
An empty nest...

昨日、教室の駐車スペースのダクトの上のツバメの巣で育った4羽の雛ちゃん達が巣立って行きました。なんと早いコト。。。ほんの数週間前小さな頭が覗いていたのに。。あっという間に飛び方も覚え、お別れもなく気づいたら巣が空っぽに。ちょっと寂しい気持ちになりましたが、無事みな巣立ってくれて良かった。。。彼らの運んで来た幸運のおかげか今年はなんだか実りの多い年になっています。また会えますように。Good luck guys!
The baby swallows that grew up in the nest on top of the air duct at our place departed yesterday. How fast! They were just tiny cotton-heads a few weeks ago. They already learned how to fly and just left without saying goodbye. I felt a little sad but am happy that they all grew up to be fine adults. I wonder if it's thank to the good luck they brought that this year has been very fulfilling to us ;) Hope to see them again. Good luck guys!

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