
2011 is ending....

明日は大晦日。昨日は息子の1才の誕生日でした~。去年の今頃は産まれたての息子と病院にいたな〜。。一年の早さに気後れするばかりです(´Д` ) また来年も同じようなことを言っていそうな私です。
皆様2011年も本当にお世話になりました。2012年もかわらずよろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

Tomorrow is the new year's eve. Yesterday was our son's very first birthday! I was in the hospital with my son this time last year... I'm just so overwhelmed by how fast time flies. I'm sure I'm saying the same thing again next year lol
Thank you so so much everyone for all the support and kindness this year and thank you in advance for your continuing support in the year of 2012 ;)


better hurry!!!

ま、まずい。。。年賀状を今やっとプリントしました(汗) これから皆へのメッセージを手がきで書き入れます!(◎_◎;) 100枚強ありますよー。頑張りまーす!!

Yikes!! I'm just done printing our new year's cards!! I'm gonna start putting some personal message for each one of our students and family by hand.....! There are a little over a hundred cards.. Grrrrrr I gotta get this done!!


Merry Christmas!!

メリークリスマス!! 寒いですね~😱 でもクリスマスはなぜか気持ちがワクワクします💓 皆サンタクロースにどんなプレゼントを貰ったのかな~?? 私たちも息子が産まれたのを機に今年からアメリカ式のクリスマスを始めました。朝ご飯を食べた後、クリスマスツリーの下にあるプレゼントを開封するというもの。皆それぞれプレゼントをもらってホクホクのクリスマスモーニングでした☆

Merry Christmas guys! and it's CHILLY!! Christmas always makes us feel warm.. I wonder what Santa brought to you all...
As we have our son now, we started a American style Christmas; we open up the presents underneath the Christmas tree after breakfast. All of us got something to open and we had such a nice Christmas morning!


Christmas Week!!


Christmas week is here! This week, everybody is taking the stockings they decorated themselves home with some gift from Santa!!
I hope they will enjoy the goodies from us.... I mean from Santa!!


Little ones ;)

10月に私たちの教室のハロウィンデコレーションの前で団体写真を撮りに来てくれた順心幼稚園の子供たちが今度はクリスマスデコレーションの前で写真撮影に来てくれました~(^-^) 教室の生徒の子も何人かおり、とっても嬉しかったです☆

Little ones from Junshin kindergarten who came to take group photos with our Halloween decoration in October were back again for Christmas photos! We came across some of our students, too! What a happy day!


Ugh,,, sick sick sickkkkk


Grrrr it's COLD, isn't it?!!! Mr. Winter has arrived, everyone! We didn't get to see those Fall's colored leaves this year,,, so it almost feels like we skipped the whole Fall.. So sad! As December is already here, my son is turning one year old. I still remember those days I was teaching with the huge tummy saying "I'm tired, I'm tired,,,," I also remember that our kids were teasing me being in such a misurable shape. Memories memories at these long winter night...