
Access counter


I don't think many people are actually checking in this blog though, I just added an access counter for my curiosity. Let's see how many people are looking at this blog. haha.


Rainy blue~~

ウェインがハロウィンの準備を着々と進めています。近所の人たちには「またあの外国人が何か作っている・・・」なんて思われているかも(笑)。 来週以降にはついにそのプロジェクトが完成するかな?! お楽しみに!!

It's rainning!! Summer left us all of sudden with this big tempreture drop. This summer was just toturing to me... Even me, the summer baby, almost became to dislike summer. Higanbana started blooming too.. phew!!
Wayne has been working on the halloween preparation. I'm sure our neighbors are sayng "what is that foreigner up to this time?!" I think his project will be done by next week... Look forward to it guys!!


Halloween is right around the corner!!

昨年のハロウィンパーティー。私たちが初めてホストしたパーティーに100人を優に超える子供たちが集まり、もう会場は大パニックでした>< パーティーが終わった夜のあの脱力感は今も忘れません。。と思っていたらもう1年?! はやい~!というわけで、ウィルソン家では我が家のハロウィンデコレーションの準備と並行してパーティーの準備をはじめています。。家のロフトにしまってあったハロウィングッズがリビングにあふれてきました。 今年のハロウィンデコレーションもまた度派手にいきますよ!

Last halloween party was our very first party to host. There were easily more than 100 kids showed up and it was somewhat panicking! I still remember that big big relief after the craziness.. and what?? It's already time for another halloween party?! Oh my goodness!
Anyhow, we, the Wilsons just started getting ready for our halloween decoration and this year's party all together. Our living room is getting filled with those halloween stuff we pulled out. We are planning heck of a decoration this year!!


Our website needs serious update!!!

教室のホームページが6月の英検以降全く更新されていません(涙)。。。本当にすみません。。今週中に一気に更新させていただきます。英検は受験者である5-6年生の10名全員が5級に合格しました。来年一月の英検で今度は4級に挑戦しようと気合がはいっています!!! みんなのやる気が見えると私たちもうれしいです。

Our website hasn't been updated since Eiken exam in June... I apologize!! We are trying to get it updated this week. Af far as the Eiken, all 10 students who took the exam passed grade 5. They are all motivated to take Eiken 4 in Jan next year. It is very encouraging when we can see our students motivated!!


Yes Yes Yes!! Storm!


Tyhoon #9 is approaching. Our upstairs usually start to get very hot even with the A/C around 9am. However,,, how comfortable it is this morning! It's amazing how much of temperature difference the sun makes. I love sunny days,,, but I can't help welcoming some storms after being totured by the crazy hot weather.