
EIKEN January

退院し、2週間ちょっとが経ちました。あっという間ですね(@_@)!! 不思議なことに、二人目の方が1㎏ちかく大きかったのにもかかわらず、腰痛は一人目よりも回復が早いのです。。長男の時は3か月くらい寝返りをうつのもやっとなほど腰に激痛をもっていたのですが、今回は、もうスタスタ歩くことができています。マラソンと同じで慣れれば慣れるほど回復も早いのか(フルマラソン3度経験者)? とはいえ、3人目を産んでこの仮説がほんとうなのか確認する元気もありませんが^^;


It has already been 2 weeks since I got discharged from the hospital.. How fast! It is very strange but my back pain is almost all gone although the second baby was about 1 kg heavier than the first one. When I had the first son, I could not turn on the bed for 3 months.. but this time, I am already walking around no problem! Probably this is something your body gets custome to just like marathon(I ran full marathon 3 times!!).. More you experience, faster your body recovers!! Owww well, I have zero energy to give birth to another baby to see if this theory is true or not.

By the way, kids did very well on Eiken in October. All kids who took grade 3 passed the test. Congrats! There were a few who didnt reach the passing score, but we hope that this will make them try harder next time. Right now, we are debating on whether or not we will host eiken in Janyary. There is a rule that you have to have at leaset 10 students to apply as sub-exam  location. We are trying Eiken question with 5-5th grader to see if they seem to be ready for the test this week and make the final decision. There are some kids who constantly say "I dont wanna take eiken!!" and we are not a place to study just to pass eiken either.. But We believe that Eiken is a pretty good way to see what level you are at for your Englsh knowledge. If we decide not to host Eiken in Jan, we are for sure hosting it in June.

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