

教室の皆様にはお便りで先日お知らせしましたが、教室第2号が4月よりオープン予定です。やっと物件も決まりまして、今月末から中の改装作業を始められます。そう、改装作業をしなければ教室が始められない状態なんです(涙) 幸い、ウェインが大工仕事大好きなので本人は張り切っていますが、、、なんにせよ、時間がない=!!間に合うんでしょうか。今月末には教室の折り込みチラシも出ます。急がねば!!急がねば!! 

Wow, it's been too long since the last update! I am so sorry. I have had no time to myself since the baby was born... I even started to feel weird when I have some free time.. Grrr.
As we have mentioned on our last newsletter, our second school is opening up in April. We finally found the right place and we get to start renovating the inside in the end of this month. Yes,, renovation,,, the place needs a lot of work done before we can start teaching!! Fortunately, Wayne loves DIY stuff,,,, but he doesn't have much time himself.. Are we gonna get it done in time??? We are putting our school flyer this month! Grrrr we gotta hurryy!!!!

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