

オーシャンがきてひと月、、行動範囲も毎日拡大中です(汗) 最近はウェインの靴下入れの中から靴下を引っ張りだして口にくわえて家中運びまわっています。この小悪魔ちゃんの被害にあった靴下は3足で、発見時にはどれも穴だらけ(涙)。。というわけで、昨夜丈夫なフタ付きの靴下ケースを設置して対処。動画は2匹の敵(靴下)と廊下で戦うオーシャンです。

It's been a month since Ocean came to our house and his territory is expanding everyday!! Recently, he started pulling Wayne's socks out of the box and carrying them around everywhere.. We already lost 3 pairs of socks to this little devil and they got holes when they were discovered. So, we just purchased a sturdy box with a top to prevent further damages. Video shows Ocean battling with two ememies(socks) in a hallway.

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