
Night at Wilson's American English

Halloween decoration at night is a little spooky. Those two ghosts glow with blacklights in the parking space. Some kids from our Friday class helped painting the ghosts on the wall with blacklight glowing pens yesterday. They seem to be enjoying our decoration. The huge spider web is pretty popular too!

Halloween decoration is done!

We started the Halloween decoration on our house this past Monday and finally finised it a few days ago. This year's Halloween is nothing like the one from last year. We got way more stuff to make our house tacky! I'm so happy that this is getting a lot of attention from people driving/walking by. These pictures are the decorations in the hallway and of our school sign with a pirate theme. We tried our best to create the atmosphere of an American Halloween!!

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Here is our Thursday 5th graders' class. They are learning "location" words right now. Their goal for now in speaking area is just to get use to say things in English and also respond smoothly. For the grammer area, they've already learned all the basics(verbs, ~ing...) and they handled it pretty well. There are a few kids who had never learned English until they came to us, but they are keeping up well too. They are so curios about things and easy to teach.

The Storm is Gone~!

どうやら、嵐もこの辺りから撤退してくれたみたいですね。昨夜は雨風の音があまりに激しくて、私はまったく寝付けませんでした(汗) 今日は強風が残っているものの、外は気持ちの良い秋晴れ。やっとスコッチのお散歩が普通にできると思うとホッとします。
ココ2-3日の間に、大量に例のパーティーのためのグッズがウィルソン家に届いています。最近はめっぽうインターネットショッピングのお世話になってしまっている私たち。何を買うにも、とりあえずネットでの価格をチェックしてから購入する、というほどの気の入れようなのです(笑) 雨も去ってくれたことですし、次のお休みにはやっと家をハロウィン仕様に飾りつけすることができそうです☆ また写真もUPしますね~!!

Looks like the storm is out of this area. I couldn't sleep last night because of all the noises from the outside.. It's still a little windy but the Autumn sky definately makes me feel very refreshed. I feel so relieved that I can walk Scotch like usual again.
For this past few days, we've been receiving many boxes of stuff for the party. We are totally into internet shopping lately. We even check for prices online before we actually purchase anything at stores. Now that the rain is gone, we can finally decorate our house in a Halloween theme!! Look forward to the pictures!!


3rd-4th grader class!


Here is our Friday's 3rd-4th grader kids. Half a class was a little anxious and less confident at first, but they are doing better and better. We are working on their speaking skills right now. I'm looking forward to seeing their improvement.

Shopping time!!

小学1-2年生のクラスです。みんなが好きなアクティビティーのひとつがShopping。何が欲しいか、いくつ欲しいか、をスムーズにいえるように練習します。みんな回を増すごとに上手になってきました^^ 最近は、生徒にお店屋さんの役をやってもらったりもしています。みんな頑張っています。

This is our 1st-2nd grader class. One of their favorite activities is shopping. They practice saying what they want, how many they want smoothly. They are getting better every time! We sometimes make kids do the store person. Everybody is doing a great job!