

忙しさを言い訳にしたくないのですが、、忙しくてブログをなかなかアップデート出来ないでいます(´Д` ) クラスの写真もアップしたいのですが、、出来ずじまい(涙) 今週こそUPするぞ!!

I hate to blame this on busyness.... but I have been too busy to update my blog lately... we got several class photos to upload but that hasn't happened just yet! hopefully hopefully this week!!



今年も、我が家のち~~~~~さな裏庭のクレマチスが咲きました。なんとかわいらしぃのでしょう。。ただ、ラティスにからまってくれなかったので(私がしばりつけなかったのが悪いのでしょうか・・・)、地面の方にワサワサと咲いてしまいました。。とほほ。 でもかわいいです☆

Clematis is blooming again this year in our tiny tiny backyard. Aren't they pretty? However, they didn't grow on the lattice(was I supposed to help them?) and stayed on the ground... Oh well,, I love them!

Golden Week is over!


We had a week off for Goldenweek last week. Did you guys go anywhere? We didn't have much plan at all, but we kinda played it by ear everyday... We drove to Shizuoka, Omaezaki, Iwata and Yokohama during this break. As our son has gotten 4months+ and calmed down a lot, long drives are a lot easier now. The picture is from "Akarenga souko" in Yokohama. The picture of our son was taken when we were in Omaezaki ;-)