
With Wayne's dad

何人かの生徒たちにはお話したのですが、26日から31日まで、ウェインのお父様が2度目の来日をされています。前回は私たちも連日授業があり、あまり観光も出来なかったのですが、今回は29,30,31日と幸い私たちの授業がお休みのため、近所の観光地をまわっています。私たちもなかなか観光ができていないので一石二鳥です^^ 昨日は掛川城に行って来ました。藤枝は雨模様だったようですが、掛川はお日様もでており、咲き始めた桜とお城がとても絵になっていました。

As we told some of our students, Wayne's dad is with us from 26th to 31st. This is his 2nd visit to Japan. When he came last time, we had classes and couldn't show him around much, but we had three days off this time and we are visiting some local tourist spots. It works for us because we hadn't visited many of those places. We just visited Kakegawa catsle yesterday. I heard that it was rainy in Fujieda, but it was pretty nice in Kakegawa yesterday and the cherry blossoms and the castle looked very beautiful.

Good Bye Party


On 25th, we took one of our classes for lunch as the class was separating after this month. For the two girls, it was our prize for passing Eiken as well. We all ate well and enjoyed the lunch time. They'd stayed with us since our school just started in Oct, 2008 and we had such a special attachment. For whatever the reason, it is very sad to say good bye. Good luck guys, wherever you will be!!


The lucky one

オーシャンもすっかり家族の一員になっています。私たちには無くてはならない存在です。ベッドの上でスコッチとレスリングをしたあとは、ウェインの膝でうたた寝・・・。オーシャンを見ていると自分も猫になりたい・・・なんて思ってしまいます^^; この仔を見るたびに、は~、この仔を引き取って良かった~、この家に迎えてあげて良かった~と実感します^^ 皆さんも捨て猫を引き取ってみませんか?

Ocean's become a very important family member by now. We can't think of our life without him. He wrestles with Scotch on the bed, then falls asleep on Wayne's lap that makes me feel that I want to be a cat myself! Everytime I see him, I realize that I'm so glad that we rescued him and gave him a life. Why don't you consider rescuing abandoned animals?



梅雨の様な毎日ですね・・・。さすがに雨には慣れましたが、好きにはなれなぃです。雨がキライなのは私だけではありません・・・雨が降ると非常に不機嫌になる仔が1匹おります。そう、スコッチ。お散歩大好きドッグのスコッチは、お散歩の時間が来るとソワソワし始めます。そしてなかなか外に出してもらえないと機嫌を損ねてワンワン吠え始めます>< 大雨の時にはさすがに散歩はできませんが、小雨の日にはこのコーギー専用高級レインコートを着せてお散歩にでかけています(笑) かっこいいでしょ?

Raining everyday huh? I got used to having rainy days by now, but I can never learn to like it. And I'm not the only one who doesn't like rains. There is one more,,, yes, that's Scotch. He loves his walking time and he starts acting restless as his body clock tells him it is close to his Osampo time. He gets very grumpy and even starts barking when he doesn't seem to get his walking. Although we can't walk him in heavy rains, he gets his Osampo in the light rains wearing this rain jacket made specially for corgi. Doen't it look cool?


Thanks a bunch!

見てくださいよ~!このバナナ。こんなに大きなバナナの房は初めてみましたョ!13本のバナナが付いています。実はこれ、会話のクラスの生徒さんが私たちのために持ってきてくださったのです^^ 先週は採れたてのイチゴ・・・。なんとラッキーな私たちなのでしょう。早速おやつ代わりに食べてます。ありがとうございました~!!

L@@k at this bananas! I've never seen a banana bunch with this many bananas! There are 13 bananas on it. Actually, one of our conversation class students brought this for us the other day ;-) He even brought us fresh strawberries last week. How lucky we are... We've been eating this every day for snacks. Thank you very very much~!!!

New project!

近所の皆様はお気づきかも知れませんが、教室の看板の下に『英語教室』と書いた新しい看板を設置しました。アメリカで作って持ってきたWilson'sAmericanEnglishのロゴ入り看板は私たちのお気に入りですが、パッとみて、ココが英語教室だとわかる人は少ないのでないかと近頃思うようになり、先日の定休日に突如材料を購入、お正月のプロジェクトで使ったあまりのペンキを再利用して完成☆ 専門店に頼めばきっと高くついたでしょうが、今回の材料費は5000円を切りました。小さな教室ですので、経費は出来る限り節約したいのです。素人にしては上手にできていると思いませんか?

Some of our neighbors might have noticed by now, we just put up a new sign that says "English School." The one that says Wilson's American English with school logo is our favorite and we brought it from the states, but we started thinking lately that not many people can tell we are an English school just by seeing the sign. So, we went to store on our day off and got some materials, made this new sign with left-over paints from new year's. It could've been expensive if you ordered it at a store but our material fee was less than 5000yen! We're a small business and saving money is esseitilal. Doesn't it look pretty good for an amateur's job?