


We can never thank you enough!


We've gotten so many gifts from our students' parents. There are all kinds of gifts that we can never ever appreciate enough. When our son gets old enough, we will tell him how blessed he is to be here as our son. We are such a lucky family!


The Coolest Diaper?!

わかりますか?これ、息子に装着した紙オムツのフロントショットです(笑) このオムツはなんとジーンズ柄になっていて、オムツ一丁でも恥ずかしくない "スペシャルオムツ" なのです!アメリカで数年前に発売されて、この子が産まれるまえから購入しておいた物ですが、とうとう使用する時が来ました。ただまだまだ寒いのでなかなかオムツ一丁とはいかず誰の目に触れる機会がないのでブログでドン

L@@k! This is a front shot of my son's diaper. This diaper is a special one with jeans pattern so that the baby can look cool even in a diaper only. This came out in the states a few years back and I bought them before he was born. I can finally get to use them!! Since it is still cold for him to be in a diaper by itself, let me just show it off on the blog for now!



英検4級にチャレンジした小学6年生の兄弟が無事合格しました!とってもうれしいです。ダメもとでやってみる、とのことでしたが、英検特訓クラスにも参加してくれ、おうちでも自主的にお勉強して臨んだようです。二人そろって(双子ちゃんなので)の合格とのことで私たちもいつもの2倍うれしぃです☆ 頑張ったね!

Two 6th grader brothers passed Eiken 4! We are so happy. Although they said they would give it a try regardless of the result, they attended our Eiken training class in addition to some study at home. Since they are twins and both passed, we are doubly excited! Good job guys!



教室の教材を印刷するレーザープリンターの具合が悪く、参っています・・・・。紙詰まりが頻発するのです。。ひとクラスの教材を6枚プリントするのに、最低5枚は紙詰まりで無駄にしている状況です。しかもプリントの色が薄い!いったぃどうなっているのでしょう。。今使っているプリンターは教室が始まってから3台目、、、つまりほぼ一年ごとにみなどこかが壊れて新調する羽目になっているということです。。。今使っているその3台目は一度メーカーに修理に来ていただいたこともあるのですが、、、ちょうど保証が切れたころにこの事態です↓↓ よくしたものですね。 決して安い買い物ではないので、こればっかりは頭が痛いです(>_<)  はあああああ~~!!

Our lazer printer for the lesson materials is giving us a hard time... Papers get jammed way too often. I think we are wasting about 5 sheets to make 6 handouts. Plus, the color comes out so light! What the heck is going on?! This printer is our third one since school started which means that we are replacing our printer almost every year. This current printer even has a history of having a technician to come over for repair in the past.
Now it started acting up again AFTER the warranty expired. What a timing huh?! Printers are not cheap and this definitely is a big big big headache for us!! Gwwwwwwwww!



スコッチと我が家の長男との距離が徐々に近くなっています(*^^*) あまりに微笑ましかったのでパチリ♫ 一緒に元気に育ってね。

Scotch and our son are getting closer everyday. I couldn't help taking a snap of them today because they just looked so adorable. I hope they will grow up healthy together.


Back in class!



それにしても、赤ちゃんってすごい量のおむつが必要なんですね~(汗)!90枚セットの紙おむつが一週間で一気になくなっていきます。みんなそうなんでしょうか。。こんなに頻繁におむつをチェック、取り替えていてもおむつかぶれが・・・・(涙) 子育てってホント大変です。でも、なんとか楽しんでます☆

Our school re-opened last week. Although I still have hard time walking Scotch, my back pain finally saterted to go away.

Days definitely go by faster when we have classes. One week is gone before you know it. Even though multi-tasking with watching a baby and teaching isn't too easy, I feel better as we got all those kids back in the classroom.

By the way, how many diapers do babies go through everyday?! A bag of 90 diapers is gone in a week! Is that normal? Our baby just developped some diaper rash although we change his diapers all the time! Gwww raising kids is a hard job. Yet, we still manage to enjoy it☆


Okuni Shrine

今日は1月15日。ギリギリですがやっと初詣に小國神社へ行ってきました。夕方だったので人も少なくお店もほとんどしまっていましたが、なんとかお守りや開運熊手(笑)を買うことができましたo(^▽^)o 今年は家族も増え慌ただしい一年になりそうですが、実りの多い年になってくれればうれしいです(*^^*)

It was Jan 15th today and we went to Okuni shrine for new year's prayer in the very last minute. Since it was a little late in the afternoon, there were very few people and most stores were already closed. But luckily we could purchase some charms and good luck rake. Although it looks like this year will be a little busy with our new addition to the family, I hope that we are going to have a productive year of 2011 :-)


Life with a baby

出産後のお休みも残すところ一週間です。ベビーのいる生活に徐々に慣れてきました。仕事をしていないので一日長いかと思いきや、毎日あっという間に過ぎてしまいます(~_~;) ウェインは今日は一日教室の壁の修復と模様替えをしています。かなりの大仕事ですが今週中に終わるのかな~(^^;; 私は腰痛がひど過ぎてお手伝いが出来ないので申し訳ないです。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

My baby break is only one week to go. I think we started to get used to have him around. I thought the days would go by slow since I don't work, but I figured that days actually go by so fast!
Wayne has been working on repairing the wall in the classroom all day. it's kind of a big job and I hope he will finish it in time. I feel bad for him because I have a terrible back pain and can't help him with the project. sorry Wayne!


Coming home

ウェインと二人の生活が長かったので、この子のいる生活リズムに切り替えるのに時間がかかりそうですが、ゆっくり楽しみながらやっていきたいと思います。みんなに愛される子に育ってもらいたいものです。あくまでココは教室のブログであり、私たちの子育てブログではないので、今回が最初で最後になるかな?我が家の新しい家族の写真をみてやってくださぃ♪ 病院では皆ウェインに似てる!!と言ってましたが、まだちっさすぎてどっちに似てるの正直かわからないです^^;

I got discharged today. It felt so strange to see my baby who was inside of me was now sleeping in the baby car seat. As soon as I got home, this great fatigue hit me all of sudden and I passed out on the bed for two hours!
Since we were by ourselves for a long time , I'm sure it'll take a while for us to get used to having him in our life.. But I want to take it easy and enjoy our parenthood. I hope he will grow up to be loved by many many people.

As this is a blog for our school and not our child rasing blog, this might be the first and last time for me to do this,, but here is the picture of our baby boy. Everybody at the clinic said he looked like Wayne, but he is still too small for me to tell which parent he looks like.


Happy New Year!!

明けましておめでとうございます!!病院のベッドで年を越しました~。皆様今年もよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m
今朝はなんとおせち料理が朝食でした!自宅ではおせちを食べないので、ちょっと得した気分です。 豪華でしょ?

Happy New Year guys!! I crossed a year on the hospital bed. I hope you all to have a great year of 2011 ;-)
Guess what? They served osechi for breakfast this morning!! I usually don't eat osechi at home, so I felt a bit lucky! doesn't it look good?