
Ocean; Before/After !?

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Did you guys notice that our trouble maker Ocean's face is changing over time? When he came here on Aug.26 from Nagoya, he had a little orange on tip of his nose. But now, the orange color is spreading throughout his face and making him look like a tiger. Look at these photos; one on top was taken 3 months ago and the one on the bottom was just taken today. Man, he is getting matured everyday!

Christmas tree

Our Christmas tree in the classroom is getting decorated by our little ones and looking prettier every day. As our lights this year are in pastel colors, we decided to use only silver ornaments for the tree and everyone seems to like it. Look at the kids in the pictures putting ornaments on. Cute aren't they?


Role playing


As we believe reading and writing skills are essential, we teach those in the classroom all the time. However, conversational skills are also as important as those skills. Therefore, we taught our kids some very usueful conversational phrases this week and had them create short role-plays. Some kids were so into this assignment and we enjoyed watching it very much!!



Sorry guys who actually check in this blog for not updating it as often as I used to!! I promise I will update the blog at leaset every 2-3days from now on!!!


Halloween Pary 2009 is over!!

昨日、ついにっ!私たちの教室で主催したハロウィンパーティーがありました。。沢山の子供達がコスチュームを来て参加してくれ、とてもうれしかったです。当初予定していたボキャブラリーゲームが出来なかったり、ピニャータが不良品だったりというハプニングがありましたが、最後は暗がりでTrick or Treating をして、かなり雰囲気のあるハロウィンパーティー最後の演出になったと思っています。今回は初めてのパーティーだったこともあり、今後のパーティーへ生かすべく反省点もいくつかでました。ただ、今は昨日の疲れで次のパーティーのことなどとても考えられない私たちなのです(笑)。みなさん、パーティーに来てくれてありがとう!!すばらしい思い出になりました!!
We had our very first Halloween party yesterday. It was great to see that many kids showed up in the costumes. We had some unexpacted hapennings and couldn't do some stuff as we planned, but the trick or treating in the end was very cool. Since it was our very first party to host, we do have things we will improve on for the next party. Well, for now, we are still too tired from yesterday to think about the next one!! Thank you everyone for coming to the party! We made such a special memory!